2,864 research outputs found

    Game theory for cooperation in multi-access edge computing

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    Cooperative strategies amongst network players can improve network performance and spectrum utilization in future networking environments. Game Theory is very suitable for these emerging scenarios, since it models high-complex interactions among distributed decision makers. It also finds the more convenient management policies for the diverse players (e.g., content providers, cloud providers, edge providers, brokers, network providers, or users). These management policies optimize the performance of the overall network infrastructure with a fair utilization of their resources. This chapter discusses relevant theoretical models that enable cooperation amongst the players in distinct ways through, namely, pricing or reputation. In addition, the authors highlight open problems, such as the lack of proper models for dynamic and incomplete information scenarios. These upcoming scenarios are associated to computing and storage at the network edge, as well as, the deployment of large-scale IoT systems. The chapter finalizes by discussing a business model for future networks.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Game-Theoretic Foundations for Forming Trusted Coalitions of Multi-Cloud Services in the Presence of Active and Passive Attacks

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    The prominence of cloud computing as a common paradigm for offering Web-based services has led to an unprecedented proliferation in the number of services that are deployed in cloud data centers. In parallel, services' communities and cloud federations have gained an increasing interest in the recent past years due to their ability to facilitate the discovery, composition, and resource scaling issues in large-scale services' markets. The problem is that the existing community and federation formation solutions deal with services as traditional software systems and overlook the fact that these services are often being offered as part of the cloud computing technology, which poses additional challenges at the architectural, business, and security levels. The motivation of this thesis stems from four main observations/research gaps that we have drawn through our literature reviews and/or experiments, which are: (1) leading cloud services such as Google and Amazon do not have incentives to group themselves into communities/federations using the existing community/federation formation solutions; (2) it is quite difficult to find a central entity that can manage the community/federation formation process in a multi-cloud environment; (3) if we allow services to rationally select their communities/federations without considering their trust relationships, these services might have incentives to structure themselves into communities/federations consisting of a large number of malicious services; and (4) the existing intrusion detection solutions in the domain of cloud computing are still ineffective in capturing advanced multi-type distributed attacks initiated by communities/federations of attackers since they overlook the attacker's strategies in their design and ignore the cloud system's resource constraints. This thesis aims to address these gaps by (1) proposing a business-oriented community formation model that accounts for the business potential of the services in the formation process to motivate the participation of services of all business capabilities, (2) introducing an inter-cloud trust framework that allows services deployed in one or disparate cloud centers to build credible trust relationships toward each other, while overcoming the collusion attacks that occur to mislead trust results even in extreme cases wherein attackers form the majority, (3) designing a trust-based game theoretical model that enables services to distributively form trustworthy multi-cloud communities wherein the number of malicious services is minimal, (4) proposing an intra-cloud trust framework that allows the cloud system to build credible trust relationships toward the guest Virtual Machines (VMs) running cloud-based services using objective and subjective trust sources, (5) designing and solving a trust-based maxmin game theoretical model that allows the cloud system to optimally distribute the detection load among VMs within a limited budget of resources, while considering Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks as a practical scenario, and (6) putting forward a resource-aware comprehensive detection and prevention system that is able to capture and prevent advanced simultaneous multi-type attacks within a limited amount of resources. We conclude the thesis by uncovering some persisting research gaps that need further study and investigation in the future

