9 research outputs found

    Reliable Real-Time Ball Tracking for Robot Table Tennis

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    Robot table tennis systems require a vision system that can track the ball position with low latency and high sampling rate. Altering the ball to simplify the tracking using, for instance, infrared coating changes the physics of the ball trajectory. As a result, table tennis systems use custom tracking systems to track the ball based on heuristic algorithms respecting the real-time constrains applied to RGB images captured with a set of cameras. However, these heuristic algorithms often report erroneous ball positions, and the table tennis policies typically need to incorporate additional heuristics to detect and possibly correct outliers. In this paper, we propose a vision system for object detection and tracking that focuses on reliability while providing real-time performance. Our assumption is that by using multiple cameras, we can find and discard the errors obtained in the object detection phase by checking for consistency with the positions reported by other cameras. We provide an open source implementation of the proposed tracking system to simplify future research in robot table tennis or related tracking applications with strong real-time requirements. We evaluate the proposed system thoroughly in simulation and in the real system, outperforming previous work. Furthermore, we show that the accuracy and robustness of the proposed system increases as more cameras are added. Finally, we evaluate the table tennis playing performance of an existing method in the real robot using the proposed vision system. We measure a slight increase in performance compared to a previous vision system even after removing all the heuristics previously present to filter out erroneous ball observations

    Real Time Trajectory Prediction Using Deep Conditional Generative Models

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    Data driven methods for time series forecasting that quantify uncertainty open new important possibilities for robot tasks with hard real time constraints, allowing the robot system to make decisions that trade off between reaction time and accuracy in the predictions. Despite the recent advances in deep learning, it is still challenging to make long term accurate predictions with the low latency required by real time robotic systems. In this paper, we propose a deep conditional generative model for trajectory prediction that is learned from a data set of collected trajectories. Our method uses encoder and decoder deep networks that maps complete or partial trajectories to a Gaussian distributed latent space and back, allowing for fast inference of the future values of a trajectory given previous observations. The encoder and decoder networks are trained using stochastic gradient variational Bayes. In the experiments, we show that our model provides more accurate long term predictions with a lower latency that popular models for trajectory forecasting like recurrent neural networks or physical models based on differential equations. Finally, we test our proposed approach in a robot table tennis scenario to evaluate the performance of the proposed method in a robotic task with hard real time constraints

    Black-Box vs. Gray-Box: A Case Study on Learning Table Tennis Ball Trajectory Prediction with Spin and Impacts

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    In this paper, we present a method for table tennis ball trajectory filtering and prediction. Our gray-box approach builds on a physical model. At the same time, we use data to learn parameters of the dynamics model, of an extended Kalman filter, and of a neural model that infers the ball's initial condition. We demonstrate superior prediction performance of our approach over two black-box approaches, which are not supplied with physical prior knowledge. We demonstrate that initializing the spin from parameters of the ball launcher using a neural network drastically improves long-time prediction performance over estimating the spin purely from measured ball positions. An accurate prediction of the ball trajectory is crucial for successful returns. We therefore evaluate the return performance with a pneumatic artificial muscular robot and achieve a return rate of 29/30 (97.7%).Comment: Accepted for publication at the 5th Annual Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC) 2023. With supplementary materia

    Design et développement d’un quadrirotor joueur de tennis de table avec des hélices inclinables

