498,153 research outputs found

    KYIV MODERNISM: Exploration, protection and promotion

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    This article attempts to demonstrate the changes that occur over a certain period in assessing the cultural heritage of different eras—from the scientific interest of individuals to wide public recognition. Today, the status of architectural monuments starts to be given to objects of the 1960s and 1980s, but these processes are accompanied by scientific and organizational problems. As an example, the author took the case of Kyiv, which includes many modern buildings of the 1920s-1930s and 1960s-1980s. The research is relevant, primarily considering the interest that modern architecture arouses in society today. At the same time, experts face a misunderstanding of the value of this architectural style, the objects of which are often endangered. Therefore, the relevance is strengthened by the negative trends of current construction processes in Kyiv, mass demolition or reconstruction of architectural heritage objects. The topic of cultural heritage protection is interdisciplinary—it combines the history of society and city life in general, the history of architecture, and actual architectural and artistic analysis. The article is mainly based on the practical experience of working with architectural monuments in Kyiv: their scientific research and preparation of legal documentation. The author does not analyze the value of Modernism as a recognized worldwide movement but depicts the peculiarities of its perception in society. This is facilitated by personal communication with a certain number of people, analysis of social networks and existing bureaucratic practices in the field of monument protection. Based on the analysis of Kyiv’s architectural heritage and existing public cases, the author concludes that only the joint work of architectural historians, experts in the field of monument protection and a wide range of interested city residents will allow to discover, research and preserve the maximum number of valuable modern buildings and sites, legally protect them by including them in the Register of immovable objects of cultural heritage

    Mapping research into the delivery of work-based learning

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    Digital Economy in a Global Context: World Experience

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    Purpose:  The purpose of the academic paper is to highlight the principal directions and trends of the world experience in developing the economic sphere’s digital component.   Theoretical framework:  The processes related to digitalizing all branches of the world economy are irreversible components of the evolutionary development of the modern global economy. In current realities, the overriding priority in the economic sphere is the development of innovations and digital technologies using all their advantages regarding expanding the information component of enterprises’ activities, creating information assets, minimizing risks, the possibility of remote cooperation and the reduction of transaction costs, the ability to quickly respond to existing security, competitive, and other types of challenges.   Design/methodology/approach:  System-structural, comparative, logical-linguistic methods, analysis, synthesis, induction, and deduction in the processing scientific information, abstraction, and idealization for studying and processing of statistical and analytical data were used during the research.   Findings:  Based on the research results, the concepts and components of the digitalization of the economic sphere, the main prerequisites, patterns and directions of developing digital economy in recent years were studied from the perspective of evaluating the global experience of this process.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  The theoretical part of the research substantiates the relevance, concepts, components and main stages of developing the digital economy in the global context. The practical part of the research includes the features of distributing countries that are best prepared for the new digital economy according to the NRI rating based on the results of 2020, as well as by groups that are separate components of this index, namely, by the level of technology development, human capital, management level and degree impact on the world economic arena.   Originality/value:   According to the analysis of the scientific literature on the research topic, in order to achieve success in the field of digital transformation of modern business, it is necessary to purposefully build its work, relying on the latest achievements of the digital environment and using all the possibilities of the digital infrastructure

    Revisiting transitional metaphors: reproducing inequalities under the conditions of late modernity

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    This paper focuses on some of the conceptual implications changes in youth transitions over the last 40 years. I argue that changes have often been exaggerated with researchers too enthusiastic to jump on theoretical bandwagons without due regard for empirical evidence. While I suggest that there are important changes that impact on the ways in which social classes are reproduced, involving a perception of increased opportunity and greater scope for individual agency, a degree of class-based convergence and illusions regarding the disappearance of class, I will argue that the new mechanisms lead to the re-establishment of very familiar patterns of socio-economic inequality which can largely be understood by employing established theoretical ideas. While biographical approaches are regarded as useful, the continued use of social class is defended

    Adopting a Grounded Theory Approach to Cultural-Historical Research: Conflicting Methodologies or Complementary Methods?

