6 research outputs found

    Valoración de la calidad de imágenes panorámicas esféricas

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    [EN] In recent years, the production of panoramic images has been boosted by the increasing use of digital photographiccameras and mobile phones. However, for highly demanding applications such as long-range deformation monitoring, theaccuracy and quality control of panoramic images and processes used to obtain accurate 3D models should be properlyassessed. Therefore, prior to being applied in real projects, the quality of the spherical panoramic images generated bythree widely used computer programs (Agisoft Metashape, GigaPan Stitch and PTGui) is evaluated using the same imagesof a photogrammetric laboratory full of control points and an outdoor environment by shooting from several stations. Inaddition to the assessment of the geometrical accuracy, the study also includes important aspects for practical efficiencysuch as workflow, speed of processing, user-friendliness, or exporting products and formats available. The results of thecomparisons show that Agisoft Metashape meets the required geometric specifications with higher quality and has clearadvantages in performance if compared to the other two tested programs.[ES] En los últimos años, la producción de imágenes panorámicas se ha visto impulsada por el uso cada vez mayor de cámaras fotográficas digitales y teléfonos móviles. Sin embargo, deben evaluarse adecuadamente en aplicaciones altamente exigentes como la monitorización de deformaciones a grandes distancias, la precisión y el control de calidad de las imágenes panorámicas y los procesos utilizados para obtener modelos 3D precisos. Por consiguiente, antes de ser aplicadas en proyectos reales, se evalúa la calidad de las imágenes panorámicas esféricas generadas por tres programas informáticos ampliamente utilizados (Agisoft Metashape, GigaPan Stitch y PTGui) utilizando las mismas imágenes de un laboratorio fotogramétrico lleno de puntos de apoyo y del exterior desde varias estaciones. Además de la evaluación de la precisión geométrica, el estudio también incluye aspectos importantes para la eficiencia práctica como es el flujo de trabajo, la velocidad de procesamiento, la facilidad de uso o la exportación de productos y los formatos disponibles. Los resultados de las comparaciones muestran que Agisoft Metashape cumple con las especificaciones geométricas requeridas con mayor calidad y tiene claras ventajas de rendimiento si se compara con los otros dos programas testeados.Javadi, P.; Lerma, J.; García-Asenjo, L.; Garrigues, P. (2021). Quality assessment of spherical panoramic images. En Proceedings 3rd Congress in Geomatics Engineering. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 7-14. https://doi.org/10.4995/CiGeo2021.2021.12728OCS71

    An in Depth Review Paper on Numerous Image Mosaicing Approaches and Techniques

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    Image mosaicing is one of the most important subjects of research in computer vision at current. Image mocaicing requires the integration of direct techniques and feature based techniques. Direct techniques are found to be very useful for mosaicing large overlapping regions, small translations and rotations while feature based techniques are useful for small overlapping regions. Feature based image mosaicing is a combination of corner detection, corner matching, motion parameters estimation and image stitching.Furthermore, image mosaicing is considered the process of obtaining a wider field-of-view of a scene from a sequence of partial views, which has been an attractive research area because of its wide range of applications, including motion detection, resolution enhancement, monitoring global land usage, and medical imaging. Numerous algorithms for image mosaicing have been proposed over the last two decades.In this paper the authors present a review on different approaches for image mosaicing and the literature over the past few years in the field of image masaicing methodologies. The authors take an overview on the various methods for image mosaicing.This review paper also provides an in depth survey of the existing image mosaicing algorithms by classifying them into several groups. For each group, the fundamental concepts are first clearly explained. Finally this paper also reviews and discusses the strength and weaknesses of all the mosaicing groups

    Development Of A High Performance Mosaicing And Super-Resolution Algorithm

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    In this dissertation, a high-performance mosaicing and super-resolution algorithm is described. The scale invariant feature transform (SIFT)-based mosaicing algorithm builds an initial mosaic which is iteratively updated by the robust super resolution algorithm to achieve the final high-resolution mosaic. Two different types of datasets are used for testing: high altitude balloon data and unmanned aerial vehicle data. To evaluate our algorithm, five performance metrics are employed: mean square error, peak signal to noise ratio, singular value decomposition, slope of reciprocal singular value curve, and cumulative probability of blur detection. Extensive testing shows that the proposed algorithm is effective in improving the captured aerial data and the performance metrics are accurate in quantifying the evaluation of the algorithm

    Registration, Calibration and Blending in Creating High Quality Panoramas

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    This paper presents a system for creating a full 360degree panorama from rectilinear images captured from a single nodal position. The solution to the problem is divided into three steps. The rst step registers all overlapping images projectively. A combination of a gradient-based optimization method and a correlationbased linear search is found to be robust even in cases of drastic exposure di erences and small amount of parallax. The second step takes the projective matrices and their associated hessian matrices as inputs, and calibrates the internal and external parameters of every images through a global optimization. The objective is to minimize the overall image discrepancies in all overlap regions while converting projective matrices into camera parameters such as focal length, aspect ratio, image center, 3D orientation, etc. The third step re-projects all images onto a panorama by a Laplacian-pyramid-based blending. The purpose of blending is to provide a smooth transition between images and eliminate small residues of misalignments resulting from parallax or imperfect pairwise registrations. The blending masks are generated automatically through the grass re transform. At the end, we brie y explain the necessary human interface for initialization, feedback and manual options.


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    With the development of modern advanced manufacturing technologies, the requirements for ultra-precision structured surfaces are increasing rapidly for both high value-added products and scientific research. Examples of the components encompassing the structures include brightness enhancement film (BEF), optical gratings and so forth. Besides, specially designed structured surfaces, namely metamaterials can lead to specified desirable coherence, angular or spatial characteristics that the natural materials do not possess. This promising field attracts a large amount of funding and investments. However, owing to a lack of effective means of inspecting the structured surfaces, the manufacturing process is heavily reliant on the experience of fabrication operators adopting an expensive trial-and-error approach, resulting in high scrap rates up to 50-70% of the manufactured items. Therefore, overcoming this challenge becomes increasingly valuable. The thesis proposes a novel methodology to tackle this challenge by setting up an apparatus encompassing multiple measurement probes to attain the dataset for each facet of the structured surface and then blending the acquired datasets together, based on the relative location of the probes, which is achieved via the system calibration. The method relies on wavelength scanning interferometry (WSI), which can achieve areal measurement with axial resolutions approaching the nanometre without the requirement for the mechanical scanning of either the sample or optics, unlike comparable techniques such as coherence scanning interferometry (CSI). This lack of mechanical scanning opens up the possibility of using a multi-probe optics system to provide simultaneous measurement with multi adjacent fields of view. The thesis presents a proof-of-principle demonstration of a dual-probe wavelength scanning interferometry (DPWSI) system capable of measuring near-right-angle V-groove structures in a single measurement acquisition. The optical system comprises dual probes, with orthogonal measurement planes. For a given probe, a range of V-groove angles is measurable, limited by the acceptance angle of the objective lenses employed. This range can be expanded further by designing equivalent probe heads with varying angular separation. More complicated structured surfaces can be inspected by increasing the number of probes. The fringe analysis algorithms for WSI are discussed in detail, some improvements are proposed, and experimental validation is conducted. The scheme for calibrating the DPSWI system and obtaining the relative location between the probes to achieve the whole topography is implemented and presented in full. The appraisal of the DPWSI system is also carried out using a multi-step diamond-turned specimen and a sawtooth brightness enhancement film (BEF). The results showed that the proposed method could achieve the inspection of the near-right-angle V-groove structures with submicrometre scale vertical resolution and micrometre level lateral resolution