10 research outputs found

    Regular Languages of Thin Trees

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    A non-regular language of infinite trees that is recognizable by a sort-wise finite algebra

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    ω\omega-clones are multi-sorted structures that naturally emerge as algebras for infinite trees, just as ω\omega-semigroups are convenient algebras for infinite words. In the algebraic theory of languages, one hopes that a language is regular if and only if it is recognized by an algebra that is finite in some simple sense. We show that, for infinite trees, the situation is not so simple: there exists an ω\omega-clone that is finite on every sort and finitely generated, but recognizes a non-regular language

    ?-Forest Algebras and Temporal Logics

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    We use the algebraic framework for languages of infinite trees introduced in [A. Blumensath, 2020] to derive effective characterisations of various temporal logics, in particular the logic EF (a fragment of CTL) and its counting variant cEF

    Deciding the topological complexity of Büchi languages *

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    International audienceWe study the topological complexity of languages of Büchi automata on infinite binary trees. We show that such a language is either Borel and WMSO-definable, or Σ 1 1-complete and not WMSO-definable; moreover it can be algorithmically decided which of the two cases holds. The proof relies on a direct reduction to deciding the winner in a finite game with a regular winning condition

    Regular Tree Algebras

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    We introduce a class of algebras that can be used as recognisers for regular tree languages. We show that it is the only such class that forms a pseudo-variety and we prove the existence of syntactic algebras. Finally, we give a more algebraic characterisation of the algebras in our class

    Algebraic Language Theory for Eilenberg--Moore Algebras

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    We develop an algebraic language theory based on the notion of an Eilenberg--Moore algebra. In comparison to previous such frameworks the main contribution is the support for algebras with infinitely many sorts and the connection to logic in form of so-called `definable algebras'

    Algebraic Language Theory for Eilenberg--Moore Algebras

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    We develop an algebraic language theory based on the notion of an Eilenberg--Moore algebra. In comparison to previous such frameworks the main contribution is the support for algebras with infinitely many sorts and the connection to logic in form of so-called `definable algebras'

    Regular languages of thin trees

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    An infinite tree is called thin if it contains only countably many infinite branches. Thin trees can be seen as intermediate structures between infinite words and infinite trees. In this work we investigate properties of regular languages of thin trees. Our main tool is an algebra suitable for thin trees. Using this framework we characterize various classes of regular languages: commutative, open in the standard topology, closed under two variants of bisimulational equivalence, and definable in WMSO logic among all trees. We also show that in various meanings thin trees are not as rich as all infinite trees. In particular we observe a parity index collapse to level (1, 3) and a topological complexity collapse to co-analytic sets. Moreover, a gap property is shown: a regular language of thin trees is either WMSO-definable among all trees or co-analytic-complete