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    RÉSUMÉ Les bras manipulateurs joueurs de tennis de table les plus avancés sont chers et leur configuration requière beaucoup d’espace. On pourrait considérer l’utilisation de robots aériens pour exécuter cette tâche, mais la plupart des avions à décollage et atterrissage verticales (ADAV) ne sont pas suffisamment rapides pour reproduire des mouvements de frappes. L’objectif de la recherche présentée dans ce mémoire est de développer un nouveau type de robot aérien joueur de tennis de table. Un prototype de quadrirotor ayant des hélices inclinables est d’abord considéré pour permettre de suivre des trajectoires agressives. Le robot a besoin d’atteindre des vitesses de 3.5 m/s au point d’impact et de rester suffisamment léger pour être agile. Ensuite, pour obtenir de hautes performances sur ce requis, un contrôleur Itérative Linéaire Quadratique Régulateur (iLQR) qui suit des trajectoires ayant un snap minimum est implémenté. Le contrôle de la boucle interne est délégué à un microcontrôleur PX4 pour le tangage, le lacet et le roulis pour assurer une bonne robustesse et une haute fréquence. Cette approche est testée dans une simulation réaliste et ensuite le framework complet pour cette application est développer sur un ordinateur embarqué. Des résultats expérimentaux ont été obtenus avec des caméras de capture de mouvements donnant la position et le temps d’impact. Cette information est envoyée au quadrirotor par communication sans-fil et la trajectoire est exécutée immédiatement. Au meilleur de nos connaissances, il s’agit du premier robot aérien étant capable de retourner des balles de tennis de table lancées par un humain. Un taux de succès de 40% est obtenu sur les frappes avec le modèle réel du quadrirotor, significativement supérieur à ce qui était possible d’atteindre auparavant avec un quadrirotor.----------ABSTRACT State-of-art table tennis robot manipulators are expensive and their setup require a lot of space. One could consider using aerial robots for this task, but most vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicles are not fast enough to reproduce hitting motions. The objective of the research presented in this thesis is to develop a novel type of aerial robot tennis table player. A prototype of a quadrotor that uses tilting propellers is first considered to enable the possibility of aggressive trajectory tracking. The system needs to reach speeds up to 3.5 m/s at the position of impact and to remain light enough to be agile. Next, to obtain high performances for this requirement, an Iterative Quadratic Linear Controller (iLQR) method that follows minimum snap planned trajectories is implemented. Inner-loop control is delegated to a PX4 microcontroller for roll, pitch and yaw to ensure good robustness and high frequency. This approach is tested in a realistic simulation and then the complete software for this task is developed on an onboard computer. Experimental results have been conducted with a motion capture system to have the full state estimate of the system. The trajectory of the ball is also estimated by the motion capture system, giving the position and time of impact. This information is then sent to quadrotor wirelessly and the trajectory is executed immediately. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first aerial robot capable to return tennis table balls thrown by a human. Hitting rates of 40% are achieved with the real quadrotor, significantly better than what was possible before for a quadrotor

    Reliable Real-Time Ball Tracking for Robot Table Tennis

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    Robot table tennis systems require a vision system that can track the ball position with low latency and high sampling rate. Altering the ball to simplify the tracking using, for instance, infrared coating changes the physics of the ball trajectory. As a result, table tennis systems use custom tracking systems to track the ball based on heuristic algorithms respecting the real-time constrains applied to RGB images captured with a set of cameras. However, these heuristic algorithms often report erroneous ball positions, and the table tennis policies typically need to incorporate additional heuristics to detect and possibly correct outliers. In this paper, we propose a vision system for object detection and tracking that focuses on reliability while providing real-time performance. Our assumption is that by using multiple cameras, we can find and discard the errors obtained in the object detection phase by checking for consistency with the positions reported by other cameras. We provide an open source implementation of the proposed tracking system to simplify future research in robot table tennis or related tracking applications with strong real-time requirements. We evaluate the proposed system thoroughly in simulation and in the real system, outperforming previous work. Furthermore, we show that the accuracy and robustness of the proposed system increases as more cameras are added. Finally, we evaluate the table tennis playing performance of an existing method in the real robot using the proposed vision system. We measure a slight increase in performance compared to a previous vision system even after removing all the heuristics previously present to filter out erroneous ball observations

    Reliable Real-Time Ball Tracking for Robot Table Tennis

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    Robot table tennis systems require a vision system that can track the ball position with low latency and high sampling rate. Altering the ball to simplify the tracking using for instance infrared coating changes the physics of the ball trajectory. As a result, table tennis systems use custom tracking systems to track the ball based on heuristic algorithms respecting the real time constrains applied to RGB images captured with a set of cameras. However, these heuristic algorithms often report erroneous ball positions, and the table tennis policies typically need to incorporate additional heuristics to detect and possibly correct outliers. In this paper, we propose a vision system for object detection and tracking that focus on reliability while providing real time performance. Our assumption is that by using multiple cameras, we can find and discard the errors obtained in the object detection phase by checking for consistency with the positions reported by other cameras. We provide an open source implementation of the proposed tracking system to simplify future research in robot table tennis or related tracking applications with strong real time requirements. We evaluate the proposed system thoroughly in simulation and in the real system, outperforming previous work. Furthermore, we show that the accuracy and robustness of the proposed system increases as more cameras are added. Finally, we evaluate the table tennis playing performance of an existing method in the real robot using the proposed vision system. We measure a slight increase in performance compared to a previous vision system even after removing all the heuristics previously present to filter out erroneous ball observations

