1,241 research outputs found

    Service and device discovery of nodes in a wireless sensor network

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    Emerging wireless communication standards and more capable sensors and actuators have pushed further development of wireless sensor networks. Deploying a large number of sensor\ud nodes requires a high-level framework enabling the devices to present themselves and the resources they hold. The device and the resources can be described as services, and in this paper, we review a number of well-known service discovery protocols. Bonjour stands out with its auto-configuration, distributed architecture, and sharing of resources. We also present a lightweight implementation in order to demonstrate that an emerging standards-based device and service discovery protocol can actually be deployed on small wireless sensor nodes

    Recent advances in industrial wireless sensor networks towards efficient management in IoT

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    With the accelerated development of Internet-of- Things (IoT), wireless sensor networks (WSN) are gaining importance in the continued advancement of information and communication technologies, and have been connected and integrated with Internet in vast industrial applications. However, given the fact that most wireless sensor devices are resource constrained and operate on batteries, the communication overhead and power consumption are therefore important issues for wireless sensor networks design. In order to efficiently manage these wireless sensor devices in a unified manner, the industrial authorities should be able to provide a network infrastructure supporting various WSN applications and services that facilitate the management of sensor-equipped real-world entities. This paper presents an overview of industrial ecosystem, technical architecture, industrial device management standards and our latest research activity in developing a WSN management system. The key approach to enable efficient and reliable management of WSN within such an infrastructure is a cross layer design of lightweight and cloud-based RESTful web service

    Forum Session at the First International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC03)

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    The First International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC) was held in Trento, December 15-18, 2003. The focus of the conference ---Service Oriented Computing (SOC)--- is the new emerging paradigm for distributed computing and e-business processing that has evolved from object-oriented and component computing to enable building agile networks of collaborating business applications distributed within and across organizational boundaries. Of the 181 papers submitted to the ICSOC conference, 10 were selected for the forum session which took place on December the 16th, 2003. The papers were chosen based on their technical quality, originality, relevance to SOC and for their nature of being best suited for a poster presentation or a demonstration. This technical report contains the 10 papers presented during the forum session at the ICSOC conference. In particular, the last two papers in the report ere submitted as industrial papers

    A Communication Middleware for Ubiquitous Multimedia Adaptation Services

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    Ubiquitous services have gained increasing attention in the area of mobile communication aiming to allow service access anywhere, anytime and anyhow while keeping complexity to a minimum for both users and service providers. Ubiquitous environment features a wide range and an increasing number of access devices and network technologies. Context-aware content/service adaptation is deemed necessary to ensure best user experience. We developed an Adaptation Management Framework (AMF) Web Service which manages the complexity of dynamic and autonomous content adaptation and serves as an invisible enabler for ubiquitous service delivery. It remains challenging to manage the tasks involved in the communication between the AMF Web Service and the user's environment, typically represented by various types of intelligent agents. This work presents a middleware which manages those tasks and serves not only as a protocol gateway, but also as a message translator, a service broker, a complexity shield etc., between AMF Web Services and User Agents

    Condor services for the Global Grid:interoperability between Condor and OGSA

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    In order for existing grid middleware to remain viable it is important to investigate their potentialfor integration with emerging grid standards and architectural schemes. The Open Grid ServicesArchitecture (OGSA), developed by the Globus Alliance and based on standard XML-based webservices technology, was the first attempt to identify the architectural components required tomigrate towards standardized global grid service delivery. This paper presents an investigation intothe integration of Condor, a widely adopted and sophisticated high-throughput computing softwarepackage, and OGSA; with the aim of bringing Condor in line with advances in Grid computing andprovide the Grid community with a mature suite of high-throughput computing job and resourcemanagement services. This report identifies mappings between elements of the OGSA and Condorinfrastructures, potential areas of conflict, and defines a set of complementary architectural optionsby which individual Condor services can be exposed as OGSA Grid services, in order to achieve aseamless integration of Condor resources in a standardized grid environment

