48 research outputs found

    Unsupervised reinforcement learning via state entropy maximization

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    Reinforcement Learning (RL) provides a powerful framework to address sequential decision-making problems in which the transition dynamics is unknown or too complex to be represented. The RL approach is based on speculating what is the best decision to make given sample estimates obtained from previous interactions, a recipe that led to several breakthroughs in various domains, ranging from game playing to robotics. Despite their success, current RL methods hardly generalize from one task to another, and achieving the kind of generalization obtained through unsupervised pre-training in non-sequential problems seems unthinkable. Unsupervised RL has recently emerged as a way to improve generalization of RL methods. Just as its non-sequential counterpart, the unsupervised RL framework comprises two phases: An unsupervised pre-training phase, in which the agent interacts with the environment without external feedback, and a supervised fine-tuning phase, in which the agent aims to efficiently solve a task in the same environment by exploiting the knowledge acquired during pre-training. In this thesis, we study unsupervised RL via state entropy maximization, in which the agent makes use of the unsupervised interactions to pre-train a policy that maximizes the entropy of its induced state distribution. First, we provide a theoretical characterization of the learning problem by considering a convex RL formulation that subsumes state entropy maximization. Our analysis shows that maximizing the state entropy in finite trials is inherently harder than RL. Then, we study the state entropy maximization problem from an optimization perspective. Especially, we show that the primal formulation of the corresponding optimization problem can be (approximately) addressed through tractable linear programs. Finally, we provide the first practical methodologies for state entropy maximization in complex domains, both when the pre-training takes place in a single environment as well as multiple environments

    A Provably Efficient Sample Collection Strategy for Reinforcement Learning

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    International audienceOne of the challenges in online reinforcement learning (RL) is that the agent needs to trade off the exploration of the environment and the exploitation of the samples to optimize its behavior. Whether we optimize for regret, sample complexity, state-space coverage or model estimation, we need to strike a different exploration-exploitation trade-off. In this paper, we propose to tackle the exploration-exploitation problem following a decoupled approach composed of: 1) An "objective-specific" algorithm that (adaptively) prescribes how many samples to collect at which states, as if it has access to a generative model (i.e., a simulator of the environment); 2) An "objective-agnostic" sample collection exploration strategy responsible for generating the prescribed samples as fast as possible. Building on recent methods for exploration in the stochastic shortest path problem, we first provide an algorithm that, given as input the number of samples b(s, a) needed in each state-action pair, requires O(BD + D^3/2 S^2 A) time steps to collect the B = \sum_{s,a} b(s, a) desired samples, in any unknown communicating MDP with S states, A actions and diameter D. Then we show how this general-purpose exploration algorithm can be paired with "objective-specific" strategies that prescribe the sample requirements to tackle a variety of settings-e.g., model estimation, sparse reward discovery, goal-free cost-free exploration in communicating MDPs - for which we obtain improved or novel sample complexity guarantees

    International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) 2019 Conference Book

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    The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization took place on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years. ICCOPT 2019 was hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It included a Summer School and a Conference with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions. This book comprises the full conference program. It contains, in particular, the scientific program in survey style as well as with all details, and information on the social program, the venue, special meetings, and more

    Anytime-Constrained Reinforcement Learning

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    We introduce and study constrained Markov Decision Processes (cMDPs) with anytime constraints. An anytime constraint requires the agent to never violate its budget at any point in time, almost surely. Although Markovian policies are no longer sufficient, we show that there exist optimal deterministic policies augmented with cumulative costs. In fact, we present a fixed-parameter tractable reduction from anytime-constrained cMDPs to unconstrained MDPs. Our reduction yields planning and learning algorithms that are time and sample-efficient for tabular cMDPs so long as the precision of the costs is logarithmic in the size of the cMDP. However, we also show that computing non-trivial approximately optimal policies is NP-hard in general. To circumvent this bottleneck, we design provable approximation algorithms that efficiently compute or learn an arbitrarily accurate approximately feasible policy with optimal value so long as the maximum supported cost is bounded by a polynomial in the cMDP or the absolute budget. Given our hardness results, our approximation guarantees are the best possible under worst-case analysis

    Tracking the Temporal-Evolution of Supernova Bubbles in Numerical Simulations

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    The study of low-dimensional, noisy manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space has been extremely useful in many applications, from the chemical analysis of multi-phase flows to simulations of galactic mergers. Building a probabilistic model of the manifolds has helped in describing their essential properties and how they vary in space. However, when the manifold is evolving through time, a joint spatio-temporal modelling is needed, in order to fully comprehend its nature. We propose a first-order Markovian process that propagates the spatial probabilistic model of a manifold at fixed time, to its adjacent temporal stages. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a particle simulation of an interacting dwarf galaxy to describe the evolution of a cavity generated by a Supernov

    Automatic machine learning:methods, systems, challenges

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