3,714 research outputs found

    Agile Usage: Refining a Theoretical Model

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    Agile methodologies (AM), which emphasize iterative and incremental development with just-in-time processes and documentation, have been adopted by an increasing number of organisations. Despite this progress there is lack of clarity on their effective use after initial adoption. While there is much research on the use of various agile methods and practices, there is very limited understanding on the critical factors that impact their continued and effective usage. To address this gap, an integrated model called the Agile Usage Model (AUM) was developed, by coalescing insights from organisational level Information Systems implementation, traditional innovation diffusion models, and post-adoptive agile usage. The objective of this study is to use multiple data collection methods to further evaluate and refine the AUM. The final refined conceptual model of Agile Usage is presented along with implications for research and practice

    The Key Factors of Evaluating Agile Approaches: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Currently, Agile Methods (AMs) are extensively being used in projects of various sizes and in different environments, thus surpassing their primary intended scope. For instance, they have been executed in distributed and non-distributed projects. In addition, AMs have been implemented in different project fields, such as engineering, medicine, banking, and manufacturing. Consequently, different Agile approaches have been proposed and integrated with other approaches in order to support the increased demand for diverse project environments. In this direction, various authors have examined the process of developing those approaches; however, the focus on explaining evaluation phases is scarce and scattered. Therefore, this study aims to review pertinent literature to identify the key factors and methodologies used to evaluate the proposed approaches in the Agile domain. The systematic literature review (SLR) methodology was adopted to identify, evaluate, and interpret all existing studies relevant to the research objective. SLR provides in-depth and more thorough results than an ordinary literature review. Forty-eight studies were selected and analyzed. The results show that applicability, effectiveness, and efficiency are the three most frequently examined evaluation factors, whereas case studies and surveys are the most frequently used research methods in evaluation studies. Factors identified in this review provide the evidence and the opportunity to design instruments or assessment forms that meet the needs of those researchers who are planning to evaluate their proposed Agile approaches

    Sustaining Agile Beyond Adoption

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    Agile approaches are adopted in industry to improve outcomes from software development, and are increasingly the subject of research studies. However, adoption is not the end of the story. Agile requires on-going change and commitment in order to become sustainable and embedded within teams and organisations. This study explores current perceptions of post-adoptive agility. We asked 50 practitioners ‘what does agile sustainability mean to you?’. Analysis of practitioner comments identified four themes: being completely agile, independent, focused on business value and need, and consistent across time. Post-adoptive agile is an under-researched area, there is inconsistent use of terminology, and there is a gap between practitioners’ and researchers’ perceptions about what is important for sustaining agile

    The Journey to Project Management: Navigating the Transition from a NonProject Environment

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    To facilitate a seamless transition from a non-project management environment to a project management environment, Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) passionately dedicated to their missions and operating with limited resources can establish a Project Management Office (PMO) as a pivotal organizational function. This PMO will collaborate closely with senior executives to devise a comprehensive strategic plan for this transformation. An essential component of this plan is the identification of dedicated representatives within key departments, including IT, HR, Human Services Program, and Learning & Development. These departmental representatives will serve as proactive Project Management advocates, responsible for initiating and executing the transition strategies, all while focusing on effective change management. The transition journey commences with equipping these representatives with essential skills, starting with proficiency in Microsoft Teams as a Project Management tool. The strategic plan developed by the PMO, in partnership with senior leadership, will outline clear objectives, milestones, timelines, and department-specific roles and responsibilities. It will also address potential challenges and strategies for risk mitigation. A pivotal aspect of this transition is the management of change, which involves engaging in proactive change management efforts, addressing resistance, communicating the benefits of the transition, and ensuring a smooth shift in organizational practices. As the transition progresses, the PMO will provide ongoing support, guidance, and regular monitoring, ensuring that the project management environment is effectively integrated into the organization. By continuously refining and optimizing the process through feedback loops and continuous improvement, the NPO can successfully evolve into a more structured, efficient, and mission-aligned entity

    Frameworks for New Software Product Launch Adopting Data-Driven Approach

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    This research paper explores the critical facets of introducing new products and managing them effectively within competitive markets. The study synthesizes contemporary methodologies in product development, launch strategies, and lifecycle management to propose a comprehensive framework for New Software Product Launch Cycle optimization (NSPLC) programs. By integrating theoretical models with empirical data from multiple industries, the paper delineates how organizations can leverage market insights, customer feedback, and technological advancements to optimize their product portfolios. The research identifies key factors influencing successful product launches, including market segmentation, positioning strategies, and the alignment of product capabilities with consumer expectations. It further examines the role of cross-functional teams in enhancing the efficiency of New Software Product Launch Cycle optimization (NSPLC) processes and the importance of agile methodologies in adapting to changing market conditions. The analysis extends to post-launch strategies, emphasizing continuous improvement and the strategic use of analytics to refine product offerings. Through a series of case studies, the paper illustrates practical applications of the proposed New Software Product Launch framework and evaluates its impact on organizational performance. The findings suggest that a well-structured New Software Product Launch Cycle optimization (NSPLC) program, combined with robust product management practices, significantly enhances the market success of new products and sustains competitive advantage. This study contributes to the literature by providing a holistic view of product management that integrates strategic, operational, and tactical dimensions. It offers valuable insights for business leaders, product managers, and academics seeking to understand the complexities of product introduction and management in today's dynamic business environment

