733 research outputs found

    A Time Like No Other: Charting the Course of the Next Revolution - A Summary of the Boston Indicators Report 2004-2006

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    Summarizes findings from the Boston Indicators Project, a long-term research study of the city's economic, social, and technical progress across ten sectors

    Social sciences research in neglected tropical diseases 1: the ongoing neglect in the neglected tropical diseases

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    Centuries of scientific advances and developments in biomedical sciences have brought us a long way to understanding and managing disease processes, by reducing them to simplified cause-effect models. For most of the infectious diseases known today, we have the methods and technology to identify the causative agent, understand the mechanism by which pathology is induced and develop the treatment (drugs, vaccines, medical or surgical procedures) to cure, manage or control

    Umjetna inteligencija i robotika kao pokretačka snaga modernog društva

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    In synergy with other technologies, the AI significantly accelerates the scientific and technological development of human society. New possibilities of the application of technological achievements are constantly opening up – in industry, healthcare and everyday life. AI-based robotics is the main driver of the present industrial revolution. Robots have already played an important role in production and changed the production economy over the past decade. New generations of smart robots, or smart technical systems in general, are turning to new applications, especially in service industries, medicine and home use. In the future, autonomous and mobile robots will be able to assist the elderly and immobile, help with household chores, act as caregivers and perform repetitive, tedious or dangerous jobs in nursing homes, hospitals, military environments, disaster sites and schools. The potential benefits are great, but they pose significant ethical challenges too. Our autonomy may be compromised and social interaction obstructed. Expanded use of robots can lead to reduced contact among people and possible restrictions on personal freedoms. Machines of these kinds shape the new world radically, leading to significant economic and cultural changes, creating both winners and losers on a global scale.U sinergiji s drugim tehnologijama AI značajno ubrzava znanstveni i tehnološki razvoj ljudskog društva. Neprestano se otvaraju nove mogućnosti primjene tehnoloških dostignuća, kako u industriji, zdravstvu tako i u svakodnevnom životu. Robotika temeljena na umjetnoj inteligenciji glavni je pokretač sadašnje industrijske revolucije. Roboti su već odigrali važnu ulogu u proizvodnji i promijenili proizvodnu ekonomiju tijekom posljednjih desetak godina. Nove generacije pametnih robota, ili općenito pametnih tehničkih sustava, okreću se novim primjenama, posebno u uslužnim djelatnostima, medicini i kućnoj uporabi. Autonomni i mobilni roboti u budućnosti će moći pomagati starijim i nepokretnim osobama, pomagati u kućanskim poslovima, djelovati kao njegovatelji i obavljati ponavljajuće, dosadne ili opasne poslove u staračkim domovima, bolnicama, vojnim okruženjima, mjestima katastrofe i školama. Potencijalne prednosti su velike, ali također predstavljaju značajne etičke izazove. Naša autonomija može biti ugrožena, a društvena interakcija opstruirana. Prošireno korištenje robota može dovesti do smanjenog kontakta među ljudima i mogućih ograničenja osobnih sloboda. Strojevi ove vrste oblikuju radikalno novi svijet, što dovodi do značajnih ekonomskih i kulturoloških promjena, stvarajući jednako pobjednike kao i gubitnike na globalnoj svjetskoj razini

    African Union Agenda 2063: African Critical Technical Skills: Key Capacity Dimensions Needed for the First 10 Years of Agenda 2063

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    This publication produced by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) in conjuction with the African Union Commission (AUC) observes that the single biggest challenge to ownership of Africa’s development agenda and management of its key development programs is grounded in the issue of critical technical skill (CTS) in Africa. To achieve the vision of Agenda 2063, as well as Africa’s ideology and existential imperative to fulfill its destiny as a great continent of the future, it must own, use, and have faith in its own CTS professionals, trained and working to a world-class standard. Considering the huge importance of capacity dimensions for Agenda 2063, it might be helpful to incorporate within the African Union (AU) system the continued partnership support of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) on issues of capacity imperatives and robust African skills development for Agenda 2063

    Industrial, Collaborative and Mobile Robotics in Latin America: Review of Mechatronic Technologies for Advanced Automation

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    Mechatronics and Robotics (MaR) have recently gained importance in product development and manufacturing settings and applications. Therefore, the Center for Space Emerging Technologies (C-SET) has managed an international multi-disciplinary study to present, historically, the first Latin American general review of industrial, collaborative, and mobile robotics, with the support of North American and European researchers and institutions. The methodology is developed by considering literature extracted from Scopus, Web of Science, and Aerospace Research Central and adding reports written by companies and government organizations. This describes the state-of-the-art of MaR until the year 2023 in the 3 Sub-Regions: North America, Central America, and South America, having achieved important results related to the academy, industry, government, and entrepreneurship; thus, the statistics shown in this manuscript are unique. Also, this article explores the potential for further work and advantages described by robotic companies such as ABB, KUKA, and Mecademic and the use of the Robot Operating System (ROS) in order to promote research, development, and innovation. In addition, the integration with industry 4.0 and digital manufacturing, architecture and construction, aerospace, smart agriculture, artificial intelligence, and computational social science (human-robot interaction) is analyzed to show the promising features of these growing tech areas, considering the improvements to increase production, manufacturing, and education in the Region. Finally, regarding the information presented, Latin America is considered an important location for investments to increase production and product development, taking into account the further proposal for the creation of the LATAM Consortium for Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics, which could support and work on roboethics and education/R+D+I law and regulations in the Region. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-04-025 Full Text: PD

    Social sciences research in neglected tropical diseases 1: the ongoing neglect in the neglected tropical diseases

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    Centuries of scientific advances and developments in biomedical sciences have brought us a long way to understanding and managing disease processes, by reducing them to simplified cause-effect models. For most of the infectious diseases known today, we have the methods and technology to identify the causative agent, understand the mechanism by which pathology is induced and develop the treatment (drugs, vaccines, medical or surgical procedures) to cure, manage or control. Disease, however, occurs within a context of lives fraught with complexity. For any given infectious disease, who gets it, when, why, the duration, the severity, the outcome, the sequelae, are bound by a complex interplay of factors related as much to the individual as it is to the physical, social, cultural, political and economic environments. Furthermore each of these factors is in a dynamic state of change, evolving over time as they interact with each other. Simple solutions to infectious diseases are therefore rarely sustainable solutions. Sustainability would require the development of interdisciplinary sciences that allow us to acknowledge, understand and address these complexities as they occur, rather than rely solely on a form of science based on reducing the management of disease to simple paradigms. In this review we examine the current global health responses to the 'neglected' tropical diseases, which have been prioritised on the basis of an acknowledgment of the complexity of the poverty-disease cycle. However research and interventions for neglected tropical diseases, largely neglect the social and ecological contextual, factors that make these diseases persist in the target populations, continuing instead to focus on the simple biomedical interventions. We highlight the gaps in the approaches and explore the potential of enhanced interdisciplinary work in the development of long term solutions to disease control.Daniel Reidpath - ORCID: 0000-0002-8796-0420 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8796-0420https://doi.org/10.1186/1478-4505-8-328pubpub