3,371 research outputs found

    A Spiking Neural Network Based Cortex-Like Mechanism and Application to Facial Expression Recognition

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    In this paper, we present a quantitative, highly structured cortex-simulated model, which can be simply described as feedforward, hierarchical simulation of ventral stream of visual cortex using biologically plausible, computationally convenient spiking neural network system. The motivation comes directly from recent pioneering works on detailed functional decomposition analysis of the feedforward pathway of the ventral stream of visual cortex and developments on artificial spiking neural networks (SNNs). By combining the logical structure of the cortical hierarchy and computing power of the spiking neuron model, a practical framework has been presented. As a proof of principle, we demonstrate our system on several facial expression recognition tasks. The proposed cortical-like feedforward hierarchy framework has the merit of capability of dealing with complicated pattern recognition problems, suggesting that, by combining the cognitive models with modern neurocomputational approaches, the neurosystematic approach to the study of cortex-like mechanism has the potential to extend our knowledge of brain mechanisms underlying the cognitive analysis and to advance theoretical models of how we recognize face or, more specifically, perceive other people’s facial expression in a rich, dynamic, and complex environment, providing a new starting point for improved models of visual cortex-like mechanism

    Separating Reflections from Images Using Independent Components Analysis

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    The image of an object can vary dramatically depending on lighting, specularities/reflections and shadows. It is often advantageous to separate these incidental variations from the intrinsic aspects of an image. Along these lines this paper describes a method for photographing objects behind glass and digitally removing the reflections off the glass leaving the image of the objects behind the glass intact. We describe the details of this method which employs simple optical techniques and independent components analysis (ICA) and show its efficacy with several examples

    Fuzzy spectral and spatial feature integration for classification of nonferrous materials in hyperspectral data

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    Hyperspectral data allows the construction of more elaborate models to sample the properties of the nonferrous materials than the standard RGB color representation. In this paper, the nonferrous waste materials are studied as they cannot be sorted by classical procedures due to their color, weight and shape similarities. The experimental results presented in this paper reveal that factors such as the various levels of oxidization of the waste materials and the slight differences in their chemical composition preclude the use of the spectral features in a simplistic manner for robust material classification. To address these problems, the proposed FUSSER (fuzzy spectral and spatial classifier) algorithm detailed in this paper merges the spectral and spatial features to obtain a combined feature vector that is able to better sample the properties of the nonferrous materials than the single pixel spectral features when applied to the construction of multivariate Gaussian distributions. This approach allows the implementation of statistical region merging techniques in order to increase the performance of the classification process. To achieve an efficient implementation, the dimensionality of the hyperspectral data is reduced by constructing bio-inspired spectral fuzzy sets that minimize the amount of redundant information contained in adjacent hyperspectral bands. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm increased the overall classification rate from 44% using RGB data up to 98% when the spectral-spatial features are used for nonferrous material classification

    Novel statistical modeling methods for traffic video analysis

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    Video analysis is an active and rapidly expanding research area in computer vision and artificial intelligence due to its broad applications in modern society. Many methods have been proposed to analyze the videos, but many challenging factors remain untackled. In this dissertation, four statistical modeling methods are proposed to address some challenging traffic video analysis problems under adverse illumination and weather conditions. First, a new foreground detection method is presented to detect the foreground objects in videos. A novel Global Foreground Modeling (GFM) method, which estimates a global probability density function for the foreground and applies the Bayes decision rule for model selection, is proposed to model the foreground globally. A Local Background Modeling (LBM) method is applied by choosing the most significant Gaussian density in the Gaussian mixture model to model the background locally for each pixel. In addition, to mitigate the correlation effects of the Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) color space on the independence assumption among the color component images, some other color spaces are investigated for feature extraction. To further enhance the discriminatory power of the input feature vector, the horizontal and vertical Haar wavelet features and the temporal information are integrated into the color features to define a new 12-dimensional feature vector space. Finally, the Bayes classifier is applied for the classification of the foreground and the background pixels. Second, a novel moving cast shadow detection method is presented to detect and remove the cast shadows from the foreground. Specifically, a set of new chromatic criteria is presented to detect the candidate shadow pixels in the Hue, Saturation, and Value (HSV) color space. A new shadow region detection method is then proposed to cluster the candidate shadow pixels into shadow regions. A statistical shadow model, which uses a single Gaussian distribution to model the shadow class, is presented to classify shadow pixels. Additionally, an aggregated shadow detection strategy is presented to integrate the shadow detection results and remove the shadows from the foreground. Third, a novel statistical modeling method is presented to solve the automated road recognition problem for the Region of Interest (RoI) detection in traffic video analysis. A temporal feature guided statistical modeling method is proposed for road modeling. Additionally, a model pruning strategy is applied to estimate the road model. Then, a new road region detection method is presented to detect the road regions in the video. The method applies discriminant functions to classify each pixel in the estimated background image into a road class or a non-road class, respectively. The proposed method provides an intra-cognitive communication mode between the RoI selection and video analysis systems. Fourth, a novel anomalous driving detection method in videos, which can detect unsafe anomalous driving behaviors is introduced. A new Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) method is proposed to extract the velocities and trajectories of moving foreground objects in video. The new MOT method is a motion-based tracking method, which integrates the temporal and spatial features. Then, a novel Gaussian Local Velocity (GLV) modeling method is presented to model the normal moving behavior in traffic videos. The GLV model is built for every location in the video frame, and updated online. Finally, a discriminant function is proposed to detect anomalous driving behaviors. To assess the feasibility of the proposed statistical modeling methods, several popular public video datasets, as well as the real traffic videos from the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) are applied. The experimental results show the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed methods

    Machine Learning Methods with Noisy, Incomplete or Small Datasets

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    In many machine learning applications, available datasets are sometimes incomplete, noisy or affected by artifacts. In supervised scenarios, it could happen that label information has low quality, which might include unbalanced training sets, noisy labels and other problems. Moreover, in practice, it is very common that available data samples are not enough to derive useful supervised or unsupervised classifiers. All these issues are commonly referred to as the low-quality data problem. This book collects novel contributions on machine learning methods for low-quality datasets, to contribute to the dissemination of new ideas to solve this challenging problem, and to provide clear examples of application in real scenarios