7 research outputs found

    Region of interest reconstruction from truncated data in circular cone-beam CT

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    Enhanced Computerized Surgical Planning System in Craniomaxillofacial Surgery

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    In the field of craniomaxillofacial (CMF) surgery, surgical planning is an important and necessary procedure due to the complex nature of the craniofacial skeleton. Computed tomography (CT) has brought about a revolution in virtual diagnosis, surgical planning and simulation, and evaluation of treatment outcomes. It provides high-quality 3D image and model of skull for Computer-aided surgical planning system (CSPS). During the planning process, one of the essential steps is to reestablish the dental occlusion. In the first project, a new approach is presented to automatically and efficiently reestablish dental occlusion. It includes two steps. The first step is to initially position the models based on dental curves and a point matching technique. The second step is to reposition the models to the final desired occlusion based on iterative surface-based minimum distance mapping with collision constraints. With linearization of rotation matrix, the alignment is modeled by solving quadratic programming. The simulation was completed on 12 sets of digital dental models. Two sets of dental models were partially edentulous, and another two sets have first premolar extractions for orthodontic treatment. Two validation methods were applied to the articulated models. The results show that using the proposed method, the dental models can be successfully articulated with a small degree of deviations from the occlusion achieved with the gold-standard method. Low contrast resolution in CBCT image has become its major limitation in building skull model. Intensive hand-segmentation is required to reconstruct the skull model. Thin bone images are particularly affected by this limitation. In the second project, a novel segmentation approach is presented based on wavelet active shape model (WASM) for a particular interest in the outer surface of the anterior wall of maxilla. 19 CBCT datasets are used to conduct two experiments. This model-based segmentation approach is validated and compared with three different segmentation approaches. The results show that the performance of this model-based segmentation approach is better than those of the other approaches. It can achieve 0.25 +/- 0.2mm of surface error distance from the ground truth of the bone surface. Field of view (FOV) can be reduced in order to reduce unnecessary radiation dose in CBCT. This ROI imaging is common in most of the dentomaxillofacial imaging and orthodontic practices. However, a truncation effect is created due to the truncation of projection images and becomes one of the limitation in CBCT. In the third project, a method for small region of interest (ROI) imaging and reconstruction of the image of ROI in CBCT and two experiments for measurement of dosage are presented. The first experiment shows at least 60% and 70% of radiation dose can be reduced. It also demonstrates that the image quality was still acceptable with little variation of gray by using the traditional truncation correction approach for ROI imaging. The second experiment demonstrates that the images reconstructed by CBCT reconstruction algorithms without truncation correction can be degraded to unacceptable image quality

    Accelerated Optimization Algorithms for Statistical 3D X-ray Computed Tomography Image Reconstruction.

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    X-ray computed tomography (CT) has been widely celebrated for its ability to visualize patient anatomy, but increasing radiation exposure to patients is a concern. Statistical image reconstruction algorithms in X-ray CT can provide improved image quality for reduced dose levels in contrast to the conventional filtered back-projection (FBP) methods. However, the statistical approach requires substantial computation time. Therefore, this dissertation focuses on developing fast iterative algorithms for statistical reconstruction. Ordered subsets (OS) methods have been used widely in tomography problems, because they reduce the computational cost by using only a subset of the measurement data per iteration. They are already used in commercial PET and SPECT products. However, OS methods require too long a reconstruction time in X-ray CT to be used routinely for every clinical CT scan. In this dissertation, two main approaches are proposed for accelerating OS algorithms, one that uses new optimization transfer approaches and one that combines with momentum algorithms. The first, the separable quadratic surrogates (SQS) methods, one widely used optimization transfer method with OS methods, have been accelerated in three different ways. Among them, a nonuniform (NU) SQS method encouraging larger step sizes for the voxels that are expected to change more has highly accelerated OS methods. Second, combining OS methods and momentum approaches (OS-momentum) in a way that reuses previous updates with almost negligible increased computation resulted in a very fast convergence rate. This version focused on using widely celebrated Nesterov's momentum methods. OS-momentum algorithms sometimes encountered instability, so diminishing step size rule has been adapted for improving the stability while preserving the fast convergence rate. To further accelerate OS-momentum algorithms, this dissertation proposes novel momentum methods that are twice as fast yet have remarkably simple implementations comparable to Nesterov's methods. In addition to OS-type algorithms, one variant of the block coordinate descent (BCD) algorithm, called Axial BCD (ABCD), is investigated, which is specifically designed for 3D CT geometry. Simulated and real patient 3D CT scans are used to examine the acceleration of the proposed algorithms.PhDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109007/1/kimdongh_1.pd

    Contributions to the improvement of image quality in CBCT and CBμCT and application in the development of a CBμCT system

