129 research outputs found

    Relaxed Schedulers Can Efficiently Parallelize Iterative Algorithms

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    There has been significant progress in understanding the parallelism inherent to iterative sequential algorithms: for many classic algorithms, the depth of the dependence structure is now well understood, and scheduling techniques have been developed to exploit this shallow dependence structure for efficient parallel implementations. A related, applied research strand has studied methods by which certain iterative task-based algorithms can be efficiently parallelized via relaxed concurrent priority schedulers. These allow for high concurrency when inserting and removing tasks, at the cost of executing superfluous work due to the relaxed semantics of the scheduler. In this work, we take a step towards unifying these two research directions, by showing that there exists a family of relaxed priority schedulers that can efficiently and deterministically execute classic iterative algorithms such as greedy maximal independent set (MIS) and matching. Our primary result shows that, given a randomized scheduler with an expected relaxation factor of kk in terms of the maximum allowed priority inversions on a task, and any graph on nn vertices, the scheduler is able to execute greedy MIS with only an additive factor of poly(kk) expected additional iterations compared to an exact (but not scalable) scheduler. This counter-intuitive result demonstrates that the overhead of relaxation when computing MIS is not dependent on the input size or structure of the input graph. Experimental results show that this overhead can be clearly offset by the gain in performance due to the highly scalable scheduler. In sum, we present an efficient method to deterministically parallelize iterative sequential algorithms, with provable runtime guarantees in terms of the number of executed tasks to completion.Comment: PODC 2018, pages 377-386 in proceeding

    Differentiable Programming & Network Calculus: Configuration Synthesis under Delay Constraints

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    With the advent of standards for deterministic network behavior, synthesizing network designs under delay constraints becomes the natural next task to tackle. Network Calculus (NC) has become a key method for validating industrial networks, as it computes formally verified end-to-end delay bounds. However, analyses from the NC framework have been designed to bound the delay of one flow at a time. Attempts to use classical analyses to derive a network configuration have shown that this approach is poorly suited to practical use cases. Consider finding a delay-optimal routing configuration: one model had to be created for each routing alternative, then each flow delay had to be bounded, and then the bounds had to be compared to the given constraints. To overcome this three-step process, we introduce Differential Network Calculus. We extend NC to allow the differentiation of delay bounds w.r.t. to a wide range of network parameters - such as flow paths or priority. This opens up NC to a class of efficient nonlinear optimization techniques that exploit the gradient of the delay bound. Our numerical evaluation on the routing and priority assignment problem shows that our novel method can synthesize flow paths and priorities in a matter of seconds, outperforming existing methods by several orders of magnitude

    Numerical modeling of extrusion forming tools: improving its efficiency on heterogeneous parallel computers

