5 research outputs found

    Regression test selection: theory and practice

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    Software affects every aspect of our lives, and software developers write tests to check software correctness. Software also rapidly evolves due to never-ending requirement changes, and software developers practice regression testing – running tests against the latest project revision to check that project changes did not break any functionality. While regression testing is important, it is also time-consuming due to the number of both tests and revisions. Regression test selection (RTS) speeds up regression testing by selecting to run only tests that are affected by project changes. RTS is efficient if the time to select tests is smaller than the time to run unselected tests; RTS is safe if it guarantees that unselected tests cannot be affected by the changes; and RTS is precise if tests that are not affected are also unselected. Although many RTS techniques have been proposed in research, these techniques have not been adopted in practice because they do not provide efficiency and safety at once. This dissertation presents three main bodies of research to motivate, introduce, and improve a novel, efficient, and safe RTS technique, called Ekstazi. Ekstazi is the first RTS technique being adopted by popular open-source projects. First, this dissertation reports on the first field study of test selection. The study of logs, recorded in real time from a diverse group of developers, finds that almost all developers perform manual RTS, i.e., manually select to run a subset of tests at each revision, and they select these tests in mostly ad hoc ways. Specifically, the study finds that manual RTS is not safe 74% of the time and not precise 73% of the time. These findings showed the urgent need for a better automated RTS techniques that could be adopted in practice. Second, this dissertation introduces Ekstazi, a novel RTS technique that is efficient and safe. Ekstazi tracks dynamic dependencies of tests on files, and unlike most prior RTS techniques, Ekstazi requires no integration with version-control systems. Ekstazi computes for each test what files it depends on; the files can be either executable code or external resources. A test need not be run in the new project revision if none of its dependent files changed. This dissertation also describes an implementation of Ekstazi for the Java programming language and the JUnit testing framework, and presents an extensive evaluation of Ekstazi on 615 revisions of 32 open-source projects (totaling almost 5M lines of code) with shorter- and longer-running test suites. The results show that Ekstazi reduced the testing time by 32% on average (and by 54% for longer-running test suites) compared to executing all tests. Ekstazi also yields lower testing time than the existing RTS techniques, despite the fact that Ekstazi may select more tests. Ekstazi is the first RTS tool adopted by several popular open-source projects, including Apache Camel, Apache Commons Math, and Apache CXF. Third, this dissertation presents a novel approach that improves precision of any RTS technique for projects with distributed software histories. The approach considers multiple old revisions, unlike all prior RTS techniques that reasoned about changes between two revisions – an old revision and a new revision – when selecting tests, effectively assuming a development process where changes occur in a linear sequence (as was common for CVS and SVN). However, most projects nowadays follow a development process that uses distributed version-control systems (such as Git). Software histories are generally modeled as directed graphs; in addition to changes occurring linearly, multiple revisions can be related by other commands such as branch, merge, rebase, cherry-pick, revert, etc. The novel approach reasons about commands that create each revision and selects tests for a new revision by considering multiple old revisions. This dissertation also proves the safety of the approach and presents evaluation on several open-source projects. The results show that the approach can reduce the number of selected tests over an order of magnitude for merge revisions

    Performance Test Selection Using Machine Learning and a Study of Binning Effect in Memory Allocators

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    Performance testing is an essential part of the development life cycle that must be done in a timely fashion. However, checking for performance regressions in software can be time-consuming, especially for complex systems containing multiple lengthy tests cases. The first part of this thesis presents a technique to performance test selection using machine learning. In our approach, we build features using information extracted from the previous software versions to train classifiers that assist developers in deciding whether or not to execute a performance test on a new version. Our results show that the classifiers can be used as a mechanism that aids test selection and consequently avoids unnecessary testing. The second part of this work investigates the binning effect on user-space memory allocators. First, we examine how binning events can be a source of performance outliers in Redis and CPython object allocators. Second, we implement a \textit{Pintool} to detect the occurrence of binning on Python programs. The tool performs dynamic binary instrumentation on the interpreter and outputs information that helps developers in performing code optimizations. Finally, we use our tool to investigate the presence of binning in various widely used Python libraries

    On Improving (Non)Functional Testing

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    Software testing is commonly classified into two categories, nonfunctional testing and functional testing. The goal of nonfunctional testing is to test nonfunctional requirements, such as performance and reliability. Performance testing is one of the most important types of nonfunctional testing, one goal of which is to detect the phenomena that an Application Under Testing (AUT) exhibits unexpectedly worse performance (e.g., lower throughput) with some input data. During performance testing, a critical challenge is to understand the AUT’s behaviors with large numbers of combinations of input data and find the particular subset of inputs leading to performance bottlenecks. However, enumerating those particular inputs and identifying those bottlenecks are always laborious and intellectually intensive. In addition, for an evolving software system, some code changes may accidentally degrade performance between two software versions, it is even more challenging to find problematic changes (out of a large number of committed changes) may lead to performance regressions under certain test inputs. This dissertation presents a set of approaches to automatically find specific combinations of input data for exposing performance bottlenecks and further analyze execution traces to identify performance bottlenecks. In addition, this dissertation also provides an approach that automatically estimates the impact of code changes on performance degradation between two released software versions to identify the problematic ones likely leading to performance regressions. Functional testing is used to test the functional correctness of AUTs. Developers commonly write test suites for AUTs to test different functionalities and locate functional faults. During functional testing, developers rely on some strategies to order test cases to achieve certain objectives, such as exposing faults faster, which is known as Test Case Prioritization (TCP). TCP techniques are commonly classified into two categories, dynamic and static techniques. A set of empirical studies has been conducted to examine and understand different TCP techniques, but there is a clear gap in existing studies. No study has compared static techniques against dynamic techniques and comprehensively examined the impact of test granularity, program size, fault characteristics, and the similarities in terms of fault detection on TCP techniques. Thus, this dissertation presents an empirical study to thoroughly compare static and dynamic TCP techniques in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and similarity of uncovered faults at different granularities on a large set of real-world programs, and further analyze the potential impact of program size and fault characteristics on TCP evaluation. Moreover, in the prior work, TCP techniques have been typically evaluated against synthetic software defects, called mutants. For this reason, it is currently unclear whether TCP performance on mutants would be representative of the performance achieved on real faults. to answer this fundamental question, this dissertation presents the first empirical study that investigates TCP performance when applied to both real-world faults and mutation faults for understanding the representativeness of mutants

    Regression Test Selection for Distributed Software Histories

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    Regression Test Selection for Distributed Software Histories: Appendix

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    Abstract. Regression test selection analyzes incremental changes to a codebase and chooses to run only those tests whose behavior may be affected by the latest changes in the code. By focusing on a small subset of all the tests, the testing process runs faster and can be more tightly integrated into the development process. Existing techniques for regres-sion test selection consider two versions of the code at a time, effectively assuming a development process where changes to the code occur in a linear sequence. Modern development processes that use distributed version-control sys-tems are more complex. Software version histories are generally mod-eled as directed graphs; in addition to version changes occurring lin-early, multiple versions can be related by other commands, e.g., branch, merge, rebase, cherry-pick, revert, etc. This paper describes a regression test-selection technique for software developed using modern distributed version-control systems. By modeling different branch or merge com-mands directly in our technique, it computes safe test sets that can be substantially smaller than applying previous techniques to a linearization of the software history. We evaluate our technique on software histories of several large open-source projects. The results are encouraging: our technique obtained an average of 10.89 × reduction in the number of tests over an existing tech-nique while still selecting all tests whose behavior may differ.