105 research outputs found

    Wireless Communication Technologies for Safe Cooperative Cyber Physical Systems

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    Cooperative Cyber-Physical Systems (Co-CPSs) can be enabled using wireless communication technologies, which in principle should address reliability and safety challenges. Safety for Co-CPS enabled by wireless communication technologies is a crucial aspect and requires new dedicated design approaches. In this paper, we provide an overview of five Co-CPS use cases, as introduced in our SafeCOP EU project, and analyze their safety design requirements. Next, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the main existing wireless communication technologies giving details about the protocols developed within particular standardization bodies. We also investigate to what extent they address the non-functional requirements in terms of safety, security and real time, in the different application domains of each use case. Finally, we discuss general recommendations about the use of different wireless communication technologies showing their potentials in the selected real-world use cases. The discussion is provided under consideration in the 5G standardization process within 3GPP, whose current efforts are inline to current gaps in wireless communications protocols for Co-CPSs including many future use casesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A comprehensive survey of V2X cybersecurity mechanisms and future research paths

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    Recent advancements in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication have notably improved existing transport systems by enabling increased connectivity and driving autonomy levels. The remarkable benefits of V2X connectivity come inadvertently with challenges which involve security vulnerabilities and breaches. Addressing security concerns is essential for seamless and safe operation of mission-critical V2X use cases. This paper surveys current literature on V2X security and provides a systematic and comprehensive review of the most relevant security enhancements to date. An in-depth classification of V2X attacks is first performed according to key security and privacy requirements. Our methodology resumes with a taxonomy of security mechanisms based on their proactive/reactive defensive approach, which helps identify strengths and limitations of state-of-the-art countermeasures for V2X attacks. In addition, this paper delves into the potential of emerging security approaches leveraging artificial intelligence tools to meet security objectives. Promising data-driven solutions tailored to tackle security, privacy and trust issues are thoroughly discussed along with new threat vectors introduced inevitably by these enablers. The lessons learned from the detailed review of existing works are also compiled and highlighted. We conclude this survey with a structured synthesis of open challenges and future research directions to foster contributions in this prominent field.This work is supported by the H2020-INSPIRE-5Gplus project (under Grant agreement No. 871808), the ”Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformacion Digital” and the European Union-NextGenerationEU in the frameworks of the ”Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia” and of the ”Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia” under references TSI-063000-2021-39/40/41, and the CHIST-ERA-17-BDSI-003 FIREMAN project funded by the Spanish National Foundation (Grant PCI2019-103780).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Security in hybrid ITS networks

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de ComputadoresSistemas de Transportes Inteligentes e Cooperativos (C-ITS) visam melhorar a segurança e a sustentabilidade dos transportes. No entanto, a comunicação dos sistemas Vehicleto-Everything é inerentemente aberta, levando a vulnerabilidades que atacantes podem explorar. Isto é uma ameaça a todos os utilizadores rodoviários, pois falhas de segurança podem levar a violações de privacidade ou a fatalidades. Além disso, elevadas taxas de mortalidade estão correlacionadas com utilizadores de mobilidade suave. Logo, no desenvolvimento de sistemas C-ITS, é crucial considerar, além dos veículos conectados, os utilizadores de mobilidade suave e os veículos sem a devida tecnologia. Este estudo apresenta uma nova abordagem desenvolvida no contexto emergente das redes híbridas, combinando tecnologias ITS-G5 e celulares. Dois protocolos, MFSPV e DLAPP, foram implementados e avaliados para introduzir garantias de segurança (como privacidade e integridade) nas comunicações dentro do ambiente híbrido C-ITS desenvolvido. Assim, este trabalho integra, com segurança, estações ITS conectadas por G5 e utilizadores de mobilidade suave, através de uma aplicação móvel via redes celulares. Para tal, utilizou-se equipamentos reais, incluindo on-board e roadside units. Tempos computacionais, de latência e de ponta-a-ponta (E2E) foram usados para avaliar o desempenho do sistema. O protocolo MFSPV supera o DLAPP em eficiência computacional, mas o DLAPP atinge uma latência de rede ligeiramente menor. No entanto, ambos introduzem apenas um atraso adicional de 11% nas comunicações híbridas E2E. A comunicação híbrida impõe, em média, 28.29ms extra de tempo E2E. A proposta mostra-se promissora, visto que atinge tempos de E2E abaixo dos requisitos de latência impostos na maioria dos casos de utilização do C-ITS.Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) continue to be developed to enhance transportation safety and sustainability. However, the communication of Vehicle-to-Everything systems is inherently open, leading to vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit.This represents a threat to all road users, as security failures can lead to privacy violations or even fatalities. Moreover, a high fatality rate is correlated with softmobility road users. So, in the development of C-ITS systems, it is crucial to broaden the perspective beyond connected vehicles to soft-mobility users and legacy vehicles. This study presents a novel approach developed in the context of emerging hybrid networks, combining ITS-G5 and cellular technologies. Two protocols, MFSPV and DLAPP, were implemented and evaluated to introduce security guarantees (such as privacy and integrity) in communications within the developed C-ITS hybrid environment. As a result, this work securely integrates G5-connected ITS stations and softmobility users through a smartphone application via cellular networks. Real equipment was utilised for this goal, including on-board and roadside units. Computational, latency and end-to-end times were used to assess the system performance.MFSPV outperforms DLAPP in computational efficiency, but DLAPP achieves a slightly lower network latency. Nevertheless, both only introduce an additional 11% delay in hybrid end-to-end communications. Hybrid communication imposes, on average, an extra 28.29ms of end-to-end time. The proposal shows promise as it reaches end-to-end times below the latency requirements imposed in most C-ITS use cases.N/

