87 research outputs found

    Gamification : a look into the games elements that drive towards a meaningfull teaching and learning

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    The term gamification was first brought up a game designer Nick Pelling back in 2004, (Rughini?, 2013) whom tried to use game-like enhanced interface to make electronic transactions such as using the Automated Teller Machine (A.T.M); making it more attractive and engaging thus creating a game like fun to the transaction. From this came the definition of gamification; which is the "use of game design elements in non-game contexts" (Deterding et al., 2011)

    The audiovisual knowledge pill as a gamification strategy in second language online courses

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    ste artículo presenta el impacto que tuvo la incorporación de grabaciones Vokis en los cursos virtuales de una serie de asignaturas de lenguas extranjeras (Inglés, Alemán, Francés e Italiano) en los grados de Estudios Ingleses y Turismo de la UNED, la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, cuyas enseñanzas regladas son fundamentalmente en línea. Se plantea la hipótesis de que en un entorno de aprendizaje eminentemente textual como es el de los cursos virtuales de la plataforma oficial aLF, y en particular para lenguas extranjeras, la introducción de píldoras informativas audiovisuales con un componente de gamificación como el que proporciona la herramienta Voki, haría mejorar la actual dinámica de los cursos virtuales y su valoración por parte de los estudiantes. Este artículo describe la propia perspectiva de los estudiantes al respecto, el proceso de diseño e implementación de Vokis por parte de los equipos docentes para insertar información clave de tipo metodológico y epistemológico en sus cursos virtuales de lenguas extranjeras de forma lúdica, así como el efecto y la impresión causados por este experimento en el conjunto de los estudiantes que participaron en él.This article discusses the impact of the incorporation of Voki recordings into the virtual courses of a series of foreign language subjects (namely: English, German, French, and Italian) on the English Studies and Tourism degrees at UNED, the Spanish national distance university, whose formal courses are all fundamentally online. It is argued by the authors that in an essentially text-only learning environment like the virtual courses in the institutional e-Learning platform aLF, particularly for foreign language learning subjects, introducing informative audiovisual pills with a gamification component, such as those provided by the Vokitool, would improve both the dynamics and the students’ perception of the virtual courses. This article presents the students’ view on this issue, the process of designing and implementing Vokisto deliver methodological and epistemological information within the context of the virtual courses of foreign languages, and the effect and the impression of the whole experiment caused on the students who took part in it

    The Role of Gamification in Motivating User Participation in Requirements Determinations

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    The success of a project heavily relies on the quality of requirements determinations, which the systems are built upon. However, about 60% of project failures are due to weak requirements determinations. This weakness is due to poor communication and lack of stakeholder engagement. Understanding the factors that motivate user participation behaviors during requirements determinations will help to recognize how users will demonstrate positive behaviors and will be more engaged. However, empirical research on the factors that motivate participants during requirements determinations to engage and share their knowledge is still lacking. The purpose of this paper is to examine the motivational impact of gamification elements on user participation behaviors during requirements determinations. This paper presents an extended model of the theory of reasoned action. The extended model posits that gamification elements will influence user participation intentions indirectly through their effects on attitude and subjective norms

    Understanding the Value of Reputation Systems in Enterprise Social Media (ESM)-Mutual Influence Between Online and Offline Performance

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    One major concern that organizations face when deploying Enterprise Social Media (ESM) platforms is that of how to encourage employees’ engagement within the system. Reputation systems that gamify the adoption process are incorporated into many ESM to inculcate employee engagement with the ESM. This study seeks to understand the dynamic between employees’ online and offline performance by examining the research question: What are the impacts of reputation systems on the mutual influence between employees’ online performances in ESM and their offline performances such as job performance? We take a performative view of online and offline identities and utilize “embodied entities” to connect the offline performance and online performance. The research will conduct a mixed-method case study to examine ESM and reputation system use in a large international organization. This RIP will present the motivations, theoretical framework, research model, and intended research design

    Engaging Healthcare Users through Gamification in Knowledge Sharing of Continuous Improvement in Healthcare

