6,402 research outputs found

    A deep-neural-network-based hybrid method for semi-supervised classification of polarimetric SAR data

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    This paper proposes a deep-neural-network-based semi-supervised method for polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) data classification. The proposed method focuses on achieving a well-trained deep neural network (DNN) when the amount of the labeled samples is limited. In the proposed method, the probability vectors, where each entry indicates the probability of a sample associated with a category, are first evaluated for the unlabeled samples, leading to an augmented training set. With this augmented training set, the parameters in the DNN are learned by solving the optimization problem, where the log-likelihood cost function and the class probability vectors are used. To alleviate the “salt-and-pepper” appearance in the classification results of PolSAR images, the spatial interdependencies are incorporated by introducing a Markov random field (MRF) prior in the prediction step. The experimental results on two realistic PolSAR images demonstrate that the proposed method effectively incorporates the spatial interdependencies and achieves the good classification accuracy with a limited number of labeled samples

    Sparse representation-based synthetic aperture radar imaging

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    There is increasing interest in using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images in automated target recognition and decision-making tasks. The success of such tasks depends on how well the reconstructed SAR images exhibit certain features of the underlying scene. Based on the observation that typical underlying scenes usually exhibit sparsity in terms of such features, we develop an image formation method which formulates the SAR imaging problem as a sparse signal representation problem. Sparse signal representation, which has mostly been exploited in real-valued problems, has many capabilities such as superresolution and feature enhancement for various reconstruction and recognition tasks. However, for problems of complex-valued nature, such as SAR, a key challenge is how to choose the dictionary and the representation scheme for effective sparse representation. Since we are usually interested in features of the magnitude of the SAR reflectivity field, our new approach is designed to sparsely represent the magnitude of the complex-valued scattered field. This turns the image reconstruction problem into a joint optimization problem over the representation of magnitude and phase of the underlying field reflectivities. We develop the mathematical framework for this method and propose an iterative solution for the corresponding joint optimization problem. Our experimental results demonstrate the superiority of this method over previous approaches in terms of both producing high quality SAR images as well as exhibiting robustness to uncertain or limited data

    Sparse representation-based SAR imaging

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    There is increasing interest in using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images in automated target recognition and decision-making tasks. The success of such tasks depends on how well the reconstructed SAR images exhibit certain features of the underlying scene. Based on the observation that typical underlying scenes usually exhibit sparsity in terms of such features, we develop an image formation method which formulates the SAR imaging problem as a sparse signal representation problem. Sparse signal representation, which has mostly been exploited in real-valued problems, has many capabilities such as superresolution and feature enhancement for various reconstruction and recognition tasks. However, for problems of complex-valued nature, such as SAR, a key challenge is how to choose the dictionary and the representation scheme for effective sparse representation. Since we are usually interested in features of the magnitude of the SAR reflectivity field, our new approach is designed to sparsely represent the magnitude of the complex-valued scattered field. This turns the image reconstruction problem into a joint optimization problem over the representation of magnitude and phase of the underlying field reflectivities. We develop the mathematical framework for this method and propose an iterative solution for the corresponding joint optimization problem. Our experimental results demonstrate the superiority of this method over previous approaches in terms of both producing high quality SAR images as well as exhibiting robustness to uncertain or limited data

    HIRIS (High-Resolution Imaging Spectrometer: Science opportunities for the 1990s. Earth observing system. Volume 2C: Instrument panel report

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    The high-resolution imaging spectrometer (HIRIS) is an Earth Observing System (EOS) sensor developed for high spatial and spectral resolution. It can acquire more information in the 0.4 to 2.5 micrometer spectral region than any other sensor yet envisioned. Its capability for critical sampling at high spatial resolution makes it an ideal complement to the MODIS (moderate-resolution imaging spectrometer) and HMMR (high-resolution multifrequency microwave radiometer), lower resolution sensors designed for repetitive coverage. With HIRIS it is possible to observe transient processes in a multistage remote sensing strategy for Earth observations on a global scale. The objectives, science requirements, and current sensor design of the HIRIS are discussed along with the synergism of the sensor with other EOS instruments and data handling and processing requirements

    Constraints on crustal rheology and age of deformation from models of gravitational spreading in Ishtar Terra, Venus

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    Gravitational spreading is expected to lead to rapid relaxation of high relief due to the high surface temperature and associated weak crust on Venus. In this study, we use new Magellan radar and altimetry data to determine the extent of gravitational relaxation in Ishtar Terra, which contains the highest relief on Venus as well as areas of extremely high topographic slope. Within Ishtar Terra the only mountain belts found on Venus, Akna, Danu, Freyja, and Maxwell Montes, nearly encircle the smooth, high (3-4 km) plateau of Lakshmi Planum. Finite-element models of this process give expected timescales for relaxation of relief and failure at the surface. From these modeling results we attempt to constrain the strength of the crust and timescales of deformation in Ishtar Terra. Below we discuss observational evidence for gravitational spreading in Ishtar Terra, results from the finite-element modeling, independent age constraints, and implications for the rheology and timing of deformation