    Adaptive Robot Systems in Highly Dynamic Environments: A Table Tennis Robot

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    Hintergrund: Tischtennis bietet ideale Bedingungen, um Kamera-basierte Roboterarme am Limit zu testen. Die besondere Herausforderung liegt in der hohen Geschwindigkeit des Spiels und in der großen Varianz von Spin und Tempo jedes einzelnen Schlages. Die bisherige Forschung mit Tischtennisrobotern beschränkt sich jedoch auf einfache Szenarien, d.h. auf langsame Bälle mit einer geringen Rotation. Forschungsziel: Es soll ein lernfähiger Tischtennisroboter entwickelt werden, der mit dem Spin menschlicher Gegner umgehen kann. Methoden: Das vorgestellte Robotersystem besteht aus sechs Komponenten: Ballpositionserkennung, Ballspinerkennung, Balltrajektorienvorhersage, Schlagparameterbestimmung, Robotertrajektorienplanung und Robotersteuerung. Zuerst wird der Ball mit traditioneller Bildverarbeitung in den Kamerabildern lokalisiert. Mit iterativer Triangulation wird dann seine 3D-Position berechnet. Aus der Kurve der Ballpositionen wird die aktuelle Position und Geschwindigkeit des Balles ermittelt. Für die Spinerkennung werden drei Methoden präsentiert: Die ersten beiden verfolgen die Bewegung des aufgedruckten Ball-Logos auf hochauflösenden Bildern durch Computer Vision bzw. Convolutional Neural Networks. Im dritten Ansatz wird die Flugbahn des Balls unter Berücksichtigung der Magnus-Kraft analysiert. Anhand der Position, der Geschwindigkeit und des Spins des Balls wird die zukünftige Flugbahn berechnet. Dafür wird die physikalische Diffenzialgleichung mit Gravitationskraft, Luftwiderstandskraft und Magnus-Kraft schrittweise gelöst. Mit dem berechneten Zustand des Balls am Schlagpunkt haben wir einen Reinforcement-Learning-Algorithmus trainiert, der bestimmt, mit welchen Schlagparametern der Ball zu treffen ist. Eine passende Robotertrajektorie wird von der Reflexxes-Bibliothek generiert. %Der Roboter wird dann mit einer Frequenz von 250 Hz angesteuert. Ergebnisse: In der quantitativen Auswertung erzielen die einzelnen Komponenten mindestens so gute Ergebnisse wie vergleichbare Tischtennisroboter. Im Hinblick auf das Forschungsziel konnte der Roboter - ein Konterspiel mit einem Menschen führen, mit bis zu 60 Rückschlägen, - unterschiedlichen Spin (Über- und Unterschnitt) retournieren - und mehrere Tischtennisübungen innerhalb von 200 Schlägen erlernen. Schlußfolgerung: Bedeutende algorithmische Neuerungen führen wir in der Spinerkennung und beim Reinforcement Learning von Schlagparametern ein. Dadurch meistert der Roboter anspruchsvollere Spin- und Übungsszenarien als in vergleichbaren Arbeiten.Background: Robotic table tennis systems offer an ideal platform for pushing camera-based robotic manipulation systems to the limit. The unique challenge arises from the fast-paced play and the wide variation in spin and speed between strokes. The range of scenarios under which existing table tennis robots are able to operate is, however, limited, requiring slow play with low rotational velocity of the ball (spin). Research Goal: We aim to develop a table tennis robot system with learning capabilities able to handle spin against a human opponent. Methods: The robot system presented in this thesis consists of six components: ball position detection, ball spin detection, ball trajectory prediction, stroke parameter suggestion, robot trajectory generation, and robot control. For ball detection, the camera images pass through a conventional image processing pipeline. The ball’s 3D positions are determined using iterative triangulation and these are then used to estimate the current ball state (position and velocity). We propose three methods for estimating the spin. The first two methods estimate spin by analyzing the movement of the logo printed on the ball on high-resolution images using either conventional computer vision or convolutional neural networks. The final approach involves analyzing the trajectory of the ball using Magnus force fitting. Once the ball’s position, velocity, and spin are known, the future trajectory is predicted by forward-solving a physical ball model involving gravitational, drag, and Magnus forces. With the predicted ball state at hitting time as state input, we train a reinforcement learning algorithm to suggest the racket state at hitting time (stroke parameter). We use the Reflexxes library to generate a robot trajectory to achieve the suggested racket state. Results: Quantitative evaluation showed that all system components achieve results as good as or better than comparable robots. Regarding the research goal of this thesis, the robot was able to - maintain stable counter-hitting rallies of up to 60 balls with a human player, - return balls with different spin types (topspin and backspin) in the same rally, - learn multiple table tennis drills in just 200 strokes or fewer. Conclusion: Our spin detection system and reinforcement learning-based stroke parameter suggestion introduce significant algorithmic novelties. In contrast to previous work, our robot succeeds in more difficult spin scenarios and drills