2,554 research outputs found

    Reinforcing Reachable Routes

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    This paper studies the evaluation of routing algorithms from the perspective of reachability routing, where the goal is to determine all paths between a sender and a receiver. Reachability routing is becoming relevant with the changing dynamics of the Internet and the emergence of low-bandwidth wireless/ad-hoc networks. We make the case for reinforcement learning as the framework of choice to realize reachability routing, within the confines of the current Internet infrastructure. The setting of the reinforcement learning problem offers several advantages,including loop resolution, multi-path forwarding capability, cost-sensitive routing, and minimizing state overhead, while maintaining the incremental spirit of current backbone routing algorithms. We identify research issues in reinforcement learning applied to the reachability routing problem to achieve a fluid and robust backbone routing framework. This paper also presents the design, implementation and evaluation of a new reachability routing algorithm that uses a model-based approach to achieve cost-sensitive multi-path forwarding; performance assessment of the algorithm in various troublesome topologies shows consistently superior performance over classical reinforcement learning algorithms. The paper is targeted toward practitioners seeking to implement a reachability routing algorithm

    HoPP: Robust and Resilient Publish-Subscribe for an Information-Centric Internet of Things

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    This paper revisits NDN deployment in the IoT with a special focus on the interaction of sensors and actuators. Such scenarios require high responsiveness and limited control state at the constrained nodes. We argue that the NDN request-response pattern which prevents data push is vital for IoT networks. We contribute HoP-and-Pull (HoPP), a robust publish-subscribe scheme for typical IoT scenarios that targets IoT networks consisting of hundreds of resource constrained devices at intermittent connectivity. Our approach limits the FIB tables to a minimum and naturally supports mobility, temporary network partitioning, data aggregation and near real-time reactivity. We experimentally evaluate the protocol in a real-world deployment using the IoT-Lab testbed with varying numbers of constrained devices, each wirelessly interconnected via IEEE 802.15.4 LowPANs. Implementations are built on CCN-lite with RIOT and support experiments using various single- and multi-hop scenarios

    The celebrity entrepreneur on television: profile, politics and power

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    This article examines the rise of the ‘celebrity entrepreneur’ on television through the emergence of the ‘business entertainment format’ and considers the ways in which regular television exposure can be converted into political influence. Within television studies there has been a preoccupation in recent years with how lifestyle and reality formats work to transform ‘ordinary’ people into celebrities. As a result, the contribution of vocationally skilled business professionals to factual entertainment programming has gone almost unnoticed. This article draws on interviews with key media industry professionals and begins by looking at the construction of entrepreneurs as different types of television personalities and how discourses of work, skill and knowledge function in business shows. It then outlines how entrepreneurs can utilize their newly acquired televisual skills to cultivate a wider media profile and secure various forms of political access and influence. Integral to this is the centrality of public relations and media management agencies in shaping media discourses and developing the individual as a ‘brand identity’ that can be used to endorse a range of products or ideas. This has led to policy makers and politicians attempting to mobilize the media profile of celebrity entrepreneurs to reach out and connect with the public on business and enterprise-related issues

    Multi-region routing

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de CiĂȘncias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia ElectrotĂ©cnica e de ComputadoresThis thesis proposes a new inter-domain routing protocol. The Internet's inter-domain routing protocol Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) provides a reachability solution for all domains; however it is also used for purposes outside of routing. In terms of routing BGP su ers from serious problems, such as slow routing convergence and limited scalability. The proposed architecture takes into consideration the current Internet business model and structure. It bene ts from a massively multi-homed Internet to perform multipath routing. The main foundation of this thesis was based on the Dynamic Topological Information Architecture (DTIA). We propose a division of the Internet in regions to contain the network scale where DTIA's routing algorithm is applied. An inter-region routing solution was devised to connect regions; formal proofs were made in order to demonstrate the routing convergence of the protocol. An implementation of the proposed solution was made in the network simulator 2 (ns-2). Results showed that the proposed architecture achieves faster convergence than BGP. Moreover, this thesis' solution improves the algorithm's scalability at the inter-region level, compared to the single region case

    Play Area Utilization Optimization for Room-scale Exploration of Virtual Worlds

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    Virtual Reality (VR) opens up new possibilities for developers to create immersive worlds and experiences. While it’s possible to craft unique and engaging interactive environments with unprecedented realism, the virtual world is constrained by the real one. Current approaches to player navigation in VR applications include joystick controls, teleportation, and motion-based movement. While these methods are effective in certain scenarios to overcome real-world limitations, my research introduces a novel approach that leverages room scale-based movement, with portals, to traverse a given VR world. This work presents algorithms that accurately predict the percentage of play area utilized, and rules to implement typical game elements to allow large scale virtual immersion under real world constraints

    Status - based routing in baggage handling systems : searching verses learning

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    This study contributes to work in baggage handling system (BHS) control, specifically dynamic bag routing. Although studies in BHS agent-based control have examined the need for intelligent control, but there has not been an effort to explore the dynamic routing problem. As such, this study provides additional insight into how agents can learn to route in a BHS. This study describes a BHS status-based routing algorithm that applies learning methods to select criteria based on routing decisions. Although numerous studies have identified the need for dynamic routing, little analytic attention has been paid to intelligent agents for learning routing tables rather than manual creation of routing rules. We address this issue by demonstrating the ability of agents to learn how to route based on bag status, a robust method that is able to function in a variety of different BHS designs.<br /

    The world of ones and zeros: social consequences of digitalization

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    Das vorliegende Papier befasst sich mit den gesellschaftlichen Konsequenzen der Digitalisierung. ZunĂ€chst untersuchen die Autoren, warum es gerechtfertigt ist, von einer digitalen Revolution zu sprechen. Es werden sechs Punkte genannt und im einzelnen mit praktischen Beispielen untermauert: 1. Digitalisierung erlaubt nahezu perfektes Kopieren bei sehr niedrigen Kosten; 2. Beim Kopieren gehen keine Inhalte verloren und die Originale bleiben unversehrt erhalten; 3. Diese Kopien können auf dem Erdball sofort ĂŒbertragen werden, es kommt zu einer Überwindung von Raum und Zeit; 4. Die FĂ€higkeiten der mit der Digitalisierung zusammenhĂ€ngenden Technologien verbessern sich in immer kĂŒrzeren Zyklen; 5. Die Kosten, die anfallen, um von der Digitalisierung zu profitieren, werden immer geringer und die Anzahl der Menschen, die an der Digitalisierung partizipieren, und der Grad der Durchdringung immer grĂ¶ĂŸer; 6. Es kommt zu einem Prozess der SelbstverstĂ€rkung. Im Anschluss daran werden Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Bereiche Finanzen, Wirtschaft, Regierung und Gesellschaft untersucht. Abschließend beleuchten die Autoren Chancen und Risiken der Digitalisierung. (ICD
