2,539 research outputs found

    Understanding Digital Technology’s Evolution and the Path of Measured Productivity Growth: Present and Future in the Mirror of the Past

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    Three styles of explanation have been advanced by economists seeking to account for the so-called 'productivity paradox'. The coincidence of a persisting slowdown in the growth of measured total factor productivity (TFP) in the US, since the mid-1970's, with the wave of information technology (It) innovations, is said by some to be an illusion due to the mismeasurement of real output growth; by others to expose the mistaken expectations about the benefits of computerization; and by still others to reflect the amount of time, and the volume of intangible investments in 'learning', and the time required for ancillary innovations that allow the new digital technologies to be applied in ways that are reflected in measured productivity growth. This paper shows that rather than viewing these as competing hypotheses, the dynamics of the transition to a new technological and economic regime based upon a general purpose technology (GPT) should be understood to be likely to give rise to all three 'effects.' It more fully articulates and supports this thesis, which was first advanced in the 'computer and dynamo' papers by David (1990, 1991). The relevance of that historical experience is re-asserted and supported by further evidence rebutting skeptics who have argued that the diffusion of electrification and computerization have little in common. New evidence is produced about the links between IT use, mass customization, and the upward bias of output price deflators arising from the method used to 'chain in' new products prices. The measurement bias due to the exclusion of intangible investments from the scope of the official national product accounts also is examined. Further, it is argued that the development of the general-purpose PC delayed the re-organization of businesses along lines that would have more directly raised task productivity, even though the technologies yielded positive 'revenue productivity' gains for large companies. The paper concludes by indicating the emerging technical and organizational developments that are likely to deliver a sustained surge of measured TFP growth during the decades that lie immediately ahead.

    System architectures for telerobotic research

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    Several activities are performed related to the definition and creation of telerobotic systems. The effort and investment required to create architectures for these complex systems can be enormous; however, the magnitude of process can be reduced if structured design techniques are applied. A number of informal methodologies supporting certain aspects of the design process are available. More recently, prototypes of integrated tools supporting all phases of system design from requirements analysis to code generation and hardware layout have begun to appear. Activities related to system architecture of telerobots are described, including current activities which are designed to provide a methodology for the comparison and quantitative analysis of alternative system architectures


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    In the article the researches of the use of electronic meters with standard nominal parameters for metering of substation own electric energy in the schemes of high and low voltage networks simultaneously with the use of the corresponding calculated coefficients on voltage for the purpose of operational control and determination of the reliability of measurement of electricity parameters.W artykule przedstawiono badania wykorzystania liczników elektronicznych o standardowych parametrach nominalnych do pomiaru energii elektrycznej wƂasnej stacji elektroenergetycznej w obwodach wysokiego i niskiego napięcia przy jednoczesnym zastosowaniu odpowiednich obliczonych wspóƂczynników napięciowych dla potrzeb sterowania pracą i okreƛlania wiarygodnoƛci pomiaru parametrów elektrycznych

    Embedded System is Computer System with Dedicated Function:-A Study

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    Embedded system basically a computer with dedicated function with a large mechanical and electrical system. The use or application of embedded system in various areasworldwide.Hence in this study, we discussed about the wide area of application and finally we have discussed about the use of embedded system in connection with industrial robot along with CNC technology in flexible manufacturing (FMS) where accurate control of speed and position of DC motor in precession and repeatability in motion control have achieved in servomotor and machine actuators

    Application of Robot in CNC Manufacturing Process in Connection with Embeddedsystem

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    Embedded an Electronic system basically a computer application with dedicated function with a large mechanical and electrical integrated system. The use or application of embedded system in various areas worldwide. Hence in this study, we discussed about the wide area of application and finally we have discussed about the use of embedded system in connection with industrial robot along with CNC technology in flexible manufacturing (FMS) where accurate control of speed and position of DC motor in precession and repeatability in motion control have achieved in servomotor and machine actuators.In the paper Specific Area of Embedded System and its Applications have been used as applications of specific processor and devices such as Robot application of CNC in world Class manufacturing process

    Characterizing the Gait of People With Different Types of Amputation and Prosthetic Components Through Multimodal Measurements: A Methodological Perspective

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    Prosthetic gait implies the use of compensatory motor strategies, including alterations in gait biomechanics and adaptations in the neural control mechanisms adopted by the central nervous system. Despite the constant technological advancements in prostheses design that led to a reduction in compensatory movements and an increased acceptance by the users, a deep comprehension of the numerous factors that influence prosthetic gait is still needed. The quantitative prosthetic gait analysis is an essential step in the development of new and ergonomic devices and to optimize the rehabilitation therapies. Nevertheless, the assessment of prosthetic gait is still carried out by a heterogeneous variety of methodologies, and this limits the comparison of results from different studies, complicating the definition of shared and well-accepted guidelines among clinicians, therapists, physicians, and engineers. This perspective article starts from the results of a project funded by the Italian Worker's Compensation Authority (INAIL) that led to the generation of an extended dataset of measurements involving kinematic, kinetic, and electrophysiological recordings in subjects with different types of amputation and prosthetic components. By encompassing different studies published along the project activities, we discuss the specific information that can be extracted by different kinds of measurements, and we here provide a methodological perspective related to multimodal prosthetic gait assessment, highlighting how, for designing improved prostheses and more effective therapies for patients, it is of critical importance to analyze movement neural control and its mechanical actuation as a whole, without limiting the focus to one specific aspect

    CESEC Chair – Training Embedded System Architects for the Critical Systems Domain

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    Increasing complexity and interactions across scientific and tech- nological domains in the engineering of critical systems calls for new pedagogical approach. In this paper, we introduce the CESEC teaching chair. This chair aims at supporting new integrative ap- proach for the initial training of engineer and master curriculum to three engineering school in Toulouse: ISAE, INSA Toulouse and INP ENSEEIHT. It is supported by the EADS Corporate Foundation. In this paper, we highlight the rationale for this chair: need for sys- tem architect with strong foundations on technical domains appli- cable to the aerospace industry. We then introduce the ideal profile for this architect and the various pedagogical approaches imple- mented to reach this objective

    The evolution of retail banking services in United Kingdom: a retrospective analysis

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    The purpose of this paper is to assess the sequence of technological changes occurred in the retail banking sector of the United Kingdom against the emergence of customer services by developing an evolutionary argument. The historical paradigm of Information Technology provides useful insights into the ‘learning opportunities’ that opened the way to endogenous changes in the banking activity such as the reconfiguration of its organizational structure and the diversification of the product line. The central idea of this paper is that innovation never occurs without simultaneous structural change. Thus, a defining property of the banking activity is the diachronic adaptation of formal and informal practices to an evolving technological dimension reflecting the extent to which the diffusion of innovation (re)generates variety of micro level processes and induces industry evolution.Information Technology; Retail Banking; History of Technology; Innovation Systems.