    A Comprehensive Insight into Game Theory in relevance to Cyber Security

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    The progressively ubiquitous connectivity in the present information systems pose newer challenges tosecurity. The conventional security mechanisms have come a long way in securing the well-definedobjectives of confidentiality, integrity, authenticity and availability. Nevertheless, with the growth in thesystem complexities and attack sophistication, providing security via traditional means can beunaffordable. A novel theoretical perspective and an innovative approach are thus required forunderstanding security from decision-making and strategic viewpoint. One of the analytical tools whichmay assist the researchers in designing security protocols for computer networks is game theory. Thegame-theoretic concept finds extensive applications in security at different levels, including thecyberspace and is generally categorized under security games. It can be utilized as a robust mathematicaltool for modelling and analyzing contemporary security issues. Game theory offers a natural frameworkfor capturing the defensive as well as adversarial interactions between the defenders and the attackers.Furthermore, defenders can attain a deep understanding of the potential attack threats and the strategiesof attackers by equilibrium evaluation of the security games. In this paper, the concept of game theoryhas been presented, followed by game-theoretic applications in cybersecurity including cryptography.Different types of games, particularly those focused on securing the cyberspace, have been analysed andvaried game-theoretic methodologies including mechanism design theories have been outlined foroffering a modern foundation of the science of cybersecurity

    Control plane optimization in Software Defined Networking and task allocation for Fog Computing

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    As the next generation of mobile wireless standard, the fifth generation (5G) of cellular/wireless network has drawn worldwide attention during the past few years. Due to its promise of higher performance over the legacy 4G network, an increasing number of IT companies and institutes have started to form partnerships and create 5G products. Emerging techniques such as Software Defined Networking and Mobile Edge Computing are also envisioned as key enabling technologies to augment 5G competence. However, as popular and promising as it is, 5G technology still faces several intrinsic challenges such as (i) the strict requirements in terms of end-to-end delays, (ii) the required reliability in the control plane and (iii) the minimization of the energy consumption. To cope with these daunting issues, we provide the following main contributions. As first contribution, we address the problem of the optimal placement of SDN controllers. Specifically, we give a detailed analysis of the impact that controller placement imposes on the reactivity of SDN control plane, due to the consistency protocols adopted to manage the data structures that are shared across different controllers. We compute the Pareto frontier, showing all the possible tradeoffs achievable between the inter-controller delays and the switch-to-controller latencies. We define two data-ownership models and formulate the controller placement problem with the goal of minimizing the reaction time of control plane, as perceived by a switch. We propose two evolutionary algorithms, namely Evo-Place and Best-Reactivity, to compute the Pareto frontier and the controller placement minimizing the reaction time, respectively. Experimental results show that Evo-Place outperforms its random counterpart, and Best-Reactivity can achieve a relative error of <= 30% with respect to the optimal algorithm by only sampling less than 10% of the whole solution space. As second contribution, we propose a stateful SDN approach to improve the scalability of traffic classification in SDN networks. In particular, we leverage the OpenState extension to OpenFlow to deploy state machines inside the switch and minimize the number of packets redirected to the traffic classifier. We experimentally compare two approaches, namely Simple Count-Down (SCD) and Compact Count-Down (CCD), to scale the traffic classifier and minimize the flow table occupancy. As third contribution, we propose an approach to improve the reliability of SDN controllers. We implement BeCheck, which is a software framework to detect ``misbehaving'' controllers. BeCheck resides transparently between the control plane and data plane, and monitors the exchanged OpenFlow traffic messages. We implement three policies to detect misbehaving controllers and forward the intercepted messages. BeCheck along with the different policies are validated in a real test-bed. As fourth contribution, we investigate a mobile gaming scenario in the context of fog computing, denoted as Integrated Mobile Gaming (IMG) scenario. We partition mobile games into individual tasks and cognitively offload them either to the cloud or the neighbor mobile devices, so as to achieve minimal energy consumption. We formulate the IMG model as an ILP problem and propose a heuristic named Task Allocation with Minimal Energy cost (TAME). Experimental results show that TAME approaches the optimal solutions while outperforming two other state-of-the-art task offloading algorithms

