156 research outputs found

    Regional Ionosphere Mapping and Autonomous Uplink (RIMAU) Satellite Constellation for Space Weather monitoring and nowcasting over Singapore

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    The Regional Ionosphere Mapping and Autonomous Uplink (RIMAU) mission is a constellation of six CubeSats in an equatorial orbit, making Radio Occultation (RO) measurements of the atmosphere and in-situ Ionospheric measurements to characterize the ionosphere over equatorial South-East Asia in near real time. RIMAU builds on the success of the VELOX-CI mission developed and operated at the Satellite Research Centre (SaRC) at Nanyang Technological University, which carried a commercial-off-the-shelf GPS receiver and have been operating successfully since December 2015. RIMAU will carry GPS receivers for RO and an Ionospheric payload, the Compact Ionosphere Probe (CIP) developed by National Central University of Taiwan, consisting of a planar Langmuir probe, retarding potential analyser and Ion trap/drift meter. RIMAU-1 is scheduled to be in operation by 2021 with the full constellation scheduled for flight by 2023. A secondary objective of RIMAU is to provide a Low Earth Orbiting nanosatellite platform for communication with remote sensors in the region. RIMAU-1 will demonstrate communication with remote water sensors monitoring water pollutants and uplink from ground based GPS sensors to adjust the sampling rate for the Ionospheric probe during periods of high scintillation. Understanding the occurrence and impact of Ionospheric irregularities is critically needed for equatorial countries like Singapore. In this paper, we present a novel idea to combine ground based and space based Ionospheric observations to monitor in near-real time the Ionosphere over the Singapore region to characterize Ionospheric disturbances and their impact on communication and navigation systems. The main data products from these measurements will be vertical profiles of the Total Electron Content (TEC) in the ionosphere, atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles in the troposphere. RIMAU TEC measurements will be combined with ground based TEC measurements from ~ 60 GPS receivers in the SE Asia region, operated by the Earth Observatory of Singapore to produce 3D maps of the Ionosphere

    Regional Ionosphere Mapping and Autonomous Uplink (RIMAU) Satellite Constellation for Space Weather monitoring and nowcasting over Singapore

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    The Regional Ionosphere Mapping and Autonomous Uplink (RIMAU) mission is a constellation of six CubeSats in an equatorial orbit, making Radio Occultation (RO) measurements of the atmosphere and in-situ Ionospheric measurements to characterize the ionosphere over equatorial South-East Asia in near real time. RIMAU builds on the success of the VELOX-CI mission developed and operated at the Satellite Research Centre (SaRC) at Nanyang Technological University, which carried a commercial-off-the-shelf GPS receiver and have been operating successfully since December 2015. RIMAU will carry GPS receivers for RO and an Ionospheric payload, the Compact Ionosphere Probe (CIP) developed by National Central University of Taiwan, consisting of a planar Langmuir probe, retarding potential analyser and Ion trap/drift meter. RIMAU-1 is scheduled to be in operation by 2021 with the full constellation scheduled for flight by 2023. A secondary objective of RIMAU is to provide a Low Earth Orbiting nanosatellite platform for communication with remote sensors in the region. RIMAU-1 will demonstrate communication with remote water sensors monitoring water pollutants and uplink from ground based GPS sensors to adjust the sampling rate for the Ionospheric probe during periods of high scintillation. Understanding the occurrence and impact of Ionospheric irregularities is critically needed for equatorial countries like Singapore. In this paper, we present a novel idea to combine ground based and space based Ionospheric observations to monitor in near-real time the Ionosphere over the Singapore region to characterize Ionospheric disturbances and their impact on communication and navigation systems. The main data products from these measurements will be vertical profiles of the Total Electron Content (TEC) in the ionosphere, atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles in the troposphere. RIMAU TEC measurements will be combined with ground based TEC measurements from ~ 60 GPS receivers in the SE Asia region, operated by the Earth Observatory of Singapore to produce 3D maps of the Ionosphere

    Imaging ionospheric inhomogeneities using spaceborne synthetic aperture radar

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    We present a technique and results of 2-D imaging of Faraday rotation and total electron content using spaceborne L band polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR). The results are obtained by processing PolSAR data collected using the Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) on board the Advanced Land Observation Satellite. Distinguished ionospheric inhomogeneities are captured in 2-D images from space with relatively high resolutions of hundreds of meters to a couple of kilometers in auroral-, middle-, and low-latitude regions. The observed phenomena include aurora-associated ionospheric enhancement arcs, the middle-latitude trough, traveling ionospheric disturbances, and plasma bubbles, as well as ionospheric irregularities. These demonstrate a new capability of spaceborne synthetic aperture radar that will not only provide measurements to correction of ionospheric effects in Earth science imagery but also significantly benefit ionospheric studies

    Ionosphere Monitoring with Remote Sensing

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    This book focuses on the characterization of the physical properties of the Earth’s ionosphere, contributing to unveiling the nature of several processes responsible for a plethora of space weather-related phenomena taking place in a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. This is made possible by the exploitation of a huge amount of high-quality data derived from both remote sensing and in situ facilities such as ionosondes, radars, satellites and Global Navigation Satellite Systems receivers

    Tomographic imaging of ionospheric plasma bubbles based on GNSS and radio occultation measurements

