1,205 research outputs found

    Saliency-guided integration of multiple scans

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    Nonrigid Registration of Brain Tumor Resection MR Images Based on Joint Saliency Map and Keypoint Clustering

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    This paper proposes a novel global-to-local nonrigid brain MR image registration to compensate for the brain shift and the unmatchable outliers caused by the tumor resection. The mutual information between the corresponding salient structures, which are enhanced by the joint saliency map (JSM), is maximized to achieve a global rigid registration of the two images. Being detected and clustered at the paired contiguous matching areas in the globally registered images, the paired pools of DoG keypoints in combination with the JSM provide a useful cluster-to-cluster correspondence to guide the local control-point correspondence detection and the outlier keypoint rejection. Lastly, a quasi-inverse consistent deformation is smoothly approximated to locally register brain images through the mapping the clustered control points by compact support radial basis functions. The 2D implementation of the method can model the brain shift in brain tumor resection MR images, though the theory holds for the 3D case

    Online Mutual Foreground Segmentation for Multispectral Stereo Videos

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    The segmentation of video sequences into foreground and background regions is a low-level process commonly used in video content analysis and smart surveillance applications. Using a multispectral camera setup can improve this process by providing more diverse data to help identify objects despite adverse imaging conditions. The registration of several data sources is however not trivial if the appearance of objects produced by each sensor differs substantially. This problem is further complicated when parallax effects cannot be ignored when using close-range stereo pairs. In this work, we present a new method to simultaneously tackle multispectral segmentation and stereo registration. Using an iterative procedure, we estimate the labeling result for one problem using the provisional result of the other. Our approach is based on the alternating minimization of two energy functions that are linked through the use of dynamic priors. We rely on the integration of shape and appearance cues to find proper multispectral correspondences, and to properly segment objects in low contrast regions. We also formulate our model as a frame processing pipeline using higher order terms to improve the temporal coherence of our results. Our method is evaluated under different configurations on multiple multispectral datasets, and our implementation is available online.Comment: Preprint accepted for publication in IJCV (December 2018

    3D scanning of cultural heritage with consumer depth cameras

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    Three dimensional reconstruction of cultural heritage objects is an expensive and time-consuming process. Recent consumer real-time depth acquisition devices, like Microsoft Kinect, allow very fast and simple acquisition of 3D views. However 3D scanning with such devices is a challenging task due to the limited accuracy and reliability of the acquired data. This paper introduces a 3D reconstruction pipeline suited to use consumer depth cameras as hand-held scanners for cultural heritage objects. Several new contributions have been made to achieve this result. They include an ad-hoc filtering scheme that exploits the model of the error on the acquired data and a novel algorithm for the extraction of salient points exploiting both depth and color data. Then the salient points are used within a modified version of the ICP algorithm that exploits both geometry and color distances to precisely align the views even when geometry information is not sufficient to constrain the registration. The proposed method, although applicable to generic scenes, has been tuned to the acquisition of sculptures and in this connection its performance is rather interesting as the experimental results indicate

    Video Processing with Additional Information

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    Cameras are frequently deployed along with many additional sensors in aerial and ground-based platforms. Many video datasets have metadata containing measurements from inertial sensors, GPS units, etc. Hence the development of better video processing algorithms using additional information attains special significance. We first describe an intensity-based algorithm for stabilizing low resolution and low quality aerial videos. The primary contribution is the idea of minimizing the discrepancy in the intensity of selected pixels between two images. This is an application of inverse compositional alignment for registering images of low resolution and low quality, for which minimizing the intensity difference over salient pixels with high gradients results in faster and better convergence than when using all the pixels. Secondly, we describe a feature-based method for stabilization of aerial videos and segmentation of small moving objects. We use the coherency of background motion to jointly track features through the sequence. This enables accurate tracking of large numbers of features in the presence of repetitive texture, lack of well conditioned feature windows etc. We incorporate the segmentation problem within the joint feature tracking framework and propose the first combined joint-tracking and segmentation algorithm. The proposed approach enables highly accurate tracking, and segmentation of feature tracks that is used in a MAP-MRF framework for obtaining dense pixelwise labeling of the scene. We demonstrate competitive moving object detection in challenging video sequences of the VIVID dataset containing moving vehicles and humans that are small enough to cause background subtraction approaches to fail. Structure from Motion (SfM) has matured to a stage, where the emphasis is on developing fast, scalable and robust algorithms for large reconstruction problems. The availability of additional sensors such as inertial units and GPS along with video cameras motivate the development of SfM algorithms that leverage these additional measurements. In the third part, we study the benefits of the availability of a specific form of additional information - the vertical direction (gravity) and the height of the camera both of which can be conveniently measured using inertial sensors, and a monocular video sequence for 3D urban modeling. We show that in the presence of this information, the SfM equations can be rewritten in a bilinear form. This allows us to derive a fast, robust, and scalable SfM algorithm for large scale applications. The proposed SfM algorithm is experimentally demonstrated to have favorable properties compared to the sparse bundle adjustment algorithm. We provide experimental evidence indicating that the proposed algorithm converges in many cases to solutions with lower error than state-of-art implementations of bundle adjustment. We also demonstrate that for the case of large reconstruction problems, the proposed algorithm takes lesser time to reach its solution compared to bundle adjustment. We also present SfM results using our algorithm on the Google StreetView research dataset, and several other datasets