31 research outputs found

    A Web-based modeling tool for the SEMAT Essence theory of Software Engineering

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    As opposed to more mature subjects, software engineering lacks general theories to establish its foundations as a discipline. The Essence Theory of software engineering (Essence) has been proposed by the Software Engineering Methods and Theory (SEMAT) initiative. Essence goal is to develop a theoretically sound basis for software engineering practice and its wide adoption. Essence is yet far from reaching academic and industry adoption. Reasons include a struggle to foresee its utilization potential and the lack of tools implementing it. SEMAT Accelerator (SematAcc) is a Web-positioning tool for a software engineering endeavor, which implements the SEMAT's Essence kernel. SematAcc allows using Essence, thus helping to understand it. The tool enables teaching, adopting, and researching Essence in controlled experiments and case studies.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures. Revised version (after-peer review) for the Journal of Open Research Software , July 201

    The dimensions of software engineering success

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    Software engineering research and practice are hampered by the lack of a well-understood, top-level dependent variable. Recent initiatives on General Theory of Software Engineering suggest a multifaceted variable – Software Engineering Success. However, its exact dimensions are unknown. This paper investigates the dimensions (not causes) of software engineering success. An interdisciplinary sample of 191 design professionals (68 in the software industry) were interviewed concerning their perceptions of success. Non-software designers (e.g. architects) were included to increase the breadth of ideas and facilitate comparative analysis. Transcripts were subjected to supervised, semi-automated semantic content analysis, including a software developer vs. other professionals comparison. Findings suggest that participants view their work as time-constrained projects with explicit clients and other stakeholders. Success depends on stakeholder impacts – financial, social, physical and emotional – and is understood through feedback. Concern with meeting explicit requirements is peculiar to software engineering and design is not equated with aesthetics in many other fields. Software engineering success is a complex multifaceted variable, which cannot sufficiently be explained by traditional dimensions including user satisfaction, profitability or meeting requirements, budgets and schedules. A proto-theory of success is proposed, which models success as the net impact on a particular stakeholder at a particular time. Stakeholder impacts are driven by project efficiency, artifact quality and market performance. Success is not additive, e.g., ‘low’ success for clients does not average with ‘high’ success for developers to make ‘moderate’ success overall; rather, a project may be simultaneously successful and unsuccessful from different perspectives

    Alignment Practices Affect Distances in Software Development: A Theory and a Model

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    Coordinating a software project across distances is challenging. Even without geographical and time zone distances, other distances within a project can cause communication gaps. For example, organisational and cognitive distances between product owners and development-near roles such as developers and testers can lead to weak alignment of the software and the business requirements. Applying good software development practices, known to enhance alignment, can alleviate these challenges. We present a theoretical model called the Gap Model of how alignment practices affect different types of distances. This model has been inductively generated from empirical data. We also present an initial version of a theory based on this model that explains, at a general level, how practices affect communication within a project by impacting distances between people, activities and artefacts. The presented results provide a basis for further research and can be used by software organisations to improve on software practice

    Towards a design theoretic characterisation of software development process models

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    Effective assessment, comparison, selection and adaptation of software development processes remain an acute problem in Software Engineering practice. The quest for a unified theory which might serve this purpose is ongoing. Objective: To take a first step towards such a theory, with focus on characterising and comparing features of software development process models. Method: We consider a theory of design as problem solving and investigate how it can be applied to characterise and explicate specific process features in well known process models from the literature. The intention is to characterise emerging trade-offs between resource expenditure and risk mitigation, which result from the interplay between process efforts into problem and solution exploration vs. stakeholder validation. The analysis, at this point performed, is purely qualitative, and the treatment of resource expenditure and risk quite abstract. Results: We provide an initial characterisation and comparison of features found in a wide range of process models from the literature, within a design theoretic framework using a single building block -- the Problem Oriented Engineering (POE) Process Pattern -- that allows the characterisation of information flow, the relationship between actors, resource usage and developmental risk. Conclusions: The initial characterisation identifies repeated structure in diverse processes, which allows basic process comparison across models. The interpretations are modular, allowing the possibility of relationships between different process models to be explored. As such, the theory allows for a unified means to characterise and compare systematically key features of different process models. In being of an exploratory nature, the work has a number of limitations, which should be addressed by further research

    Utilising the Software Engineering Methods and Theory framework to critically evaluate software engineering practice in the South African banking industry

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and The Built Environment of the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering September 2015In recent years, software has become the cornerstone of banking and new business products are directly dependant on software. The delivery cycles for new features is now related to market share. This drive to use software as a vehicle for competitive advantage has created an environment in which software development of new business systems are increasingly on the critical path of many projects. An organisation’s portfolio of software intensive projects is situated within this complexity and organisations attempt to mitigate the risks associated with these complexities by implementing software development processes and practices. A key problem facing the modern bank is how to define and build a software development process that caters for both the traditional and increasingly agile genres of software development characteristics in a consistent and manageable way. The banks attempt to address this problem through continuous methodology and process improvements. Comparing and assessing non-standardised software engineering lifecycle models without a common framework is a complex and subjective task. A standardised language is important for simplifying the task for developing new methods and practices or for analysing and documenting existing practices. The Software Engineering Methods and Theory (SEMAT) initiative has developed a standardised kernel of essential concepts, together with a language that describes the essence of software engineering. This kernel, called the Essence, has recently become an Object Management Group (OMG) standard. The Essence kernel, together with its language, can be used as the underpinning theory to analyse an existing method and help provide insights that can drive method enhancements. The research report proposes a simple, actionable analysis framework to assist organisations to assess, review and develop their software engineering methods. The core concepts of the methodology are identified and mapped to the Essence concepts. The governance model of the Essence is mapped to the governance model of the industry model and a set of practices is identified and documented in the Essence language. The mapping and resulting analysis can be used to test the validity of the Essence theory in practice and identify areas for improvement in both the method and the Essence standard. The analysis framework has been applied to an operational software development lifecycle of a large South African bank. A mapping of the Essence concepts to the governance model and method documented in the lifecycle was completed. This mapping revealed that the Essence is a valid tool and can be used to describe a method in practice. Furthermore it is useful as an analysis framework to assess the governance model that manages and measures the progress of an endeavour in the Bank. The case study and resulting analysis demonstrate that the Essence standard can be used to analyse a methodology and identify areas for improvement. The analysis also identified areas for improvement in the Essence specification