    On the Secure and Resilient Design of Connected Vehicles: Methods and Guidelines

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    Vehicles have come a long way from being purely mechanical systems to systems that consist of an internal network of more than 100 microcontrollers and systems that communicate with external entities, such as other vehicles, road infrastructure, the manufacturer’s cloud and external applications. This combination of resource constraints, safety-criticality, large attack surface and the fact that millions of people own and use them each day, makes securing vehicles particularly challenging as security practices and methods need to be tailored to meet these requirements.This thesis investigates how security demands should be structured to ease discussions and collaboration between the involved parties and how requirements engineering can be accelerated by introducing generic security requirements. Practitioners are also assisted in choosing appropriate techniques for securing vehicles by identifying and categorising security and resilience techniques suitable for automotive systems. Furthermore, three specific mechanisms for securing automotive systems and providing resilience are designed and evaluated. The first part focuses on cyber security requirements and the identification of suitable techniques based on three different approaches, namely (i) providing a mapping to security levels based on a review of existing security standards and recommendations; (ii) proposing a taxonomy for resilience techniques based on a literature review; and (iii) combining security and resilience techniques to protect automotive assets that have been subject to attacks. The second part presents the design and evaluation of three techniques. First, an extension for an existing freshness mechanism to protect the in-vehicle communication against replay attacks is presented and evaluated. Second, a trust model for Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication is developed with respect to cyber resilience to allow a vehicle to include trust in neighbouring vehicles in its decision-making processes. Third, a framework is presented that enables vehicle manufacturers to protect their fleet by detecting anomalies and security attacks using vehicle trust and the available data in the cloud

