64 research outputs found

    Higher Catoids, Higher Quantales and their Correspondences

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    We establish modal correspondences between omega-catoids and convolution omega-quantales. These are related to J\'onsson-Tarski style-dualities between relational structures and lattices with operators. We introduce omega-catoids as generalisations of (strict) omega-categories and in particular of the higher path categories generated by polygraphs (or computads) in higher rewriting. Convolution omega-quantales generalise the powerset omega-Kleene algebras recently proposed for algebraic coherence proofs in higher rewriting to weighted variants. We extend these correspondences to ({\omega},p)-catoids and convolution ({\omega},p)-quantales suitable for modelling homotopies in higher rewriting. We also specialise them to finitely decomposable ({\omega}, p)-catoids, an appropriate setting for defining ({\omega}, p)-semirings and ({\omega}, p)-Kleene algebras. These constructions support the systematic development and justification of higher quantale axioms relative to a previous ad hoc approach.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figure

    Catoids and modal convolution algebras

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    We show how modal quantales arise as convolution algebras QX of functions from catoids X, multisemigroups equipped with source and target maps, into modal quantales value or weight quantales Q. In the tradition of boolean algebras with operators we study modal correspondences between algebraic laws in X, Q and QX. The catoids introduced generalise Schweizer and Sklar’s function systems and single-set categories to structures isomorphic to algebras of ternary relations, as they are used for boolean algebras with operators and substructural logics. Our correspondence results support a generic construction of weighted modal quantales from catoids. This construction is illustrated by many examples. We also relate our results to reasoning with stochastic matrices or probabilistic predicate transformers

    Relational Representation of Groupoid Quantales

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    Extending Set Functors to Generalised Metric Spaces

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    For a commutative quantale V, the category V-cat can be perceived as a category of generalised metric spaces and non-expanding maps. We show that any type constructor T (formalised as an endofunctor on sets) can be extended in a canonical way to a type constructor TV on V-cat. The proof yields methods of explicitly calculating the extension in concrete examples, which cover well-known notions such as the Pompeiu-Hausdorff metric as well as new ones. Conceptually, this allows us to to solve the same recursive domain equation X ≅ TX in different categories (such as sets and metric spaces) and we study how their solutions (that is, the final coalgebras) are related via change of base. Mathematically, the heart of the matter is to show that, for any commutative quantale V, the “discrete functor Set → V-cat from sets to categories enriched over V is V-cat-dense and has a density presentation that allows us to compute left-Kan extensions along D

    Relations and Non-commutative Linear Logic

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    Linear logic differs from intuitionistic logic primarily in the absence of the structural rules of weakening and contraction. Weakening allows us to prove a proposition in the context of irrelevant or unused premises, while contraction allows us to use a premise an arbitrary number of times. Linear logic has been called a ''resource-conscious'' logic, since the premises of a sequent must appear exactly as many times as they are used.In this paper, we address this ''experimental nature'' by presenting a non-commutative intuitionistic linear logic with several attractive properties. Our logic discards even the limited commutativityof Yetter's logic in which cyclic permutations of formulae are permitted. It arises in a natural way from the system of intuitionistic linear logic presented by Girard and Lafont, and we prove a cut elimination theorem. In linear logic, the rules of weakening and contraction are recovered in a restricted sense by the introduction of the exponential modality(!). This recaptures the expressive power of intuitionistic logic. In our logic the modality ! recovers the non-commutative analogues of these structural rules. However, the most appealing property of our logic is that it is both sound and complete with respect to interpretation in a natural class of models which we call relational quantales