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia InformáticaPolymer processing usually requires several experimentation and calibration attempts to lead to a final result with the desired quality. As this results in large costs, software applications have been developed aiming to replace laboratory experimentation by computer based simulations and hence lower these costs. The focus of this dissertation was on one of these applications, the FlowCode, an application which helps the design of extrusion forming tools, applied to plastics processing or in the processing of other fluids. The original application had two versions of the code, one to run in a single-core CPU and the other for NVIDIA GPU devices. With the increasing use of heterogeneous platforms, many applications can now benefit and leverage the computational power of these platforms. As this requires some expertise, mostly to schedule tasks/functions and transfer the necessary data to the devices, several frameworks were developed to aid the development - with StarPU being the one with more international relevance, although other ones are emerging such as Dynamic Irregular Computing Environment (DICE). The main objectives of this dissertation were to improve the FlowCode, and to assess the use of one framework to develop an efficient heterogeneous version. Only the CPU version of the code was improved, by first applying techniques to the sequential version and parallelizing it afterwards using OpenMP on both multi-core CPU devices (Intel Xeon 12-core) and on many-core devices (Intel Xeon Phi 61-core). For the heterogeneous version, StarPU was chosen after studying both StarPU and DICE frameworks. Results show the parallel CPU version to be faster than the GPU one, for all input datasets. The GPU code is far from being efficient, requiring several improvements, so comparing the devices with each other would not be fair. The Xeon Phi version proves to be the faster one when no framework is used. For the StarPU version, several schedulers were tested to evaluate the faster one, leading to the most efficient to solve our problem. Executing the code on two GPU devices is 1.7 times faster than when executing the GPU version without the framework. Adding the CPU to the GPUs of the testing environment do not improve execution time with most schedulers due to the lack of available parallelism in the application. Globally, the StarPU version is the faster one followed by the Xeon Phi, CPU and GPU versions.O processamento de polímeros requer normalmente várias tentativas de experimentação e calibração de modo a que o resultado final tenha a qualidade pretendida. Como isto resulta em custos elevados, diversas aplicações foram desenvolvidas para substituir a parte de experimentação laboratorial por simulações por computador e consequentemente, reduzir esses custos. Este dissertação foca-se numa dessas aplicações, o FlowCode, uma aplicação de ajuda à conceção de ferramentas de extrusão aplicada no processamento de plásticos ou no processamento de outros tipos de fluidos. Esta aplicação inicial era composta por duas versões, uma executada sequencialmente num processador e outra executada em aceleradores computacionais NVIDIA GPU. Com o aumento da utilização de plataformas heterogéneas, muitas aplicações podem beneficiar do poder computacional destas plataformas. Como isto requer alguma experiência, principalmente para escalonar tarefas/funções e transferir os dados necessários para os aceleradores, várias frameworks foram desenvolvidas para ajudar ao desenvolvimento - sendo StarPU a framework com mais relevância internacional, embora outras estejam a surgir como a framework DICE. Os principais objetivos desta dissertação eram melhorar o FlowCode assim como avaliar a utilização de uma framework para desenvolver uma versão heterogénea eficiente. Apenas a versão CPU foi melhorada, primeiro aplicando técnicas na versão sequencial, e depois procedendo à paralelização usando OpenMP em CPUs multi-core (Intel Xeon 12-core) e aceleradores many-core (Intel Xeon Phi 61-core). Para a versão heterogénea, foi escolhido a framework StarPU depois de se ter feito um estudo das frameworks StarPU e DICE. Os resultados mostram que a versão CPU paralela é mais rápida que a GPU em todos os casos testados. O código GPU está longe de ser eficiente, necessitando diversas melhorias. Portanto, uma comparação entre CPUs, GPUs e Xeon Phi’s não seria justa. A versão Xeon Phi revela-se ser a mais rápida quando não é usada nenhuma framework. Para a versão StarPU, vários escalonadores foram testados para avaliar o mais rápido, levando ao mais eficiente para resolver o nosso problema. Executar o código em dois GPUs é 1.7 vezes mais rápido do que executar para um GPU sem framework em um dos casos testados. Adicionar o CPU aos GPUs do ambiente de teste não melhora o tempo de execução para a maioria dos escalonadores devido à falta de paralelismo disponível. Globalmente, a versão StarPU é a mais rápida seguida das versões Xeon Phi, CPU, e GPU

    Provably-Efficient and Internally-Deterministic Parallel Union-Find

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    Determining the degree of inherent parallelism in classical sequential algorithms and leveraging it for fast parallel execution is a key topic in parallel computing, and detailed analyses are known for a wide range of classical algorithms. In this paper, we perform the first such analysis for the fundamental Union-Find problem, in which we are given a graph as a sequence of edges, and must maintain its connectivity structure under edge additions. We prove that classic sequential algorithms for this problem are well-parallelizable under reasonable assumptions, addressing a conjecture by [Blelloch, 2017]. More precisely, we show via a new potential argument that, under uniform random edge ordering, parallel union-find operations are unlikely to interfere: TT concurrent threads processing the graph in parallel will encounter memory contention O(T2logVlogE)O(T^2 \cdot \log |V| \cdot \log |E|) times in expectation, where E|E| and V|V| are the number of edges and nodes in the graph, respectively. We leverage this result to design a new parallel Union-Find algorithm that is both internally deterministic, i.e., its results are guaranteed to match those of a sequential execution, but also work-efficient and scalable, as long as the number of threads TT is O(E13ε)O(|E|^{\frac{1}{3} - \varepsilon}), for an arbitrarily small constant ε>0\varepsilon > 0, which holds for most large real-world graphs. We present lower bounds which show that our analysis is close to optimal, and experimental results suggesting that the performance cost of internal determinism is limited

    IST Austria Thesis

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    The scalability of concurrent data structures and distributed algorithms strongly depends on reducing the contention for shared resources and the costs of synchronization and communication. We show how such cost reductions can be attained by relaxing the strict consistency conditions required by sequential implementations. In the first part of the thesis, we consider relaxation in the context of concurrent data structures. Specifically, in data structures such as priority queues, imposing strong semantics renders scalability impossible, since a correct implementation of the remove operation should return only the element with highest priority. Intuitively, attempting to invoke remove operations concurrently creates a race condition. This bottleneck can be circumvented by relaxing semantics of the affected data structure, thus allowing removal of the elements which are no longer required to have the highest priority. We prove that the randomized implementations of relaxed data structures provide provable guarantees on the priority of the removed elements even under concurrency. Additionally, we show that in some cases the relaxed data structures can be used to scale the classical algorithms which are usually implemented with the exact ones. In the second part, we study parallel variants of the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm, which distribute computation among the multiple processors, thus reducing the running time. Unfortunately, in order for standard parallel SGD to succeed, each processor has to maintain a local copy of the necessary model parameter, which is identical to the local copies of other processors; the overheads from this perfect consistency in terms of communication and synchronization can negate the speedup gained by distributing the computation. We show that the consistency conditions required by SGD can be relaxed, allowing the algorithm to be more flexible in terms of tolerating quantized communication, asynchrony, or even crash faults, while its convergence remains asymptotically the same