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    During the last years cone-beam x-ray CT (CBCT) has been established as a widespread imaging technique and a feasible alternative to conventional CT for dedicated imaging tasks for which the limited flexibility offered by conventional CT advises the development of dedicated designs. CBCT systems are starting to be routinely used in image guided radiotherapy; image guided surgery using C-arms; scan of body parts such as the sinuses, the breast or extremities; and, especially, in preclinical small-animal imaging, often coupled to molecular imaging systems. Despite the research efforts advocated to the advance of CBCT, the challenges introduced by the use of large cone angles and two-dimensional detectors are a field of vigorous research towards the improvement of CBCT image quality. Moreover, systems for small-animal imaging add to the challenges posed by clinical CBCT the need of higher resolution to obtain equivalent image quality in much smaller subjects. This thesis contributes to the progress of CBCT imaging by addressing a variety of issues affecting image quality in CBCT in general and in CBCT for small-animal imaging (CBμCT). As part of this work we have assessed and optimized the performance of CBμCT systems for different imaging tasks. To this end, we have developed a new CBμCT system with variable geometry and all the required software tools for acquisition, calibration and reconstruction. The system served as a tool for the optimization of the imaging process and for the study of image degradation effects in CBμCT, as well as a platform for biological research using small animals. The set of tools for the accurate study of CBCT was completed by developing a fast Monte Carlo simulation engine based on GPUs, specifically devoted to the realistic estimation of scatter and its effects on image quality in arbitrary CBCT configurations, with arbitrary spectra, detector response, and antiscatter grids. This new Monte Carlo engine outperformed current simulation platforms by more than an order of magnitude. Due to the limited options for simulation of spectra in microfocus x-ray sources used in CBμCT, we contributed in this thesis a new spectra generation model based on an empirical model for conventional radiology and mammography sources modified in accordance to experimental data. The new spectral model showed good agreement with experimental exposure and attenuation data for different materials. The developed tools for CBμCT research were used for the study of detector performance in terms of dynamic range. The dynamic range of the detector was characterized together with its effect on image quality. As a result, a new simple method for the extension of the dynamic range of flat-panel detectors was proposed and evaluated. The method is based on a modified acquisition process and a mathematical treatment of the acquired data. Scatter is usually identified as one of the major causes of image quality degradation in CBCT. For this reason the developed Monte Carlo engine was applied to the in-depth study of the effects of scatter for a representative range of CBCT embodiments used in the clinical and preclinical practice. We estimated the amount and spatial distribution of the total scatter fluence and the individual components within. The effect of antiscatter grids in improving image quality and in noise was also evaluated. We found a close relation between scatter and the air gap of the system, in line with previous results in the literature. We also observed a non-negligible contribution of forward-directed scatter that is responsible to a great extent for streak artifacts in CBCT. The spatial distribution of scatter was significantly affected by forward scatter, somewhat challenging the usual assumption that the scatter distribution mostly contains low-frequencies. Antiscatter grids showed to be effective for the reduction of cupping, but they showed a much lower performance when dealing with streaks and a shift toward high frequencies of the scatter distributions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A lo largo de los últimos años, el TAC de rayos X de haz cónico (CBCT, de “conebeam” CT) se ha posicionado como una de las técnicas de imagen más ampliamente usadas. El CBCT se ha convertido en una alternativa factible al TAC convencional en tareas de imagen específicas para las que la flexibilidad limitada ofrecida por este hace recomendable el desarrollo de sistemas de imagen dedicados. De esta forma, el CBCT está empezando a usarse de forma rutinaria en varios campos entre los que se incluyen la radioterapia guiada por imagen, la cirugía guiada por imagen usando arcos en C, imagen de partes de la anatomía en las que el TAC convencional no es apropiado, como los senos nasales, las extremidades o la mama, y, especialmente el campo de imagen preclínica con pequeño animal. Los sistemas CBCT usados en este último campo se encuentran habitualmente combinados con sistemas de imagen molecular. A pesar del trabajo de investigación dedicado al avance de la técnica CBCT en los últimos años, los retos introducidos por el uso de haces cónicos y de detectores bidimensionales son un campo candente para la investigación médica, con el objetivo de obtener una calidad de imagen equivalente o superior a la proporcionada por el TAC convencional. En el caso de imagen preclínica, a los retos generados por el uso de CBCT se une la necesidad de una mayor resolución de imagen que permita observar estructuras anatómicas con el mismo nivel de detalle obtenido para humanos. Esta tesis contribuye al progreso del CBCT mediante el estudio de usa serie de efectos que afectan a la calidad de imagen de CBCT en general y en el ámbito preclínico en particular. Como parte de este trabajo, hemos evaluado y optimizado el rendimiento de sistemas CBCT preclínicos en función de la tarea de imagen concreta. Con este fin se ha desarrollado un sistema CBCT para pequeños animales con geometría variable y todas las herramientas necesarias para la adquisición, calibración y reconstrucción de imagen. El sistema sirve como base para la optimización de protocolos de adquisición y para el estudio de fuentes de degradación de imagen además de constituir una plataforma para la investigación biológica en pequeño animal. El conjunto de herramientas para el estudio del CBCT se completó con el desarrollo de una plataforma acelerada de simulación Monte Carlo basada en GPUs, optimizada para la estimación de radiación dispersa en CBCT y sus efectos en la calidad de imagen. La plataforma desarrollada supera el rendimiento de las actuales en más de un orden de magnitud y permite la inclusión de espectros policromáticos de rayos X, de la respuesta realista del detector y de rejillas antiscatter. Debido a las escasas opciones ofrecidas por la literatura para la estimación de espectros de rayos X para fuentes microfoco usadas en imagen preclínica, en esta tesis se incluye el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de generación de espectros, basado en un modelo existente para fuentes usadas en radiología y mamografía. El modelo fue modificado a partir de datos experimentales. La precisión del modelo presentado se comprobó mediante datos experimentales de exposición y atenuación para varios materiales. Las herramientas desarrolladas se usaron para estudiar el rendimiento de detectores de rayos tipo flat-panel en términos de rango dinámico, explorando los límites impuestos por el mismo en la calidad de imagen. Como resultado se propuso y evaluó un método para la extensión del rango dinámico de este tipo de detectores. El método se basa en la modificación del proceso de adquisición de imagen y en una etapa de postproceso de los datos adquiridos. El simulador Monte Carlo se empleó para el estudio detallado de la naturaleza, distribución espacial y efectos de la radiación dispersa en un rango de sistemas CBCT que cubre el espectro de aplicaciones propuestas en el entorno clínico y preclínico. Durante el estudio se inspeccionó la cantidad y distribución espacial de radiación dispersa y de sus componentes individuales y el efecto causado por la inclusión de rejillas antiscatter en términos de mejora de calidad de imagen y de ruido en la imagen. La distribución de radiación dispersa mostró una acentuada relación con la distancia entre muestra y detector en el equipo, en línea con resultados publicados previamente por otros autores. También se encontró una influencia no despreciable de componentes de radiación dispersa con bajos ángulos de desviación, poniendo en tela de juicio la tradicional asunción que considera que la distribución espacial de la radiación dispersa está formada casi exclusivamente por componentes de muy baja frecuencia. Las rejillas antiscatter demostraron ser efectivas para la reducción del artefacto de cupping, pero su efectividad para tratar artefactos en forma de línea (principalmente formados por radiación dispersa con bajo ángulo de desviación) resultó mucho menor. La inclusión de estas rejillas también enfatiza las componentes de alta frecuencia de la distribución espacial de la radiación dispersa

