42,759 research outputs found

    Reflection-aware static regression test selection

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    Regression test selection (RTS) aims to speed up regression testing by rerunning only tests that are affected by code changes. RTS can be performed using dynamic or static analysis techniques. A recent study showed that static and dynamic RTS can perform similarly for some medium-sized Java projects. However, the results also showed that static RTS can be sometimes unsafe, missing to select some tests that dynamic RTS selects, and reflection was the only cause of unsafety among the evaluated projects. In this thesis, we investigate five techniques—three purely static techniques and two hybrid static-dynamic techniques—to make static RTS safe with respect to reflection. We implemented four of these reflection-aware techniques as extensions to one reflection-unaware (RU) static RTS technique in a tool called STARTS. We evaluated the fifth technique but did not yet fully implement it. To assess reflection-aware SRTS techniques, we measured benefits and costs of four implemented reflection-aware techniques by comparing their end-to-end times with the RU technique and with RetestAll—the latter runs all tests after every code change. We also compared safety and precision of all five static RTS techniques relative to Ekstazi, a state-of-the-art dynamic RTS technique. Our results on 805 revisions of 22 open-source Java projects show that all reflection-aware techniques we evaluated can make static RTS safe with respect to reflection, but their costs vary widely. The best purely static technique in our study is based on border analysis with minimal border methods which avoids analyzing JDK and saves, on average, 14.1% of the end-to-end time of RetestAll. Furthermore, the results show that a hybrid technique based on per-test analysis is very promising in terms of safety and precision. On the other hand, the worst techniques were based on string analysis; these techniques are imprecise and often lead to selecting to re-run all tests. Taken together, these results show the need for more research into purely static techniques for making static RTS reflection aware

    Applying test case prioritization to software microbenchmarks

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    Regression testing comprises techniques which are applied during software evolution to uncover faults effectively and efficiently. While regression testing is widely studied for functional tests, performance regression testing, e.g., with software microbenchmarks, is hardly investigated. Applying test case prioritization (TCP), a regression testing technique, to software microbenchmarks may help capturing large performance regressions sooner upon new versions. This may especially be beneficial for microbenchmark suites, because they take considerably longer to execute than unit test suites. However, it is unclear whether traditional unit testing TCP techniques work equally well for software microbenchmarks. In this paper, we empirically study coverage-based TCP techniques, employing total and additional greedy strategies, applied to software microbenchmarks along multiple parameterization dimensions, leading to 54 unique technique instantiations. We find that TCP techniques have a mean APFD-P (average percentage of fault-detection on performance) effectiveness between 0.54 and 0.71 and are able to capture the three largest performance changes after executing 29% to 66% of the whole microbenchmark suite. Our efficiency analysis reveals that the runtime overhead of TCP varies considerably depending on the exact parameterization. The most effective technique has an overhead of 11% of the total microbenchmark suite execution time, making TCP a viable option for performance regression testing. The results demonstrate that the total strategy is superior to the additional strategy. Finally, dynamic-coverage techniques should be favored over static-coverage techniques due to their acceptable analysis overhead; however, in settings where the time for prioritzation is limited, static-coverage techniques provide an attractive alternative

    Fidelity metrics for virtual environment simulations based on spatial memory awareness states

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    This paper describes a methodology based on human judgments of memory awareness states for assessing the simulation fidelity of a virtual environment (VE) in relation to its real scene counterpart. To demonstrate the distinction between task performance-based approaches and additional human evaluation of cognitive awareness states, a photorealistic VE was created. Resulting scenes displayed on a headmounted display (HMD) with or without head tracking and desktop monitor were then compared to the real-world task situation they represented, investigating spatial memory after exposure. Participants described how they completed their spatial recollections by selecting one of four choices of awareness states after retrieval in an initial test and a retention test a week after exposure to the environment. These reflected the level of visual mental imagery involved during retrieval, the familiarity of the recollection and also included guesses, even if informed. Experimental results revealed variations in the distribution of participants’ awareness states across conditions while, in certain cases, task performance failed to reveal any. Experimental conditions that incorporated head tracking were not associated with visually induced recollections. Generally, simulation of task performance does not necessarily lead to simulation of the awareness states involved when completing a memory task. The general premise of this research focuses on how tasks are achieved, rather than only on what is achieved. The extent to which judgments of human memory recall, memory awareness states, and presence in the physical and VE are similar provides a fidelity metric of the simulation in question

    Applying test case prioritization to software microbenchmarks

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    Regression testing comprises techniques which are applied during software evolution to uncover faults effectively and efficiently. While regression testing is widely studied for functional tests, performance regression testing, e.g., with software microbenchmarks, is hardly investigated. Applying test case prioritization (TCP), a regression testing technique, to software microbenchmarks may help capturing large performance regressions sooner upon new versions. This may especially be beneficial for microbenchmark suites, because they take considerably longer to execute than unit test suites. However, it is unclear whether traditional unit testing TCP techniques work equally well for software microbenchmarks. In this paper, we empirically study coverage-based TCP techniques, employing total and additional greedy strategies, applied to software microbenchmarks along multiple parameterization dimensions, leading to 54 unique technique instantiations. We find that TCP techniques have a mean APFD-P (average percentage of fault-detection on performance) effectiveness between 0.54 and 0.71 and are able to capture the three largest performance changes after executing 29% to 66% of the whole microbenchmark suite. Our efficiency analysis reveals that the runtime overhead of TCP varies considerably depending on the exact parameterization. The most effective technique has an overhead of 11% of the total microbenchmark suite execution time, making TCP a viable option for performance regression testing. The results demonstrate that the total strategy is superior to the additional strategy. Finally, dynamic-coverage techniques should be favored over static-coverage techniques due to their acceptable analysis overhead; however, in settings where the time for prioritzation is limited, static-coverage techniques provide an attractive alternative