    A Component-Based Approach for Securing Indoor Home Care Applications

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    eHealth systems have adopted recent advances on sensing technologies together with advances in information and communication technologies (ICT) in order to provide people-centered services that improve the quality of life of an increasingly elderly population. As these eHealth services are founded on the acquisition and processing of sensitive data (e.g., personal details, diagnosis, treatments and medical history), any security threat would damage the public's confidence in them. This paper proposes a solution for the design and runtime management of indoor eHealth applications with security requirements. The proposal allows applications definition customized to patient particularities, including the early detection of health deterioration and suitable reaction (events) as well as security needs. At runtime, security support is twofold. A secured component-based platform supervises applications execution and provides events management, whilst the security of the communications among application components is also guaranteed. Additionally, the proposed event management scheme adopts the fog computing paradigm to enable local event related data storage and processing, thus saving communication bandwidth when communicating with the cloud. As a proof of concept, this proposal has been validated through the monitoring of the health status in diabetic patients at a nursing home.This work was financed under project DPI2015-68602-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE), UPV/EHU under project PPG17/56 and GV/EJ under recognized research group IT914-16

    Web service control of component-based agile manufacturing systems

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    Current global business competition has resulted in significant challenges for manufacturing and production sectors focused on shorter product lifecyc1es, more diverse and customized products as well as cost pressures from competitors and customers. To remain competitive, manufacturers, particularly in automotive industry, require the next generation of manufacturing paradigms supporting flexible and reconfigurable production systems that allow quick system changeovers for various types of products. In addition, closer integration of shop floor and business systems is required as indicated by the research efforts in investigating "Agile and Collaborative Manufacturing Systems" in supporting the production unit throughout the manufacturing lifecycles. The integration of a business enterprise with its shop-floor and lifecycle supply partners is currently only achieved through complex proprietary solutions due to differences in technology, particularly between automation and business systems. The situation is further complicated by the diverse types of automation control devices employed. Recently, the emerging technology of Service Oriented Architecture's (SOA's) and Web Services (WS) has been demonstrated and proved successful in linking business applications. The adoption of this Web Services approach at the automation level, that would enable a seamless integration of business enterprise and a shop-floor system, is an active research topic within the automotive domain. If successful, reconfigurable automation systems formed by a network of collaborative autonomous and open control platform in distributed, loosely coupled manufacturing environment can be realized through a unifying platform of WS interfaces for devices communication. The adoption of SOA- Web Services on embedded automation devices can be achieved employing Device Profile for Web Services (DPWS) protocols which encapsulate device control functionality as provided services (e.g. device I/O operation, device state notification, device discovery) and business application interfaces into physical control components of machining automation. This novel approach supports the possibility of integrating pervasive enterprise applications through unifying Web Services interfaces and neutral Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) message communication between control systems and business applications over standard Ethernet-Local Area Networks (LAN's). In addition, the re-configurability of the automation system is enhanced via the utilisation of Web Services throughout an automated control, build, installation, test, maintenance and reuse system lifecycle via device self-discovery provided by the DPWS protocol...cont'd

    Data Aggregation through Web Service Composition in Smart Camera Networks

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    Distributed Smart Camera (DSC) networks are power constrained real-time distributed embedded systems that perform computer vision using multiple cameras. Providing data aggregation techniques that is criti-cal for running complex image processing algorithms on DSCs is a challenging task due to complexity of video and image data. Providing highly desirable SQL APIs for sophisticated query processing in DSC networks is also challenging for similar reasons. Research on DSCs to date have not addressed the above two problems. In this thesis, we develop a novel SOA based middleware framework on a DSC network that uses Distributed OSGi to expose DSC network services as web services. We also develop a novel web service composition scheme that aid in data aggregation and a SQL query interface for DSC net-works that allow sophisticated query processing. We validate our service orchestration concept for data aggregation by providing query primitive for face detection in smart camera network