4 research outputs found

    An optimized computational model for multi-community-cloud social collaboration

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    PublishedCommunity Cloud Computing is an emerging and promising computing model for a specific community with common concerns, such as security, compliance and jurisdiction. It utilizes the spare resources of networked computers to provide the facilities so that the community gains services from the cloud. The effective collaboration among the community clouds offers a powerful computing capacity for complex tasks containing the subtasks that need data exchange. Selecting the best group of community clouds that are the most economy-efficient, communication-efficient, secured, and trusted to accomplish a complex task is very challenging. To address this problem, we first formulate a computational model for multi-community-cloud collaboration, namely MG3. The proposed model is then optimized from four aspects: minimizing the sum of access cost and monetary cost, maximizing the security-level agreement and trust among the community clouds. Furthermore, an efficient and comprehensive selection algorithm is devised to extract the best group of community clouds in MG3. Finally, the extensive simulation experiments and performance analysis of the proposed algorithm are conducted. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the minimal set coverings based algorithm and the random algorithm. Moreover, the proposed comprehensive community clouds selection algorithm can guarantee good global performance in terms of access cost, monetary cost, security level and trust between user and community clouds

    Cloud Computing Architecture

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    Programiranje u oblaku je u konstantnom porastu kao nova paradigma online usluga vezanih uz razna podru膷ja primjene i interesa. No, dizajniranje novih usluga u oblaku kao i dizajniranje usluga u ve膰 postoje膰e poslovne koncepte predstavlja veliki proces u koji treba uklju膷iti puno elemenata. Od velike je va啪nosti za dizajnere aplikacija u oblaku da znaju koja su glavna pitanja i problemi sudionika usluga u oblaku kao 拧to su korisnici oblaka, pru啪atelji oblaka i posrednici oblaka. U ovom su radu istra啪eni glavni izazovi i pitanja tijekom izgradnje aplikacije za oblak kao i razli膷iti arhitekturalni pristupi vezani uz rje拧avanje spomenutih pitanja. Istra啪ivanje je pokazalo da sigurnost i privatnost podataka predstavljaju najve膰i problem za korisnike oblaka kao i za pru啪atelje usluga u oblaku. Ovaj rad daje kompletnu kategorizaciju studija koji opisuju razne pristupe i razmatranja arhitekture prilikom dizajniranja aplikacija za oblak.Cloud Computing has emerged as a new paradigm in the field of network-based services within many industrial and application domains. However, building new services in the cloud or designing cloud-based solutions into existing business context is a complex decision process involving many factors. It is important for the cloud designers to know what are the main concerns of cloud stakeholders such as cloud consumers, cloud providers and cloud brokers. In this study were investigated the main challenges and concerns while building cloud-based architectures and different architectural approaches are proposed to meet these specific concerns. The study revealed that security and dana privacy is on the top of the list of concerns for both cloud consumers and cloud providers. This study gives fully categorized studies that describe architectural approaches and design considerations when architecting for the cloud

    reliable migration module in trusted cloud based on security level - design and implementation

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    Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), basically consists on the deliverance of virtual machines (VMs) to an IaaS provider, who can rise or shrink the number of VMs so as to offer fast and easy scalability according to variable workloads. However, according to the principle of Buckets Effect, the safety of the entire system relies on its most fragile component. This problem also exists in IaaS cloud. There are many VMs which co-exist in the same physical machine, but they may adopt different security protection. So this could lead VMs with the higher security requirement degrade to the lowest security level. In order to address these issues, we propose Trusted Cloud based on Security Level (TCSL), which is an integrated, secured and trusted architecture based on logical VMs' union, to separate the VMs with different sensitive and security needs from the whole cloud environment, and to meet different customer's security requirements. Experimental results demonstrate that these approaches are effective in isolating the resources with the same security requirements in a shared trusted zone which is built based on different security level. When resources need to migrate to the trusted zone, the Reliable Migration Policies will be automatically enforced and match the migrating resource to an applicable trusted zone in cloud or return a feedback concerning a suggestion. With Reliable Migration Protocol, the secure process of the migrating transaction can be guaranteed in IaaS cloud. © 2012 IEEE.IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Parallel ProcessingInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS), basically consists on the deliverance of virtual machines (VMs) to an IaaS provider, who can rise or shrink the number of VMs so as to offer fast and easy scalability according to variable workloads. However, according to the principle of Buckets Effect, the safety of the entire system relies on its most fragile component. This problem also exists in IaaS cloud. There are many VMs which co-exist in the same physical machine, but they may adopt different security protection. So this could lead VMs with the higher security requirement degrade to the lowest security level. In order to address these issues, we propose Trusted Cloud based on Security Level (TCSL), which is an integrated, secured and trusted architecture based on logical VMs' union, to separate the VMs with different sensitive and security needs from the whole cloud environment, and to meet different customer's security requirements. Experimental results demonstrate that these approaches are effective in isolating the resources with the same security requirements in a shared trusted zone which is built based on different security level. When resources need to migrate to the trusted zone, the Reliable Migration Policies will be automatically enforced and match the migrating resource to an applicable trusted zone in cloud or return a feedback concerning a suggestion. With Reliable Migration Protocol, the secure process of the migrating transaction can be guaranteed in IaaS cloud. © 2012 IEEE

