524 research outputs found

    Airborne Network Data Availability Using Peer to Peer Database Replication on a Distributed Hash Table

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    The concept of distributing one complex task to several smaller, simpler Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) as opposed to one complex UAV is the way of the future for a vast number of surveillance and data collection tasks. One objective for this type of application is to be able to maintain an operational picture of the overall environment. Due to high bandwidth costs, centralizing all data may not be possible, necessitating a distributed storage system such as mobile Distributed Hash Table (DHT). A difficulty with this maintenance is that for an Airborne Network (AN), nodes are vehicles and travel at high rates of speed. Since the nodes travel at high speeds they may be out of contact with other nodes and their data becomes unavailable. To address this the DHT must include a data replication strategy to ensure data availability. This research investigates the percentage of data available throughout the network by balancing data replication and network bandwidth. The DHT used is Pastry with data replication using Beehive, running over an 802.11 wireless environment, simulated in Network Simulator 3. Results show that high levels of replication perform well until nodes are too tightly packed inside a given area which results in too much contention for limited bandwidth

    Pretty Private Group Management

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    Group management is a fundamental building block of today's Internet applications. Mailing lists, chat systems, collaborative document edition but also online social networks such as Facebook and Twitter use group management systems. In many cases, group security is required in the sense that access to data is restricted to group members only. Some applications also require privacy by keeping group members anonymous and unlinkable. Group management systems routinely rely on a central authority that manages and controls the infrastructure and data of the system. Personal user data related to groups then becomes de facto accessible to the central authority. In this paper, we propose a completely distributed approach for group management based on distributed hash tables. As there is no enrollment to a central authority, the created groups can be leveraged by various applications. Following this paradigm we describe a protocol for such a system. We consider security and privacy issues inherently introduced by removing the central authority and provide a formal validation of security properties of the system using AVISPA. We demonstrate the feasibility of this protocol by implementing a prototype running on top of Vuze's DHT

    Content-based addressing in hierarchical distributed hash tables

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    Peer-to-peer networks have drawn their strength from their ability to operate functionally without the use of a central agent. In recent years the development of the structured peer-to-peer network has further increased the distributed nature of p2p systems. These networks take advantage of an underlying distributed data structure, a common one is the distributed hash table (DHT). These peers use this structure to act as equals in a network, sharing the same responsibilities of maintaining and contributing. But herein lays the problem, not all peers are equal in terms of resources and power. And with no central agent to monitor and balance load , the heterogeneous nature of peers can cause many distribution or bottleneck issues on the network and peer levels. This is due to the way in which addresses are allocated in these DHTs. Often this function is carried out by a consistent hashing function. These functions although powerful in their simplicity and effectiveness are the stem of a crucial flaw. This flaw causes the random nature in which addresses are assigned both when considering peer identification and allocating resource ownership. This work proposes a solution to mitigate the random nature of address assignment in DHTs, leveraging two methodologies called hierarchical DHTs and content based addressing. Combining these methods would enable peers to work in cooperative groups of like interested peers in order to dynamically share the load between group members. Group formation and utilization relies on the actual resources a peer willingly shares and is able to contribute rather than a function of the random hash employed by traditional DHT p2p structures

    CATS: linearizability and partition tolerance in scalable and self-organizing key-value stores

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    Distributed key-value stores provide scalable, fault-tolerant, and self-organizing storage services, but fall short of guaranteeing linearizable consistency in partially synchronous, lossy, partitionable, and dynamic networks, when data is distributed and replicated automatically by the principle of consistent hashing. This paper introduces consistent quorums as a solution for achieving atomic consistency. We present the design and implementation of CATS, a distributed key-value store which uses consistent quorums to guarantee linearizability and partition tolerance in such adverse and dynamic network conditions. CATS is scalable, elastic, and self-organizing; key properties for modern cloud storage middleware. Our system shows that consistency can be achieved with practical performance and modest throughput overhead (5%) for read-intensive workloads
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