10,353 research outputs found

    An efficient time optimized scheme for progressive analytics in big data

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    Big data analytics is the key research subject for future data driven decision making applications. Due to the large amount of data, progressive analytics could provide an efficient way for querying big data clusters. Each cluster contains only a piece of the examined data. Continuous queries over these data sources require intelligent mechanisms to result the final outcome (query response) in the minimum time with the maximum performance. A Query Controller (QC) is responsible to manage continuous/sequential queries and return the final outcome to users or applications. In this paper, we propose a mechanism that can be adopted by the QC. The proposed mechanism is capable of managing partial results retrieved by a number of processors each one responsible for each cluster. Each processor executes a query over a specific cluster of data. Our mechanism adopts two sequential decision making models for handling the incoming partial results. The first model is based on a finite horizon time-optimized model and the second one is based on an infinite horizon optimally scheduled model. We provide mathematical formulations for solving the discussed problem and present simulation results. Through a large number of experiments, we reveal the advantages of the proposed models and give numerical results comparing them with a deterministic model. These results indicate that the proposed models can efficiently reduce the required time for returning the final outcome to the user/application while keeping the quality of the aggregated result at high levels

    Hypothetical answers to continuous queries over data streams

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    Continuous queries over data streams may suffer from blocking operations and/or unbound wait, which may delay answers until some relevant input arrives through the data stream. These delays may turn answers, when they arrive, obsolete to users who sometimes have to make decisions with no help whatsoever. Therefore, it can be useful to provide hypothetical answers - "given the current information, it is possible that X will become true at time t" - instead of no information at all. In this paper we present a semantics for queries and corresponding answers that covers such hypothetical answers, together with an online algorithm for updating the set of facts that are consistent with the currently available information

    Semi-automatic semantic enrichment of raw sensor data

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    One of the more recent sources of large volumes of generated data is sensor devices, where dedicated sensing equipment is used to monitor events and happenings in a wide range of domains, including monitoring human biometrics. In recent trials to examine the effects that key moments in movies have on the human body, we fitted fitted with a number of biometric sensor devices and monitored them as they watched a range of dierent movies in groups. The purpose of these experiments was to examine the correlation between humans' highlights in movies as observed from biometric sensors, and highlights in the same movies as identified by our automatic movie analysis techniques. However,the problem with this type of experiment is that both the analysis of the video stream and the sensor data readings are not directly usable in their raw form because of the sheer volume of low-level data values generated both from the sensors and from the movie analysis. This work describes the semi-automated enrichment of both video analysis and sensor data and the mechanism used to query the data in both centralised environments, and in a peer-to-peer architecture when the number of sensor devices grows to large numbers. We present and validate a scalable means of semi-automating the semantic enrichment of sensor data, thereby providing a means of large-scale sensor management

    S-Store: Streaming Meets Transaction Processing

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    Stream processing addresses the needs of real-time applications. Transaction processing addresses the coordination and safety of short atomic computations. Heretofore, these two modes of operation existed in separate, stove-piped systems. In this work, we attempt to fuse the two computational paradigms in a single system called S-Store. In this way, S-Store can simultaneously accommodate OLTP and streaming applications. We present a simple transaction model for streams that integrates seamlessly with a traditional OLTP system. We chose to build S-Store as an extension of H-Store, an open-source, in-memory, distributed OLTP database system. By implementing S-Store in this way, we can make use of the transaction processing facilities that H-Store already supports, and we can concentrate on the additional implementation features that are needed to support streaming. Similar implementations could be done using other main-memory OLTP platforms. We show that we can actually achieve higher throughput for streaming workloads in S-Store than an equivalent deployment in H-Store alone. We also show how this can be achieved within H-Store with the addition of a modest amount of new functionality. Furthermore, we compare S-Store to two state-of-the-art streaming systems, Spark Streaming and Storm, and show how S-Store matches and sometimes exceeds their performance while providing stronger transactional guarantees

    Building Near-Real-Time Processing Pipelines with the Spark-MPI Platform

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    Advances in detectors and computational technologies provide new opportunities for applied research and the fundamental sciences. Concurrently, dramatic increases in the three Vs (Volume, Velocity, and Variety) of experimental data and the scale of computational tasks produced the demand for new real-time processing systems at experimental facilities. Recently, this demand was addressed by the Spark-MPI approach connecting the Spark data-intensive platform with the MPI high-performance framework. In contrast with existing data management and analytics systems, Spark introduced a new middleware based on resilient distributed datasets (RDDs), which decoupled various data sources from high-level processing algorithms. The RDD middleware significantly advanced the scope of data-intensive applications, spreading from SQL queries to machine learning to graph processing. Spark-MPI further extended the Spark ecosystem with the MPI applications using the Process Management Interface. The paper explores this integrated platform within the context of online ptychographic and tomographic reconstruction pipelines.Comment: New York Scientific Data Summit, August 6-9, 201

    XQuery Streaming by Forest Transducers

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    Streaming of XML transformations is a challenging task and only very few systems support streaming. Research approaches generally define custom fragments of XQuery and XPath that are amenable to streaming, and then design custom algorithms for each fragment. These languages have several shortcomings. Here we take a more principles approach to the problem of streaming XQuery-based transformations. We start with an elegant transducer model for which many static analysis problems are well-understood: the Macro Forest Transducer (MFT). We show that a large fragment of XQuery can be translated into MFTs --- indeed, a fragment of XQuery, that can express important features that are missing from other XQuery stream engines, such as GCX: our fragment of XQuery supports XPath predicates and let-statements. We then rely on a streaming execution engine for MFTs, one which uses a well-founded set of optimizations from functional programming, such as strictness analysis and deforestation. Our prototype achieves time and memory efficiency comparable to the fastest known engine for XQuery streaming, GCX. This is surprising because our engine relies on the OCaml built in garbage collector and does not use any specialized buffer management, while GCX's efficiency is due to clever and explicit buffer management.Comment: Full version of the paper in the Proceedings of the 30th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2014