    Advanced industrial X-ray computed tomography for defect detection and characterisation of composite structures

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    X-ray Computer Tomography (CT) is well suited to the inspection of Fibre-Reinforced-Plastic (FRP) composite materials. However, a range of limitations currently restrict its uptake. The aim of the present research was to develop advanced inspection procedures that overcome these limitations and increase the scope of composite structures that can be inspected by industrial cone beam CT. Region of Interest (ROI) CT inspection of FRP laminated panels was investigated and two data completion methods developed to overcome reconstruction errors caused by truncated projection data. These allow accurate, highly magnified regions to be reconstructed on objects that extend beyond the Field-of-View (FOV) of the detector. The first method extended the truncated projection data using a cosine signal tailing off to zero attenuation. This method removed the strong 'glowing' artefacts but an inherent error existed across the reconstructed ROI. This did not affect the defect detectability of the inspection but was viewed as problematic for applications requiring accurate density measurements. The second method used prior knowledge of the test object so that a model could be created to estimate the missing data. This technique removed errors associated with ROI reconstruction thus significantly improving the accuracy. Techniques for extending the FOV were developed and applied to the inspection of FRP wind turbine blades; over 1.5X larger than the conventional scanning FOV. Two data completion methods were developed requiring an asymmetrically positioned detector. The first was based on the cosine tailing technique and the second used fan beam ray redundancy properties to estimate the missing data. Both produced accurate reconstructions for the 'offset' projection data, demonstrating that it was possible to approximately double the FOV. The cosine tailing method was found to be the more reliable. A dual energy image CT technique was developed to extend the optimum dynamic range and improve defect detectability for multi-density objects. This was applied to FRP composite/Titanium lap joints showing improved detectability of both volumetric and planar defects within the low density FRP. The dual energy procedure was validated using statistical performance measures on a specially fabricated multi-density phantom. The results showed a significant improvement in the detail SNR when compared to conventional CT scans.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceTWI LtdThe Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Board (EPSRC)GBUnited Kingdo