    Simulated penetration testing and mitigation analysis

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    Da Unternehmensnetzwerke und Internetdienste stetig komplexer werden, wird es immer schwieriger, installierte Programme, Schwachstellen und Sicherheitsprotokolle zu überblicken. Die Idee hinter simuliertem Penetrationstesten ist es, Informationen über ein Netzwerk in ein formales Modell zu transferiern und darin einen Angreifer zu simulieren. Diesem Modell fügen wir einen Verteidiger hinzu, der mittels eigener Aktionen versucht, die Fähigkeiten des Angreifers zu minimieren. Dieses zwei-Spieler Handlungsplanungsproblem nennen wir Stackelberg planning. Ziel ist es, Administratoren, Penetrationstestern und der Führungsebene dabei zu helfen, die Schwachstellen großer Netzwerke zu identifizieren und kosteneffiziente Gegenmaßnahmen vorzuschlagen. Wir schaffen in dieser Dissertation erstens die formalen und algorithmischen Grundlagen von Stackelberg planning. Indem wir dabei auf klassischen Planungsproblemen aufbauen, können wir von gut erforschten Heuristiken und anderen Techniken zur Analysebeschleunigung, z.B. symbolischer Suche, profitieren. Zweitens entwerfen wir einen Formalismus für Privilegien-Eskalation und demonstrieren die Anwendbarkeit unserer Simulation auf lokale Computernetzwerke. Drittens wenden wir unsere Simulation auf internetweite Szenarien an und untersuchen die Robustheit sowohl der E-Mail-Infrastruktur als auch von Webseiten. Viertens ermöglichen wir mittels webbasierter Benutzeroberflächen den leichten Zugang zu unseren Tools und Analyseergebnissen.As corporate networks and Internet services are becoming increasingly more complex, it is hard to keep an overview over all deployed software, their potential vulnerabilities, and all existing security protocols. Simulated penetration testing was proposed to extend regular penetration testing by transferring gathered information about a network into a formal model and simulate an attacker in this model. Having a formal model of a network enables us to add a defender trying to mitigate the capabilities of the attacker with their own actions. We name this two-player planning task Stackelberg planning. The goal behind this is to help administrators, penetration testing consultants, and the management level at finding weak spots of large computer infrastructure and suggesting cost-effective mitigations to lower the security risk. In this thesis, we first lay the formal and algorithmic foundations for Stackelberg planning tasks. By building it in a classical planning framework, we can benefit from well-studied heuristics, pruning techniques, and other approaches to speed up the search, for example symbolic search. Second, we design a theory for privilege escalation and demonstrate the applicability of our framework to local computer networks. Third, we apply our framework to Internet-wide scenarios by investigating the robustness of both the email infrastructure and the web. Fourth, we make our findings and our toolchain easily accessible via web-based user interfaces

    Improving Inter-service bandwidth fairness in Wireless Mesh Networks

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    Includes bibliographical references.We are currently experiencing many technological advances and as a result, a lot of applications and services are developed for use in homes, offices and out in the field. In order to attract users and customers, most applications and / or services are loaded with graphics, pictures and movie clips. This unfortunately means most of these next generation services put a lot of strain on networking resources, namely bandwidth. Efficient management of bandwidth in next generation wireless network is therefore important for ensuring fairness in bandwidth allocation amongst multiple services with diverse quality of service needs. A number of algorithms have been proposed for fairness in bandwidth allocation in wireless networks, and some researchers have used game theory to model the different aspects of fairness. However, most of the existing algorithms only ensure fairness for individual requests and disregard fairness among the classes of services while some other algorithms ensure fairness for the classes of services and disregard fairness among individual requests

    Incentive Mechanisms for Participatory Sensing: Survey and Research Challenges

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    Participatory sensing is a powerful paradigm which takes advantage of smartphones to collect and analyze data beyond the scale of what was previously possible. Given that participatory sensing systems rely completely on the users' willingness to submit up-to-date and accurate information, it is paramount to effectively incentivize users' active and reliable participation. In this paper, we survey existing literature on incentive mechanisms for participatory sensing systems. In particular, we present a taxonomy of existing incentive mechanisms for participatory sensing systems, which are subsequently discussed in depth by comparing and contrasting different approaches. Finally, we discuss an agenda of open research challenges in incentivizing users in participatory sensing.Comment: Updated version, 4/25/201