    Connected vehicles:organizational cybersecurity processes and their evaluation

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    Abstract. Vehicles have become increasingly network connected cyber physical systems and they are vulnerable to cyberattacks. In the wake of multiple vehicle hacks, automotive industry and governments have recognized the critical need of cybersecurity to be integrated into vehicle development framework and get manufactures involved in managing whole vehicle lifecycle. The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) WP.29 (World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations) committee published in 2021 two new regulations for road vehicles type approval: R155 for cybersecurity and R156 for software update. The latter of these influence also to agricultural vehicle manufacturers, which is the empirical context of this study. Also new cybersecurity engineering standard from International Standardization Organization (ISO) and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) organizations change organizations risk management framework. The vehicle manufacturers must think security from an entirely new standpoint: how to reduce vehicle cybersecurity risk to other road users. This thesis investigates automotive regulations and standards related to cybersecurity and cybersecurity management processes. The methodology of the empirical part is design science that is a suitable method for the development of new artifacts and solutions. This study developed an organization status evaluation tool in the form of a questionnaire. Stakeholders can use the tool to collect information about organizational capabilities for comprehensive vehicles cybersecurity management process. As a main result this thesis provides base information for cybersecurity principles and processes for cybersecurity management, and an overview of current automotive regulation and automotive cybersecurity related standards.Verkotetut ajoneuvot : organisaation kyberturvallisuusprosessit ja niiden arviointi. Tiivistelmä. Ajoneuvoista on tullut kyberhyökkäyksille alttiita tietoverkkoon yhdistettyjä kyberfyysisiä järjestelmiä. Ajoneuvojen hakkeroinnit herättivät hallitukset ja ajoneuvoteollisuuden huomaamaan, että kyberturvallisuus on integroitava osaksi ajoneuvojen kehitysympäristöä ja valmistajat on saatava mukaan hallitsemaan ajoneuvon koko elinkaarta. Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien Euroopan talouskomission (UNECE) WP.29 (World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations) -komitean jäsenet julkaisivat vuonna 2021 kaksi uutta tyyppihyväksyntäsäädöstä maantiekäyttöön tarkoitetuille ajoneuvoille. Nämä ovat kyberturvallisuuteen R155 ja ohjelmistopäivitykseen R156 liittyvät säädökset, joista jälkimmäinen vaikuttaa myös maatalousajoneuvojen valmistajiin. Myös uusi International Standardization Organization (ISO) ja Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) organisaatioiden yhdessä tekemä kyberturvallisuuden suunnittelustandardi muuttaa organisaatioiden riskienhallintaa. Ajoneuvovalmistajien on pohdittava turvallisuutta aivan uudesta näkökulmasta; kuinka pienentää ajoneuvojen kyberturvallisuusriskiä muille tienkäyttäjille. Tämä opinnäytetyö tutkii kyberturvallisuuteen liittyviä autoalan säädöksiä ja standardeja sekä kyberturvallisuuden johtamisprosesseja. Työn empiirinen osa käsittelee maatalousajonevoihin erikoistunutta yritystä. Empiirisen osan metodologia on suunnittelutiede, joka soveltuu uusien artefaktien ja ratkaisujen kehittämiseen. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa kehitettiin uusi arviointityökalu, jolla sidosryhmät voivat kerätä tietoja organisaation valmiuksista ajoneuvojen kyberturvallisuuden hallintaan. Tämä opinnäytetyö tarjoaa pohjatietoa kyberturvallisuuden periaatteista ja kyberturvallisuuden hallinnan prosesseista sekä yleiskatsauksen nykyiseen autoalan sääntelyyn ja kyberturvallisuuteen liittyviin ajoneuvostandardeihin

    Project BeARCAT : Baselining, Automation and Response for CAV Testbed Cyber Security : Connected Vehicle & Infrastructure Security Assessment

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    Connected, software-based systems are a driver in advancing the technology of transportation systems. Advanced automated and autonomous vehicles, together with electrification, will help reduce congestion, accidents and emissions. Meanwhile, vehicle manufacturers see advanced technology as enhancing their products in a competitive market. However, as many decades of using home and enterprise computer systems have shown, connectivity allows a system to become a target for criminal intentions. Cyber-based threats to any system are a problem; in transportation, there is the added safety implication of dealing with moving vehicles and the passengers within

    Data privacy threat modelling for autonomous systems: a survey from the GDPR’s perspective

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    Artificial Intelligence-based applications have been increasingly deployed in every field of life including smart homes, smart cities, healthcare services, and autonomous systems where personal data is collected across heterogeneous sources and processed using ”black-box” algorithms in opaque centralised servers. As a consequence, preserving the data privacy and security of these applications is of utmost importance. In this respect, a modelling technique for identifying potential data privacy threats and specifying countermeasures to mitigate the related vulnerabilities in such AI-based systems plays a significant role in preserving and securing personal data. Various threat modelling techniques have been proposed such as STRIDE, LINDDUN, and PASTA but none of them is sufficient to model the data privacy threats in autonomous systems. Furthermore, they are not designed to model compliance with data protection legislation like the EU/UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is fundamental to protecting data owners' privacy as well as to preventing personal data from potential privacy-related attacks. In this article, we survey the existing threat modelling techniques for data privacy threats in autonomous systems and then analyse such techniques from the viewpoint of GDPR compliance. Following the analysis, We employ STRIDE and LINDDUN in autonomous cars, a specific use-case of autonomous systems, to scrutinise the challenges and gaps of the existing techniques when modelling data privacy threats. Prospective research directions for refining data privacy threats & GDPR-compliance modelling techniques for autonomous systems are also presented

    Future Mobility Advances and Trends

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    The trends of main interest on a global scale are those that can influence the development of humanity in the long term and are sometimes referred to as megatrends. The changes they bring with them can span several generations, profoundly changing society and, consequently, the competitive landscape of companies. The megatrends are numerous and each one involves the development of entire areas of activity. It is important to identify the megatrends of interest for strategic mobility planning and follow their developments, in order to consider them in the planning processes and correctly pilot investments. Megatrends are made possible and also influenced by the offer of new technologies, and lead to changes in cultural models. This chapter shows an era characterized by major technological innovations that are changing people’s ways of thinking and acting, with the establishment of new mobility models in order to meet new emerging needs