23 research outputs found

    Incorporating Behavioral Constraints in Online AI Systems

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    AI systems that learn through reward feedback about the actions they take are increasingly deployed in domains that have significant impact on our daily life. However, in many cases the online rewards should not be the only guiding criteria, as there are additional constraints and/or priorities imposed by regulations, values, preferences, or ethical principles. We detail a novel online agent that learns a set of behavioral constraints by observation and uses these learned constraints as a guide when making decisions in an online setting while still being reactive to reward feedback. To define this agent, we propose to adopt a novel extension to the classical contextual multi-armed bandit setting and we provide a new algorithm called Behavior Constrained Thompson Sampling (BCTS) that allows for online learning while obeying exogenous constraints. Our agent learns a constrained policy that implements the observed behavioral constraints demonstrated by a teacher agent, and then uses this constrained policy to guide the reward-based online exploration and exploitation. We characterize the upper bound on the expected regret of the contextual bandit algorithm that underlies our agent and provide a case study with real world data in two application domains. Our experiments show that the designed agent is able to act within the set of behavior constraints without significantly degrading its overall reward performance.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Implementing Asimov’s First Law of Robotics

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    The need to make sure autonomous systems behave ethically is increasing with these systems becoming part of our society. Although there is no consensus to which actions an autonomous system should always be ethically obliged, preventing harm to people is an intuitive first candidate for a principle of behaviour. Do not hurt a human or allow a human to be hurt by your inaction is Asimov's First Law of robotics. We consider the challenges that the implementation of this Law will incur. To unearth these challenges we constructed a simulation of a First Robot Law abiding agent and an accident prone Human. We used a classic two-dimensional grid environment and explored to which extent an agent can be programmed, using standard artificial intelligence methods, to prevent a human from making dangerous actions. We outline the drawbacks of using the Asimov's First Law of robotics as an underlying ethical theory the governs an autonomous system's behaviour

    Landscape of Machine Implemented Ethics

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    This paper surveys the state-of-the-art in machine ethics, that is, considerations of how to implement ethical behaviour in robots, unmanned autonomous vehicles, or software systems. The emphasis is on covering the breadth of ethical theories being considered by implementors, as well as the implementation techniques being used. There is no consensus on which ethical theory is best suited for any particular domain, nor is there any agreement on which technique is best placed to implement a particular theory. Another unresolved problem in these implementations of ethical theories is how to objectively validate the implementations. The paper discusses the dilemmas being used as validating 'whetstones' and whether any alternative validation mechanism exists. Finally, it speculates that an intermediate step of creating domain-specific ethics might be a possible stepping stone towards creating machines that exhibit ethical behaviour.Comment: 25 page

    Scruples: A Corpus of Community Ethical Judgments on 32,000 Real-Life Anecdotes

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    As AI systems become an increasing part of people's everyday lives, it becomes ever more important that they understand people's ethical norms. Motivated by descriptive ethics, a field of study that focuses on people's descriptive judgments rather than theoretical prescriptions on morality, we investigate a novel, data-driven approach to machine ethics. We introduce Scruples, the first large-scale dataset with 625,000 ethical judgments over 32,000 real-life anecdotes. Each anecdote recounts a complex ethical situation, often posing moral dilemmas, paired with a distribution of judgments contributed by the community members. Our dataset presents a major challenge to state-of-the-art neural language models, leaving significant room for improvement. However, when presented with simplified moral situations, the results are considerably more promising, suggesting that neural models can effectively learn simpler ethical building blocks. A key take-away of our empirical analysis is that norms are not always clean-cut; many situations are naturally divisive. We present a new method to estimate the best possible performance on such tasks with inherently diverse label distributions, and explore likelihood functions that separate intrinsic from model uncertainty.Comment: 18 pages, 14 tables, 18 figures. Accepted to AAAI 2021. For associated code and data, see https://github.com/allenai/scruple