1,058 research outputs found


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    For hyperspectral data classification, the avoidance of singularity of covariance estimates or excessive near singularity estimation error due to limited training data is a key problem. This study is intended to solve problem via regularized covariance estimators and feature extraction algorithms. A second purpose is to build a robust classification procedure with the advantages of the algorithms proposed in this study but robust in the sense of not requiring extensive analyst operator skill. A pair of covariance estimators called Mixed-LOOCs is proposed for avoiding excessive covariance estimator error. Mixed-LOOC2 has advantages over LOOC and BLOOC and needs less computation than those two. Based on Mixed-LOOC2, new DAFE and mixture classifier algorithms are proposed. Current feature extraction algorithms, while effective in some circumstances, have significant limitations. Discriminate analysis feature extraction (DAFE) is fast but does not perform well with classes whose mean values are similar, and it produces only N-1 reliable features where N is the number of classes. Decision Boundary Feature Extraction does not have these limitations but does not perform well when training sets are small, A new nonparametric feature extraction method (NWFE) is developed to solve the problems of DAFE and DBFE. NWFE takes advantage of the desirable characteristics of DAFE and DBFE, while avoiding their shortcomings. Finally, experimental results show that using NWFE features applied to a mixture classifier based on the Mixed-LOOC2 covariance estimator has the best performance and is a robust procedure for classifying hyperspectral data

    A Survey on the Project in title

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    In this paper we present a survey of work that has been done in the project ldquo;Unsupervised Adaptive P300 BCI in the framework of chaotic theory and stochastic theoryrdquo;we summarised the following papers, (Mohammed J Alhaddad amp; 2011), (Mohammed J. Alhaddad amp; Kamel M, 2012), (Mohammed J Alhaddad, Kamel, amp; Al-Otaibi, 2013), (Mohammed J Alhaddad, Kamel, amp; Bakheet, 2013), (Mohammed J Alhaddad, Kamel, amp; Al-Otaibi, 2014), (Mohammed J Alhaddad, Kamel, amp; Bakheet, 2014), (Mohammed J Alhaddad, Kamel, amp; Kadah, 2014), (Mohammed J Alhaddad, Kamel, Makary, Hargas, amp; Kadah, 2014), (Mohammed J Alhaddad, Mohammed, Kamel, amp; Hagras, 2015).We developed a new pre-processing method for denoising P300-based brain-computer interface data that allows better performance with lower number of channels and blocks. The new denoising technique is based on a modified version of the spectral subtraction denoising and works on each temporal signal channel independently thus offering seamless integration with existing pre-processing and allowing low channel counts to be used. We also developed a novel approach for brain-computer interface data that requires no prior training. The proposed approach is based on interval type-2 fuzzy logic based classifier which is able to handle the usersrsquo; uncertainties to produce better prediction accuracies than other competing classifiers such as BLDA or RFLDA. In addition, the generated type-2 fuzzy classifier is learnt from data via genetic algorithms to produce a small number of rules with a rule length of only one antecedent to maximize the transparency and interpretability for the normal clinician. We also employ a feature selection system based on an ensemble neural networks recursive feature selection which is able to find the effective time instances within the effective sensors in relation to given P300 event. The basic principle of this new class of techniques is that the trial with true activation signal within each block has to be different from the rest of the trials within that block. Hence, a measure that is sensitive to this dissimilarity can be used to make a decision based on a single block without any prior training. The new methods were verified using various experiments which were performed on standard data sets and using real-data sets obtained from real subjects experiments performed in the BCI lab in King Abdulaziz University. The results were compared to the classification results of the same data using previous methods. Enhanced performance in different experiments as quantitatively assessed using classification block accuracy as well as bit rate estimates was confirmed. It will be shown that the produced type-2 fuzzy logic based classifier will learn simple rules which are easy to understand explaining the events in question. In addition, the produced type-2 fuzzy logic classifier will be able to give better accuracies when compared to BLDA or RFLDA on various human subjects on the standard and real-world data sets

    Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis Based on a Regularized Method for Multiclassification and Application in Lithological Identification

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    This study aimed to construct a kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFDA) method from well logs for lithology identification purposes. KFDA, via the use of a kernel trick, greatly improves the multiclassification accuracy compared with Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA). The optimal kernel Fisher projection of KFDA can be expressed as a generalized characteristic equation. However, it is difficult to solve the characteristic equation; therefore, a regularized method is used for it. In the absence of a method to determine the value of the regularized parameter, it is often determined based on expert human experience or is specified by tests. In this paper, it is proposed to use an improved KFDA (IKFDA) to obtain the optimal regularized parameter by means of a numerical method. The approach exploits the optimal regularized parameter selection ability of KFDA to obtain improved classification results. The method is simple and not computationally complex. The IKFDA was applied to the Iris data sets for training and testing purposes and subsequently to lithology data sets. The experimental results illustrated that it is possible to successfully separate data that is nonlinearly separable, thereby confirming that the method is effective
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