9 research outputs found

    Thread-local, step-local proof obligations for refinement of state-based concurrent systems

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    This paper presents a proof technique for proving refinements for general state-based models of concurrent systems that reduces proving forward simulations to thread-local, step-local proof obligations. Instances of this proof technique should be applicable to systems specified with ASM rules, B events, or Z operations. To exemplify the proof technique, we demonstrate it with a simple case study that verifies linearizability of a lock-free implementation of concurrent hash sets by showing that it refines an abstract concurrent system with atomic operations. Our theorem prover KIV translates programs to a set of transition rules and generates proof obligations according to the technique

    Incompleteness of relational simulations in the blocking paradigm

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    Refinement is the notion of development between formal specifications For specifications given in a relational formalism downward and upward simulations are the standard method to verify that a refinement holds their usefulness based upon their soundness and joint completeness This is known to be true for total relational specifications and has been claimed to hold for partial relational specifications in both the non-blocking and blocking interpretations In this paper we show that downward and upward simulations in the blocking interpretation where domains are guards are not Jointly complete This contradicts earlier claims in the literature We illustrate this with an example (based on one recently constructed by Reeves and Streader) and then construct a proof to show why Joint completeness fails in general (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserve

    On Sufficient and Necessary Conditions in Bounded CTL

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    Relational Concurrent Refinement II: Internal Operations and Outputs

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    Two styles of description arise naturally in formal specification: state-based and behavioural. In state-based notations, a system is characterised by a collection of variables, and their values determine which actions may occur throughout a system history. Behavioural specifications describe the chronologies of actions -- interactions between a system and its environment. The exact nature of such interactions is captured in a variety of semantic models with corresponding notions of refinement; refinement in state based systems is based on the semantics of sequential programs and is modelled relationally. Acknowledging that these viewpoints are complementary, substantial research has gone into combining the paradigms. The purpose of this paper is to do three things. First, we survey recent results linking the relational model of refinement to the process algebraic models. Specifically, we detail how variations in the relational framework lead to relational data refinement being in correspondence with traces-divergences, singleton failures and failures-divergences refinement in a process semantics. Second, we generalise these results by providing a general flexible scheme for incorporating the two main ''erroneous'' concurrent behaviours: deadlock and divergence, into relational refinement. This is shown to subsume previous characterisations. In doing this we derive relational refinement rules for specifications containing both internal operations and outputs that corresponds to failures-divergences refinement. Third, the theory has been formally specified and verified using the interactive theorem prover KIV

    Probabilistic Semantics for RoboChart A Weakest Completion Approach

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    We outline a probabilistic denotational semantics for the RoboChart language, a diagrammatic, domain-specific notation for de- scribing robotic controllers with their hardware platforms and operating environments. We do this using a powerful (but perhaps not so well known) semantic technique: He, Morgan, and McIver’s weakest completion semantics, which is based on Hoare and He’s Unifying Theories of Programming. In this approach, we do the following: (1) start with the standard semantics for a nondeterministic programming language; (2) propose a new probabilistic semantic domain; (3) propose a forgetful function from the probabilistic semantic domain to the standard semantic domain; (4) use the converse of the forgetful function to embed the standard semantic domain in the probabilistic semantic domain; (5) demonstrate that this embedding preserves program structure; (6) define the probabilistic choice operator. Weakest completion semantics guides the semantic definition of new languages by building on existing semantics and, in this case, tackling a notoriously thorny issue: the relationship between demonic and probabilistic choice. Consistency ensures that programming intuitions, development techniques, and proof methods can be carried over from the standard language to the probabilistic one. We largely follow He et al., our contribution being an explication of the technique with meticulous proofs suitable for mechanisation in Isabelle/UTP

    New Opportunities for Integrated Formal Methods

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    Formal methods have provided approaches for investigating software engineering fundamentals and also have high potential to improve current practices in dependability assurance. In this article, we summarise known strengths and weaknesses of formal methods. From the perspective of the assurance of robots and autonomous systems~(RAS), we highlight new opportunities for integrated formal methods and identify threats to their adoption to be mitigated. Based on these opportunities and threats, we develop an agenda for fundamental and empirical research on integrated formal methods and for successful transfer of validated research to RAS assurance. Furthermore, we outline our expectations on useful outcomes of such an agenda

    Separating computation and coordination in the design of parallel and distributed programs

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    The remainder of this thesis is organized as follows. Chapters 2 and 3 introduce the specification formalisms that are used in this thesis. In Chapter 2 we present the computation language. We show that it facilitates the description of specifications that are not partial to a particular mode of execution. Furthermore, we present a semantics and a logic for reasoning about correctness of programs. In Chapter 3 we present the coordination language. We define its semantics and show how it connects to the computation language. In Chapters 4 and 5 we develop a theory of refinement. This theory provides a number of proof techniques that enable us to incrementally refine the behavioural aspects of a program. These chapters form the most theoretical part of this thesis. It should be possible to get an understanding of the methods derived in these chapters without going through all these proofs. In Chapter 7 we illustrate the method of design by considering some case studies. Comparisons with related work and conclusions are described in Chapters 8 and 9.UBL - phd migration 201