    The key factors of evaluating agile approaches: a systematic literature review

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    Currently, the housing sector is one of the Malaysian government’s main concerns as it is continuously facing various problems. This sector is endlessly struggling with enormous difficulties that have caused negative implications to the industry’s performance. Since a well governed corporate governance is said to be associated with better company performance, a number of corporate governance mechanisms are being employed in this study so as to test on their impact on the firms’ performance. Independence of board of directors (BOD) and audit committee (AC) members, non-duality and frequency of board meetings held per annum are among the CG mechanisms tested in relation to the firms’ performance, Tobin’s Q. The three-year period (2013-2015) data is taken from the annual reports and Thomson Reuters Data stream for all the companies in the property industry in Bursa Malaysia. Number of board meetings, CEO/Chairman non-duality, Independence of BOD members. These empirical evidences from this study would enhance the importance of incorporating corporate governance mechanisms and international diversification in relation to organizational performance for property industry

    Understanding Agile Software Development Assimilation Beyond Acceptance

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    Agile software development methods represent a departure from the heavily regimented and document-driven procedures of traditional, waterfall approaches. Despite the highly touted benefits of employing agile ISD methods and the growth of agile adoption rates over the past two decades, it is not clear why some organizations fail to routinize agile methods, while others do so and realize their promised benefits. Motivated by the need to understand the factors that influence agile routinization, this study empirically examines the deep contextual factors that impact the extent to which agile methods are proliferated throughout an organization. Findings indicate that project success from initial agile use does not translate to routine agile use. Instead, findings from the study suggest that organizational factors of organizational culture and structure play a pivotal role in the routinization of agile methods

    Enhanced Online Question Bank Management System For Efficient Of Exam Paper

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    Online exam question bank system bank will be used to facilitate the implementation and monitoring of development activities in polytechnics final exam item. Some activities and information systems are as follows, the formulation item final exam, review item final exam, fitting item final exam, purification item final examination, revision of the final draft (proof read) item final exam, usage data item final exam, information final examination items specification table (Feist). For developing and using online exam question bank system bank could facilitate the drafting process, facilitate the review process of the draft items and simplify the process of monitoring items for centralized final exams. In addition, operating costs, costing the drafting of the final exam questions can be reduced by almost RM1,000,000. Overall, the benefits are longer term projects, analysis of findings of data quality questions can be implemented, standardizing the format of the question paper and the front cover final exam questions, reduce work processes and document monitoring at the polytechnic. , Simplifies the process of analyzing the final examination questions by the Polytechnic Examinations Officer. As such a study should be conducted to identify methods of development, the parameters to be taken into account, consumption and use of appropriate technology in the construction of this system

    Capability driven development: an approach to designing digital enterprises

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12599-014-0362-0[EN] The need for organizations to operate in changing environments is addressed by proposing an approach that integrates organizational development with information system (IS) development taking into account changes in the application context of the solution. This is referred to as Capability Driven Development (CDD). A meta-model representing business and IS designs consisting of goals, key performance indicators, capabilities, context and capability delivery patterns, is being proposed. The use of the meta-model is validated in three industrial case studies as part of an ongoing collaboration project, whereas one case is presented in the paper. Issues related to the use of the CDD approach, namely, CDD methodology and tool support are also discussed.This work has been partially supported by the EU-FP7 funded project no: 611351 CaaS - Capability as a Service in Digital Enterprises.Berzisa, S.; Bravos, G.; Cardona Gonzalez, T.; Czubayko, U.; España, S.; Grabis, J.; Henkel, M.... (2015). Capability driven development: an approach to designing digital enterprises. Business and Information Systems Engineering. 57(1):15-25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12599-014-0362-0S1525571ArchiMate (2013) An enterprise modeling language from the Open Group. http://www.opengroup.org/archimate/ . Accessed 3 Dec 2014Asadi M, Ramsin R (2008) MDA-based methodologies: an analytical survey. In: Proceedings Model driven architecture – foundations and applications (ECMDA-FA 2008), LNCS 5095, pp 419–431Barney JB (1991) Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. 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    The need for evidence innovation in educational technology evaluation

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    More complex and chaotic methods are being adopted in the development of technology to enhance learning and teaching in higher education today in order to achieve innovation in teaching practice. However, because this type of development does not conform to a linear process-driven order, it is notoriously difficult to evaluate its success as a holistic educational initiative. It is proposed that there are five factors that impact on effective educational technology evaluation, which contributes to insubstantial evidence of positive outcomes, these being: premature timing; inappropriate software evaluation techniques and models; lack of shared understanding of the terminology or the semantics of education technology; the growing complexity of agile and open development; and the corporatisation of higher education. This paper suggests that it is no longer helpful for policy makers to evaluate whether educational technology project outcomes were successful or unsuccessful but instead they should use agile evaluation strategies to understand the impact of the product, process and outcomes in a changing context. It is no longer useful to ask the question, ‘did the software work?’ The key is for software developers and policy-makers to ask ‘what type of software works, in which conditions and for whom?’ To understand this, the software development community needs to look at adopting evaluation strategies from the social science community. For example, realist evaluation supplies context driven and evidence-based techniques, exploring outcomes that tend towards the social rather than technical. It centres on exploring the ‘mechanisms’, ‘contexts’ and ‘outcomes’ associated with an intervention and is a form of theory-driven evaluation that is the theory and reasoning of its stakeholders that is rooted in practitioner wisdom
