135 research outputs found

    An order-theoretic analysis of interpretations among propositional deductive systems

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    In this paper we study interpretations and equivalences of propositional deductive systems by using a quantale-theoretic approach introduced by Galatos and Tsinakis. Our aim is to provide a general order-theoretic framework which is able to describe and characterize both strong and weak forms of interpretations among propositional deductive systems also in the cases where the systems have different underlying languages

    Lattice-ordered abelian groups and perfect MV-algebras: a topos-theoretic perspective

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    We establish, generalizing Di Nola and Lettieri's categorical equivalence, a Morita-equivalence between the theory of lattice-ordered abelian groups and that of perfect MV-algebras. Further, after observing that the two theories are not bi-interpretable in the classical sense, we identify, by considering appropriate topos-theoretic invariants on their common classifying topos, three levels of bi-intepretability holding for particular classes of formulas: irreducible formulas, geometric sentences and imaginaries. Lastly, by investigating the classifying topos of the theory of perfect MV-algebras, we obtain various results on its syntax and semantics also in relation to the cartesian theory of the variety generated by Chang's MV-algebra, including a concrete representation for the finitely presentable models of the latter theory as finite products of finitely presentable perfect MV-algebras. Among the results established on the way, we mention a Morita-equivalence between the theory of lattice-ordered abelian groups and that of cancellative lattice-ordered abelian monoids with bottom element.Comment: 54 page

    Dual attachment pairs in categorically-algebraic topology

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    [EN] The paper is a continuation of our study on developing a new approach to (lattice-valued) topological structures, which relies on category theory and universal algebra, and which is called categorically-algebraic (catalg) topology. The new framework is used to build a topological setting, based in a catalg extension of the set-theoretic membership relation "e" called dual attachment, thereby dualizing the notion of attachment introduced by the authors earlier. Following the recent interest of the fuzzy community in topological systems of S. Vickers, we clarify completely relationships between these structures and (dual) attachment, showing that unlike the former, the latter have no inherent topology, but are capable of providing a natural transformation between two topological theories. We also outline a more general setting for developing the attachment theory, motivated by the concept of (L,M)-fuzzy topological space of T. Kubiak and A. Sostak.This research was partially supported by the ESF Project of the University of Latvia No. 2009/0223/1DP/, A.; Guido, C.; Solovyov, SA. (2011). Dual attachment pairs in categorically-algebraic topology. Applied General Topology. 12(2):101-134. doi:10.4995/agt.2011.1646.SWORD10113412

    Representation and duality of the untyped lambda-calculus in nominal lattice and topological semantics, with a proof of topological completeness

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    We give a semantics for the lambda-calculus based on a topological duality theorem in nominal sets. A novel interpretation of lambda is given in terms of adjoints, and lambda-terms are interpreted absolutely as sets (no valuation is necessary)

    Quantale Modules, with Applications to Logic and Image Processing

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    We propose a categorical and algebraic study of quantale modules. The results and constructions presented are also applied to abstract algebraic logic and to image processing tasks.Comment: 150 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables, Doctoral dissertation, Univ Salern

    Dual Logic Concepts based on Mathematical Morphology in Stratified Institutions: Applications to Spatial Reasoning

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    Several logical operators are defined as dual pairs, in different types of logics. Such dual pairs of operators also occur in other algebraic theories, such as mathematical morphology. Based on this observation, this paper proposes to define, at the abstract level of institutions, a pair of abstract dual and logical operators as morphological erosion and dilation. Standard quantifiers and modalities are then derived from these two abstract logical operators. These operators are studied both on sets of states and sets of models. To cope with the lack of explicit set of states in institutions, the proposed abstract logical dual operators are defined in an extension of institutions, the stratified institutions, which take into account the notion of open sentences, the satisfaction of which is parametrized by sets of states. A hint on the potential interest of the proposed framework for spatial reasoning is also provided.Comment: 36 page

    Entailment systems for stably locally compact locales

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    The category SCFrU of stably continuous frames and preframe ho-momorphisms (preserving ¯nite meets and directed joins) is dual to the Karoubi envelope of a category Ent whose objects are sets and whose morphisms X ! Y are upper closed relations between the ¯nite powersets FX and FY . Composition of these morphisms is the \cut composition" of Jung et al. that interfaces disjunction in the codomains with conjunctions in the domains, and thereby relates to their multi-lingual sequent calculus. Thus stably locally compact locales are represented by \entailment systems" (X; `) in which `, a generalization of entailment relations,is idempotent for cut composition. Some constructions on stably locally compact locales are represented in terms of entailment systems: products, duality and powerlocales. Relational converse provides Ent with an involution, and this gives a simple treatment of the duality of stably locally compact locales. If A and B are stably continuous frames, then the internal preframe hom A t B is isomorphic to e A ­ B where e A is the Hofmann-Lawson dual. For a stably locally compact locale X, the lower powerlocale of X is shown to be the dual of the upper powerlocale of the dual of X

    On Tarski's fixed point theorem

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    A concept of abstract inductive definition on a complete lattice is formulated and studied. As an application, a constructive and predicative version of Tarski's fixed point theorem is obtained.Comment: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., to appea