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    Total electron content measurements given by the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) have successfully presented results to capture the signatures of equatorial plasma bubbles. In contrast, the correct reproduction of plasma depletions at electron density level is still a relevant challenge for ionospheric tomographic imaging. In this regard, this work shows the first results of a new tomographic reconstruction technique based on GNSS and radio-occultation data to map the vertical and horizontal distributions of ionospheric plasma bubbles in one of the most challenging conditions of the equatorial region. Twenty-three days from 2013 and 2014 with clear evidence of plasma bubble structures propagating through the Brazilian region were analyzed and compared with simultaneous observations of all-sky images in the 630.0 nm emission line of the atomic oxygen. The mean rate of success of the tomographic method was 37.1%, being more efficient near the magnetic equator, where the dimensions of the structures are larger. Despite some shortcomings of the reconstruction technique, mainly associated with ionospheric scintillations and the weak geometry of the ground-based GNSS receivers, both vertical and horizontal distributions were mapped over more than 30° in latitude, and have been detected in instances where the meteorological conditions disrupted the possibility of analyzing the OI 630 nm emissions. Therefore, the results revealed the proposed tomographic reconstruction as an efficient tool for mapping characteristics of the plasma bubble structures, which may have a special interest in Space Weather, Spatial Geodesy, and Telecommunications.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Improved characterization and modeling of equatorial plasma depletions

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    This manuscript presents a method to identify the occurrence of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles (EPBs) with data gathered from receivers of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). This method adapts a previously existing technique to detect Medium Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances (MSTIDs), which focus on the 2nd time derivatives of total electron content estimated from GNSS signals (2DTEC). Results from this tool made possible to develop a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of EPBs. Analyses of the probability of occurrence, effective time duration, depth of the depletion and total disturbance of the EPBs show their dependence on local time and season of the year at global scale within the latitude belt from 35°N to 35°S for the descending phase of solar cycle 23 and ascending phase of solar cycle 24, 2002–2014. These results made possible to build an EPBs model, bounded with the Solar Flux index, that simulates the probability of the number of EPBs and their characteristics expected for a representative day at given season and local time (LT). The model results provided insight into different important aspects: the maximum occurrence of bubbles take place near the equatorial anomaly crests, asymmetry between hemispheres and preferred longitudes with enhanced EPBs activity. Model output comparisons with independent observations confirmed its soundness.Postprint (published version

    Global monitoring of ionospheric weather by GIRO and GNSS data fusion

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    Prompt and accurate imaging of the ionosphere is essential to space weather services, given a broad spectrum of applications that rely on ionospherically propagating radio signals. As the 3D spatial extent of the ionosphere is vast and covered only fragmentarily, data fusion is a strong candidate for solving imaging tasks. Data fusion has been used to blend models and observations for the integrated and consistent views of geosystems. In space weather scenarios, low latency of the sensor data availability is one of the strongest requirements that limits the selection of potential datasets for fusion. Since remote plasma sensing instrumentation for ionospheric weather is complex, scarce, and prone to unavoidable data noise, conventional 3D-var assimilative schemas are not optimal. We describe a novel substantially 4D data fusion service based on near-real-time data feeds from Global Ionosphere Radio Observatory (GIRO) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) called GAMBIT (Global Assimilative Model of the Bottomside Ionosphere with Topside estimate). GAMBIT operates with a few-minute latency, and it releases, among other data products, the anomaly maps of the effective slab thickness (EST) obtained by fusing GIRO and GNSS data. The anomaly EST mapping aids understanding of the vertical plasma restructuring during disturbed conditionsPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Analyzing the Ionospheric Irregularities Caused by the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm Using Ground-Based GNSS, Swarm, and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Data near the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly in East Africa

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    Geomagnetic storms are one of the leading causes of ionospheric irregularities, depending on their intensity. The 6–10 September 2017 geomagnetic storm, the most severe geomagnetic event of the year, resulted from an X9 solar flare and a subsequent coronal mass ejection (CME), with the first sudden storm commencements (SSC) occurring at 23:43 UT on day 06, coinciding with a Sym-H value of approximately 50 nT, triggered by a sudden increase in the solar wind. The interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) and disturbance storm time (Dst) increased when the first SSC occurred at 23:43 UT on 6 September. The second SSC occurred with a more vigorous intensity at 23:00 UT on 7 September, with the Kp index reaching 8 and the auroral electrojet (AE) 2500 nT. In this study, we investigated this phenomenon using data from Swarm, FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC, and ground-based GNSS networks in East Africa to measure ionospheric irregularities near the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA). In this procedure, the total electron content (TEC), amplitude scintillation (S4), and rate of TEC Index (ROTI) were implemented to recognize ionospheric irregularities appearing during the geomagnetic storm. In addition, the Langmuir plasma probes of the Swarm satellites were employed to identify the rate of electron density index (RODI). The results obtained from the different techniques indicate the effects of geomagnetic storms in terms of increased ionospheric irregularities indicated by geophysical ionospheric parameters. This study demonstrates the potential of using space-based measurements to detect the effects of a geomagnetic storm on ionospheric irregularities for regions where ground-based ionospheric observations are rarely available, such as above the oceans

    GNSS Remote Sensing:Overview and selected recent developments

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    Ponencia expuesta online en el 8th International Radio Occultation Working Group Meeting (2021) celebrado del 7 al 9 de abrilGround and satellite based GNSS Remote Sensing (GNSS-RS) developed during the recent two decades into a very powerful and versatile tool for Earth System Research. A highlight of these developments is the operational use of spaceborne GNSS Radio Occultation (RO) data from several satellite missions to improve day-by-day global weather predictions. GNSS Remote Sensing is briefly introduced with selected applications. One prominent example is the improvement of regional and global weather forecasts. GNSS signals, reflected from water, ice and land surfaces (GNSS-Reflectometry, GNSS-R) can usefully complement the observation capabilities of GNSS-RO mission and enable versatile additional geophysical applications such as observation of wind speed and precipitation over oceans, which are illustrated. Finally, selected aspects for a comprehensive GNSS based Earth Observation with small satellite constellations are presented

    GNSS Atmospheric and Ionospheric Sounding – Methods and Results

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