8 research outputs found

    Removal and Contraction for n-Dimensional Generalized Maps

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    International audienceRemoval and contraction are basic operations for several methods conceived in order to handle irregular image pyramids, for multi-level image analysis for instance. Such methods are often based upon graph-like representations which do not maintain all topological information, even for 2-dimensional images. We study the definitions of removal and contraction operations in the generalized maps framework. These combinatorial structures enable us to unambiguously represent the topology of a well-known class of subdivisions of n-dimensional (discrete) spaces. The results of this study make a basis for a further work about irregular pyramids of n-dimensional images

    Removal and Contraction Operations in nnD Generalized Maps for Efficient Homology Computation

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    In this paper, we show that contraction operations preserve the homology of nnD generalized maps, under some conditions. Removal and contraction operations are used to propose an efficient algorithm that compute homology generators of nnD generalized maps. Its principle consists in simplifying a generalized map as much as possible by using removal and contraction operations. We obtain a generalized map having the same homology than the initial one, while the number of cells decreased significantly. Keywords: nnD Generalized Maps; Cellular Homology; Homology Generators; Contraction and Removal Operations.Comment: Research repor

    Merge-and-simplify operation for compact combinatorial pyramid definition

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    International audienceImage pyramids are employed for years in digital image processing. They permit to store and use different scales/levels of details of an image. To represent all the topological information of the different levels, combinatorial pyramids have proved having many interests. But, when using an explicit representation, one drawback of this structure is the memory space required to store such a pyramid. In this paper, this drawback is solved by defining a compact version of combinatorial pyramids. This definition is based on the definition of a new operation, called "merge-and-simplify", which simultaneously merges regions and simplifies their boundaries. Our experiments show that the memory space of our solution is much smaller than the one of the original version. Moreover, the computation time of our solution is faster, because there are less levels in our pyramid than in the original one

    Consistency constraints and 3D building reconstruction

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    International audienceVirtual architectural (indoor) scenes are often modeled in 3D for various types of simulation systems. For instance, some authors propose methods dedicated to lighting, heat transfer, acoustic or radio-wave propagation simulations. These methods rely in most cases on a volumetric representation of the environment, with adjacency and incidence relationships. Unfortunately, many buildings data are only given by 2D plans and the 3D needs varies from one application to another. To face these problems, we propose a formal representation of consistency constraints dedicated to building interiors and associated with a topological model. We show that such a representation can be used for: (i) reconstructing 3D models from 2D architectural plans (ii) detecting automatically geometrical, topological and semantical inconsistencies (iii) designing automatic and semi-automatic operations to correct and enrich a 2D plan. All our constraints are homogeneously defined in 2D and 3D, implemented with generalized maps and used in modeling operations. We explain how this model can be successfully used for lighting and radio-wave propagation simulations

    Combinatorial models for topology-based geometric modeling

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    Many combinatorial (topological) models have been proposed in geometric modeling, computational geometry, image processing or analysis, for representing subdivided geometric objects, i.e. partitionned into cells of different dimensions: vertices, edges, faces, volumes, etc. We can distinguish among models according to the type of cells (regular or not regular ones), the type of assembly ("manifold" or "non manifold"), the type of representation (incidence graphs or ordered models), etc

    Incremental Computation of the Homology of Generalized Maps: An Application of Effective Homology Results

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    This paper deals with the incremental computation of the homology of " cellular " combinatorial structures, namely combinatorial maps and incidence graphs. " Incremental " is related to the operations which are applied to construct such structures: basic operations, i.e. the creation of cells and the identification of cells, are considered in the paper. Such incremental computation is done by applying results of effective homology [RS06]: a correspondence between the chain complex associated with a given combinatorial structure is maintained with a " smaller " chain complex , from which the homology groups and homology generators can be more efficiently computed

    Modélisation, Analyse, Représentation des Images Numériques Approche combinatoire de l’imagerie

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    My research are focused on combinatorial image processing. My approach is to propose mathematical models to abstract physical reality. This abstraction allows to define new techniques leading to original solutions for some problems. In this context, I propose a topological model of image, regions segmentation based on statistical criteria and combinatorial algorithms, and a bound representation based on combinatorial maps.Mes travaux de recherche sont basés sur une approche combinatoire et discrète de l’imagerie. Ma démarche est de proposer des définitions de modèles mathématiques fournissant une abstraction de la réalité physique, cette abstraction permettant de définir des nouvelles techniques amenant des solutions originales à des problèmes posés. Dans ce cadre, je me suis plus particulièrement intéressé à la définition d’un modèle formel d’image, à la segmentation en régions par des techniques algorithmiques et statistiques, et à la structuration du résultat à l’aide d’une représentation combinatoire