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    Knowledge management systems are key for capturing, retaining, and communicating results from projects and presenting information to staff. The purpose of a knowledge management system is to tap into the vast wisdom from projects and experts across an organization. This research focuses on the knowledge management system within the Veterans Health Administration that was developed as a repository of information on continuous improvement tools such as flowcharts, value stream mapping, 5S, and the application of these in healthcare projects. The use of social network analysis and gamification improves website organization, user participation, and dissemination of shared knowledge related to continuous improvement of operations. The purpose of gamification is to engage, teach, entertain, measure, and improve the ease of use of information systems. The goal of this research is to utilize gamification theory within the knowledge management system to drive behaviors in a targeted audience and engage users in aspects such as writing, contributing, getting the feedback, which will create a more robust, cohesive system. A thorough review of the current knowledge management system was conducted, and a gap analysis was performed comparing the goals and objectives for the system to the current results. Next, gamification techniques with the potential to improve performance were identified and strategies to implement these were developed

    The impact of gamification on students learning engagement

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    Gamification is to use game elements in a non-game context to increase engagement between human and computer, on the other hand, to encourage in-demand for good behaviors in learning. This research tried to increase student engagements in learning by conducted Gamification technique especially in difficult subjects such as Programming Language courses. The previous work was shown that students dropped, failed, or withdrew from the course at rates of between 35% and 50%. Therefore the main objective of this study is to increase student engagements in learning programming subject, and also to measure the impact of game elements on student’s engagements. Finally, the findings have shown the score of game elements that have a good effect on student’s engagement in the experiment group


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    The objective of this paper is to better understand the incentives and rewards structure in online serious games for crowds. We address the issue of feedback mechanisms with a focus on the relationship between game behavior and accumulated game scores (points). We posit that the score keeping system design is likely to inform us regarding patterns of participation in games. Our question is: what is the theoretical basis for designing a solid scoring function that would motivate players in three ways: a. to start playing; b. to continue playing; c. to strive to win? This paper presents a serious game for a large user base (crowd) and highlights some aspects and benefits of using an online serious game for crowds to enhance knowledge sharing. Understanding game scores promises to offer interesting implications in various fields such as business, knowledge sharing, game design, collaborative design environments and education. Currently, this paper is conceptual; however, findings are expected before the MCIS conference


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    The gamification usually refers to the utilization of game design principles and game mechanisms in non-game contexts in order to drive a specific desired behavior. This concept has relatively recently sparked both academic and professional interest. In the last ten-odd years, gamification principles has been used successfully in many fields and lines of work: education and e-learning, human-computer interaction, information studies, health, psychology, consumer behavior, tourism and many others. In a broader sense of the concept, gamified ideas have been in use for decades despite the fact that the terminology is of a more recent date. In theory, primary gamification goals align with the goals of fundamental marketing philosophy. Its utilization has also become popular in the internet information space and platforms related to digital marketing for various goals, especially for increasing user engagement. The aim of this paper is to explore conducted research and studies of gamification concept applied in the wider context of digital marketing. The research overview illustrates the main areas of gamification utilization and its use efficiency in various settings and scenarios. In addition, the paper aims to provide a foundation for comprehensive future research activities. The implications of these findings are valuable as the explored gamification mechanisms have virtually limitless fields of application but are still unjustifiably and insufficiently researched


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    The gamification usually refers to the utilization of game design principles and game mechanisms in non-game contexts in order to drive a specific desired behavior. This concept has relatively recently sparked both academic and professional interest. In the last ten-odd years, gamification principles has been used successfully in many fields and lines of work: education and e-learning, human-computer interaction, information studies, health, psychology, consumer behavior, tourism and many others. In a broader sense of the concept, gamified ideas have been in use for decades despite the fact that the terminology is of a more recent date. In theory, primary gamification goals align with the goals of fundamental marketing philosophy. Its utilization has also become popular in the internet information space and platforms related to digital marketing for various goals, especially for increasing user engagement. The aim of this paper is to explore conducted research and studies of gamification concept applied in the wider context of digital marketing. The research overview illustrates the main areas of gamification utilization and its use efficiency in various settings and scenarios. In addition, the paper aims to provide a foundation for comprehensive future research activities. The implications of these findings are valuable as the explored gamification mechanisms have virtually limitless fields of application but are still unjustifiably and insufficiently researched