    SOA2Cloud: Un marco de trabajo para la migraci贸n de aplicaciones SOA a Cloud siguiendo una aproximaci贸n dirigida por modelos

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    [EN] Software applications are currently considered an element essential and indispensable in all business activities, for example, information exchange and social network. Nevertheless, for their construction and deployment to use all the resources that are available in remote and accessible locations on the network, which leads to inefficient operations in development and deployment, and enormous costs in the acquisition of IT equipment. The present master thesis aims to contribute to the improvement of the previous context proposing SOA2Cloud, a framework for migration of applications based on SOA to Cloud environments, making use Model-Driven Software Development approach. SOA2Cloud aims to provide mechanisms for the migration of SOA applications specified through the OMG SoaML standard, incorporating the service level agreements (SLA) to Cloud Computing environments. The framework proposed to makes to use a SOA application model, defined to conform to SoaML metamodel, and a model of service level agreements defined according to SLA generic metamodelo, to generation a model according to Cloud metamodel, through models transformations. This generated model, over again to model transformation, for obtaining the model Azure platform, according to their generic metamodel built for this research work. At the conclusion model transformations, the obtained model over again a model to text transformation to obtain the source code, and thus be tested and deployed in the platform selected for this research Azure work. This proposal is based on a comprehensive study of the state of the art, made by conducting a systematic mapping, about strategies for migrating applications SOA to Cloud Computing environments. The results contributed in a meaningful way in the definition of the process of migration in the framework. Finally, an example of application that shows the feasibility of our approach was developed. This example demonstrates in detail as the framework for migrating applications proposed SOA to Cloud environments. The results show that our proposal may allow improving the strategy mainly used by researchers and professionals in the area to perform migrations of SOA applications into Cloud environments. This will be through our proposed migration framework which exploits the benefits of Model-Driven Software Development.[ES] Las aplicaciones software son consideradas actualmente un elemento esencial e indispensable en toda actividad empresarial, por ejemplo, intercambio de informaci贸n y motor de redes sociales. Sin embargo, para su construcci贸n y despliegue se utilizan todos los recursos que est茅n disponibles en ubicaciones remotas y accesibles de la red, lo que conlleva a realizar operaciones ineficientes en el desarrollo y despliegue, y enormes gastos en la adquisici贸n de equipos de TI. La presente tesina de m谩ster pretende contribuir a la mejora del contexto anterior proponiendo SOA2Cloud, un marco de trabajo para la migraci贸n de aplicaciones basadas en SOA a entornos Cloud, haciendo uso de la aproximaci贸n del Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos (DSDM). SOA2Cloud tiene la finalidad de proporcionar mecanismos para la migraci贸n de aplicaciones SOA especificadas a trav茅s del est谩ndar SoaML de la OMG, incorporando los Acuerdos de Nivel de Servicios (SLA) a entornos Cloud Computing. El marco de trabajo propuesto hace uso de un modelo de la aplicaci贸n SOA, definido conforme a SoaML, y un modelo de acuerdos de servicios definido conforme a un metamodelo gen茅rico de SLA para la generaci贸n de un modelo conforme a un metamodelo para aplicaciones Cloud, a trav茅s de transformaciones de modelos. Este modelo generado, es sometido a una nueva transformaci贸n de modelos, para la obtenci贸n del modelo de la plataforma Azure, conforme a su metamodelo gen茅rico construido para este trabajo de investigaci贸n. Una vez concluidas las transformaciones de modelos, el modelo obtenido es sometido a una transformaci贸n de modelo a texto para la obtenci贸n del c贸digo fuente, y de esta forma ser testeado y desplegado en la plataforma seleccionada para este trabajo de investigaci贸n Windows Azure. Esta propuesta se apoya en un amplio estudio del estado del arte, realizado mediante la conducci贸n de un mapeo sistem谩tico, acerca de las estrategias de migraci贸n de aplicaciones SOA a entornos Cloud Computing. Los resultados obtenidos aportaron de una forma significativa en la definici贸n del proceso de migraci贸n en el marco de trabajo. Finalmente, se desarroll贸 un ejemplo de aplicaci贸n que muestra la viabilidad de nuestro enfoque. Este ejemplo muestra en detalle como el marco de trabajo para la migraci贸n de aplicaciones SOA a entornos Cloud propuesto. Los resultados muestran que nuestra propuesta permitir铆a mejorar el enfoque de algunos investigadores y profesionales del 谩rea al realizar migraciones de aplicaciones SOA a entornos Cloud, haci茅ndolas a trav茅s de este marco de trabajo que aprovecha los beneficios del Desarrollo de Software Dirigido por Modelos.Botto Tobar, M脕. (2014). SOA2Cloud: Un marco de trabajo para la migraci贸n de aplicaciones SOA a Cloud siguiendo una aproximaci贸n dirigida por modelos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/47834Archivo delegad