    Optimizing work stealing algorithms with scheduling constraints

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    The fork-join paradigm of concurrent expression has gained popularity in conjunction with work-stealing schedulers. Random work-stealing schedulers have been shown to effectively perform dynamic load balancing, yielding provably-efficient schedules and space bounds on shared-memory architectures with uniform memory models. However, the advent of hierarchical, non-uniform multicore systems and large-scale distributed-memory architectures has reduced the efficacy of these scheduling policies. Furthermore, random work stealing schedulers do not exploit persistence within iterative, scientific applications. In this thesis, we prove several properties of work-stealing schedulers that enable online tracing of the tasks with very low overhead. We then describe new scheduling policies that use online schedule introspection to understand scheduler placement and thus improve the performance on NUMA and distributed-memory architectures. Finally, by incorporating an inclusive data effect system into fork--join programs with schedule placement knowledge, we show how we can transform a fork-join program to significantly improve locality

    Enhancing Productivity and Performance Portability of General-Purpose Parallel Programming

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    This work focuses on compiler and run-time techniques for improving the productivity and the performance portability of general-purpose parallel programming. More specifically, we focus on shared-memory task-parallel languages, where the programmer explicitly exposes parallelism in the form of short tasks that may outnumber the cores by orders of magnitude. The compiler, the run-time, and the platform (henceforth the system) are responsible for harnessing this unpredictable amount of parallelism, which can vary from none to excessive, towards efficient execution. The challenge arises from the aspiration to support fine-grained irregular computations and nested parallelism. This work is even more ambitious by also aspiring to lay the foundations to efficiently support declarative code, where the programmer exposes all available parallelism, using high-level language constructs such as parallel loops, reducers or futures. The appeal of declarative code is twofold for general-purpose programming: it is often easier for the programmer who does not have to worry about the granularity of the exposed parallelism, and it achieves better performance portability by avoiding overfitting to a small range of platforms and inputs for which the programmer is coarsening. Furthermore, PRAM algorithms, an important class of parallel algorithms, naturally lend themselves to declarative programming, so supporting it is a necessary condition for capitalizing on the wealth of the PRAM theory. Unfortunately, declarative codes often expose such an overwhelming number of fine-grained tasks that existing systems fail to deliver performance. Our contributions can be partitioned into three components. First, we tackle the issue of coarsening, which declarative code leaves to the system. We identify two goals of coarsening and advocate tackling them separately, using static compiler transformations for one and dynamic run-time approaches for the other. Additionally, we present evidence that the current practice of burdening the programmer with coarsening either leads to codes with poor performance-portability, or to a significantly increased programming effort. This is a ``show-stopper'' for general-purpose programming. To compare the performance portability among approaches, we define an experimental framework and two metrics, and we demonstrate that our approaches are preferable. We close the chapter on coarsening by presenting compiler transformations that automatically coarsen some types of very fine-grained codes. Second, we propose Lazy Scheduling, an innovative run-time scheduling technique that infers the platform load at run-time, using information already maintained. Based on the inferred load, Lazy Scheduling adapts the amount of available parallelism it exposes for parallel execution and, thus, saves parallelism overheads that existing approaches pay. We implement Lazy Scheduling and present experimental results on four different platforms. The results show that Lazy Scheduling is vastly superior for declarative codes and competitive, if not better, for coarsened codes. Moreover, Lazy Scheduling is also superior in terms of performance-portability, supporting our thesis that it is possible to achieve reasonable efficiency and performance portability with declarative codes. Finally, we also implement Lazy Scheduling on XMT, an experimental manycore platform developed at the University of Maryland, which was designed to support codes derived from PRAM algorithms. On XMT, we manage to harness the existing hardware support for scheduling flat parallelism to compose it with Lazy Scheduling, which supports nested parallelism. In the resulting hybrid scheduler, the hardware and software work in synergy to overcome each other's weaknesses. We show the performance composability of the hardware and software schedulers, both in an abstract cost model and experimentally, as the hybrid always performs better than the software scheduler alone. Furthermore, the cost model is validated by using it to predict if it is preferable to execute a code sequentially, with outer parallelism, or with nested parallelism, depending on the input, the available hardware parallelism and the calling context of the parallel code