8 research outputs found

    Decision procedures for linear arithmetic

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    In this thesis, we present new decision procedures for linear arithmetic in the context of SMT solvers and theorem provers: 1) CutSat++, a calculus for linear integer arithmetic that combines techniques from SAT solving and quantifier elimination in order to be sound, terminating, and complete. 2) The largest cube test and the unit cube test, two sound (although incomplete) tests that find integer and mixed solutions in polynomial time. The tests are especially efficient on absolutely unbounded constraint systems, which are difficult to handle for many other decision procedures. 3) Techniques for the investigation of equalities implied by a constraint system. Moreover, we present several applications for these techniques. 4) The Double-Bounded reduction and the Mixed-Echelon-Hermite transformation, two transformations that reduce any constraint system in polynomial time to an equisatisfiable constraint system that is bounded. The transformations are beneficial because they turn branch-and-bound into a complete and efficient decision procedure for unbounded constraint systems. We have implemented the above decision procedures (except for Cut- Sat++) as part of our linear arithmetic theory solver SPASS-IQ and as part of our CDCL(LA) solver SPASS-SATT. We also present various benchmark evaluations that confirm the practical efficiency of our new decision procedures.In dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir neue Entscheidungsprozeduren für lineare Arithmetik im Kontext von SMT-Solvern und Theorembeweisern: 1) CutSat++, ein korrekter und vollständiger Kalkül für ganzzahlige lineare Arithmetik, der Techniken zur Entscheidung von Aussagenlogik mit Techniken aus der Quantorenelimination vereint. 2) Der Größte-Würfeltest und der Einheitswürfeltest, zwei korrekte (wenn auch unvollständige) Tests, die in polynomieller Zeit (gemischt-)ganzzahlige Lösungen finden. Die Tests sind besonders effizient auf vollständig unbegrenzten Systemen, welche für viele andere Entscheidungsprozeduren schwer sind. 3) Techniken zur Ermittlung von Gleichungen, die von einem linearen Ungleichungssystem impliziert werden. Des Weiteren präsentieren wir mehrere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für diese Techniken. 4) Die Beidseitig-Begrenzte-Reduktion und die Gemischte-Echelon-Hermitesche- Transformation, die ein Ungleichungssystem in polynomieller Zeit auf ein erfüllbarkeitsäquivalentes System reduzieren, das begrenzt ist. Vereint verwandeln die Transformationen Branch-and-Bound in eine vollständige und effiziente Entscheidungsprozedur für unbeschränkte Ungleichungssysteme. Wir haben diese Techniken (ausgenommen CutSat++) in SPASS-IQ (unserem theory solver für lineare Arithmetik) und in SPASS-SATT (unserem CDCL(LA) solver) implementiert. Basierend darauf präsentieren wir Benchmark-Evaluationen, die die Effizienz unserer Entscheidungsprozeduren bestätigen

    Scaling Functional Synthesis and Repair

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    Program synthesis was first proposed a few decades ago, but in the last decade it has gained increased momentum in the research community. The increasing complexity of software has dictated the urgent need for improved supporting tools that verify the software's correctness, and that automatically generate code from a formal contract provided by the programmer, along with a proof of the generated code's correctness. In addition, recent technological developments have provided tools that have enabled researchers to revisit the synthesis problem. The recent rise of SMT solvers has given synthesis tools a reliable and automated way to verify synthesized programs against contracts. The introduction of counter-example guided inductive synthesis has provided researchers with a flexible synthesis algorithm that they can adapt according to their specific domain. In this dissertation, we develop new algorithms to synthesize recursive functional programs with algebraic data types from formal specifications and/or input-output examples. We manage to scale beyond the reach of other similar tools to synthesize nontrivial functional programs, with a focus on data structure transformations. First, we address the problem of precisely specifying the desired space of candidate programs, described by context free grammars (CFGs). We implement and evaluate a method for reducing the program space by describing axioms of the target language and other domain-specific restrictions on the level of the CFG, without explicitly generating and rejecting undesirable programs. We provide a method that extracts a program model from a corpus of code and that builds a probabilistic CFG from it. We showcase the usefulness, both individually and in tandem, of these methods. Second, we develop an algorithm to efficiently traverse a possibly unbounded space of candidate programs generated from a probabilistic CFG. This algorithm is an implementation of the A* best-first search algorithm on the derivation graph generated from the CFG, with a number of domain-specific optimizations. We evaluate the efficiency of the algorithm as well as the effectiveness of the optimizations. Finally, we describe a program repair framework that locates and fixes bugs in erroneous functional programs. Our novel fault localization technique detects erroneous snippets with concrete execution and eliminates false positives by analyzing dependencies between execution traces. After the erroneous code snippet is discovered, a modified version of our synthesis algorithm generates fixes for it by introducing modifications to the original erroneous code

    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 11561 and 11562 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2019, held in New York City, USA, in July 2019. The 52 full papers presented together with 13 tool papers and 2 case studies, were carefully reviewed and selected from 258 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: automata and timed systems; security and hyperproperties; synthesis; model checking; cyber-physical systems and machine learning; probabilistic systems, runtime techniques; dynamical, hybrid, and reactive systems; Part II: logics, decision procedures; and solvers; numerical programs; verification; distributed systems and networks; verification and invariants; and concurrency

    Refutation-based synthesis in SMT

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    We introduce the first program synthesis engine implemented inside an SMT solver. We present an approach that extracts solution functions from unsatisfiability proofs of the negated form of synthesis conjectures. We also discuss novel counterexample-guided techniques for quantifier instantiation that we use to make finding such proofs practically feasible. A particularly important class of specifications are single-invocation properties, for which we present a dedicated algorithm. To support syntax restrictions on generated solutions, our approach can transform a solution found without restrictions into the desired syntactic form. As an alternative, we show how to use evaluation function axioms to embed syntactic restrictions into constraints over algebraic datatypes, and then use an algebraic datatype decision procedure to drive synthesis. Our experimental evaluation on syntax-guided synthesis benchmarks shows that our implementation in the CVC4 SMT solver is competitive with state-of-the-art tools for synthesis