76,401 research outputs found

    Research on speech understanding and related areas at SRI

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    Research capabilities on speech understanding, speech recognition, and voice control are described. Research activities and the activities which involve text input rather than speech are discussed

    Proposed interfaces between Ofqual and QCDA on qualifications and related areas of work

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    Manuscript Collections in Psychology and Related Areas

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    Multi-axis manual controllers: A state-of-the-art report

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    A literature search was carried out to examine the feasibility of a six degree of freedom hand controller. Factors addressed included related areas, approaches to manual control, applications of manual controllers, and selected studies of the human neuromuscular system. Results are presented

    The Effect of Sterile States on the Magnetic Moments of Neutrinos

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    We briefly review recent work exploring the effect of light sterile neutrino states on the neutrino magnetic moment as explored by the reactor and solar neutrino experiments.Comment: Proceedings of the CETUP* (Center for Theoretical Underground Physics and Related Areas) 2013 Summer Institut

    Workshop on Grid Generation and Related Areas

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    A collection of papers given at the Workshop on Grid Generation and Related Areas is presented. The purpose of this workshop was to assemble engineers and scientists who are currently working on grid generation for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), surface modeling, and related areas. The objectives were to provide an informal forum on grid generation and related topics, to assess user experience, to identify needs, and to help promote synergy among engineers and scientists working in this area. The workshop consisted of four sessions representative of grid generation and surface modeling research and application within NASA LeRC. Each session contained presentations and an open discussion period

    Towards a very precise knowledge of theta13

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    Recent experimental developments towards obtaining a very precise value of the third neutrino mixing angle, θ13\theta_{13}, are summarized. Various implications of the measured value of this angle are briefly discussed.Comment: Proceedings of the CETUP* (Center for Theoretical Underground Physics and Related Areas) 2012 Summer Institut

    The SPIRIT collection: an overview of a large web collection

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    A large scale collection of web pages has been essential for research in information retrieval and related areas. This paper provides an overview of a large web collection used in the SPIRIT project for the design and testing of spatially-aware retrieval systems. Several statistics are derived and presented to show the characteristics of the collection

    Research activities in nuclear astrophysics and related areas

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    NASA/GRO grant NAG 5-2081, at the University of Chicago, has provided support for a broad program of theoretical research in nuclear astrophysics and related areas, with regard to gamma-ray and hard X-ray emission from classical nova explosions. This research emphasized the possible detection of 22Na gamma-ray line emission from nearby novae involving ONeMg white dwarfs, the detailed examination of 26Al production in novae, and the possible detection of the predicted early gamma ray emission from novae that arises from the decay of the short lived, positron emitting isotopes of CNO elements. Studies of nova related problems have consumed an increasing fraction of the Principal Investigator's research efforts over the past decade. Current research addresses problems associated with the standard model for the outbursts of the classical novae: the occurrence of thermonuclear runaways (TNR) in the accreted hydrogen rich envelopes on white dwarfs in close binary systems (see, e.g., the reviews by Truran 1982; and Shara 1989). Research in progress and planned for the next three years has three main objectives: (1) to gain an improved understanding of the early evolution of the light curves of, particularly, the fastest novae; (2) to gain an improved understanding of the relative importance of the various possible mechanisms of envelope hydrogen depletion (e.g. winds, common envelope driven mass loss, and nuclear burning) to the long term evolution of novae in outburst; and (3) to seek to provide a somewhat more definitive statement of the role of classical novae in nucleosynthesis. Our proposed 2-D studies of convection during the early phases of the TNR and our systematic attempt to incorporate an improved treatment of radiation hydrodynamics into the hydrodynamic code utilized in our calculations, are particularly relevant to the first of these objectives. Further 2-D studies of the effects of common envelope evolution are intended to provide more realistic constraints on the mass depletion mechanisms. Finally, detailed calculations of the thermonuclear history of the matter ejected in novae will be carried out for representative nova configurations involving both carbon-oxygen (CO) and oxygen-neon-magnesium (ONeMg) white dwarfs