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    Grounded theory has long been regarded as a valuable way to conduct social and educational research. However, recent constructivist and postmodern insights are challenging long-standing assumptions, most notably by suggesting that grounded theory can be flexibly integrated with existing theories. This move hinges on repositioning grounded theory from a methodology with positivist underpinnings to an approach that can be used within different theoretical frameworks. In this article the author reviews this recent transformation of grounded theory, engages in the project of repositioning it as an approach by using cultural historical activity theory as a test case, and outlines several practical methods implied by the joint use of grounded theory as an approach and activity theory as a methodology. One implication is the adoption of a dialectic, as opposed to a constructivist or objectivist, stance toward grounded theory inquiry, a stance that helps move past the problem of emergence versus forcing

    Skills Assessment for Business Services: Final Report

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    Walking Through the Method Zoo: Does Higher Education Really Meet Software Industry Demands?

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    Software engineering educators are continually challenged by rapidly evolving concepts, technologies, and industry demands. Due to the omnipresence of software in a digitalized society, higher education institutions (HEIs) have to educate the students such that they learn how to learn, and that they are equipped with a profound basic knowledge and with latest knowledge about modern software and system development. Since industry demands change constantly, HEIs are challenged in meeting such current and future demands in a timely manner. This paper analyzes the current state of practice in software engineering education. Specifically, we want to compare contemporary education with industrial practice to understand if frameworks, methods and practices for software and system development taught at HEIs reflect industrial practice. For this, we conducted an online survey and collected information about 67 software engineering courses. Our findings show that development approaches taught at HEIs quite closely reflect industrial practice. We also found that the choice of what process to teach is sometimes driven by the wish to make a course successful. Especially when this happens for project courses, it could be beneficial to put more emphasis on building learning sequences with other courses

    Philosophical Puzzles Evade Empirical Evidence: Some Thoughts and Clarifications Regarding the Relation Between Brain Sciences and Philosophy of Mind

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    This chapter analyzes the relation between brain sciences and philosophy of mind, in order to clarify in what ways philosophy can contribute to neuroscience and neuroscience can contribute to philosophy. Especially since the 1980s and the emergence of “neurophilosophy”, more and more philosophers have been bringing home morals from neuroscience to settle philosophical issues. I mention examples from the problem of consciousness, philosophy of perception and the problem of free will, and I argue that such attempts are not successful in trying to settle questions like whether psychology can be reduced to neuroscience, whether we see the external world directly in perception, or whether we have free will. The failure results from an ability of the philosophical questions to evade the data. What makes these questions persisting philosophical questions is precisely that there is no way to settle them through empirical evidence, as they are conceptual questions and their solution lies in conceptual analysis

    Applied Epistemology and Understanding in Information Studies

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    Introduction. Applied epistemology allows information studies to benefit from developments in philosophy. In information studies, epistemic concepts are rarely considered in detail. This paper offers a review of several epistemic concepts, focusing on understanding, as a call for further work in applied epistemology in information studies. Method. A hermeneutic literature review was conducted on epistemic concepts in information studies and philosophy. Relevant research was retrieved and reviewed iteratively as the research area was refined. Analysis. A conceptual analysis was conducted to determine the nature and relationships of the concepts surveyed, with an eye toward synthesizing conceptualizations of understanding and opening future research directions. Results. The epistemic aim of understanding is emerging as a key research frontier for information studies. Two modes of understanding (hermeneutic and epistemological) were brought into a common framework. Conclusions. Research on understanding in information studies will further naturalistic information research and provide coherence to several strands of philosophic thought

    A Laboratory for Relevance: Findings and Recommendations from the Arts Innovation Fund

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    Starting in 2006, a group of leading California arts institutions set out to innovate with new ways of working in the 21st century. With support from the Arts Innovation Fund of The James Irvine Foundation, they approached the challenge of innovation in a variety of ways, with a wide range of objectives and results. Across the board, the experimentation process prompted organizational reflection and change. Most grantees developed new levels of adaptive capacity, an attribute that many thought leaders believe will be essential for arts organizations, and the arts sector as a whole, to thrive into the future. After a strategic qualitative review of the innovation projects pursued by organizations participating in the Arts Innovation Fund, the Slover Linett evaluation team offers the following report with its insights and recommendations