2 research outputs found

    Toward Sensor-Based Context Aware Systems

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    This paper proposes a methodology for sensor data interpretation that can combine sensor outputs with contexts represented as sets of annotated business rules. Sensor readings are interpreted to generate events labeled with the appropriate type and level of uncertainty. Then, the appropriate context is selected. Reconciliation of different uncertainty types is achieved by a simple technique that moves uncertainty from events to business rules by generating combs of standard Boolean predicates. Finally, context rules are evaluated together with the events to take a decision. The feasibility of our idea is demonstrated via a case study where a context-reasoning engine has been connected to simulated heartbeat sensors using prerecorded experimental data. We use sensor outputs to identify the proper context of operation of a system and trigger decision-making based on context information

    Improving the methodology for development and use of collaboration systems

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    I pored postojanja velikog broja kolaboracionih sistema i alata oni se često koriste bez skupa pravila ili metodologije koja bi opravdala i omogućila način njihovog korišćenja. Predmet istraživanja je moguće unapređenje metodologije razvoja i korišćenja kolaboracionih sistema. Rad se bavi medotologijom razvoja, ali i definisanjem modela podrške putem obrazaca za različite slučajeve korišćenja. U istraživanju se polazi od pretpostavke da učesnici u procesu kolaboracije treba da koriste raspoložive tehnologije, sisteme i alate na način koji je stvarno primenljiv u određenom kontekstu, a ne na unapred definisan način koji često nije u saglasnosti sa ograničenjima koje nameće okruženje. Unapređenjem metodologije razvoja i korišćenja pomenutih sistema povećala bi se efikasnost i ostvario bolji efekat razmene ideja, informacija i dokumenata u kolaboracionom okruženju. Korišćenjem generičke metodologije predloženo je rešenje koje može uspešno da integriše različite servise i alate koji se koriste za kolaboraciju...Even with the existence of a large number of collaboration systems and tools they are often used without a set of rules or methodology that could justify and enable the means of their use. Subject of the research is improvement of the methodology for development and use of collaboration systems. Thesis defines the methodology as well as defining the models of support by providing templates for different use cases. Research is based on assumption that the participants in the collaborating process should use available resources, technologies, systems and tools in a way which should be applied to a particular context and not in a predefined way that most of the time is not practical or sustainable in the real environment. By improving methodology of development and use of mentioned systems direct consequence would be enhancement of efficiency and better effect of the exchange of ideas, information and documents in the collaborating environment. Using a generic methodology we suggest a solution that can successfully integrate different services and tools that are used for collaboration..