6 research outputs found

    Reference model for a data grid approach to address data in a dynamic SDI

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    A grid is concerned with the integration, virtualization, and management of services and resources in a distributed, heterogeneous environment that supports virtual organizations across traditional administrative and organizational domains. Spatial data infrastructures (SDI) aim to make spatial data from multiple sources available and usable to as wide an audience as possible. The first SDIs of the 1990s followed a top–down approach with the focus on data production and centralization. In recent years, SDIs have seen a huge increase in the number of participants, necessitating a more dynamic bottom-up approach. While much research has been done on web services and SDIs, research on the use of data grids for SDIs is limited. In this paper an emergency response scenario is presented to illustrate how the data grid approach can be used as a decentralized platform for address data in a dynamic SDI. Next, Compartimos (Spanish for ‘we share’) is presented, a reference model for an address data grid in an SDI based on the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA). Compartimos identifies the essential components and their capabilities required for a decentralized address data grid in a dynamic SDI. It deviates from the current centralized approach, allows data resources to come and go and node hosts to grow and shrink as necessary. An address data grid in an SDI is both a novel application for data grids as well as a novel technology in SDI environments and thus advances the mutual understanding between data grids and SDIs. In conclusion, additional research required for address data grids in SDIs is discussed.South African Department of Trade and Industry. The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comhttp://www.springerlink.com/content/1384-6175/nf201

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    Rol de la gestión de la información en entornos de trabajo virtual

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    El presente trabajo aborda una revisión de literatura para identificar el rol de la gestión de la información en entornos de trabajo virtual. En total se analizaron 123 artículos científicos seleccionados de dos bases de datos académicas: Scopus y Web of Science, con una ventana de tiempo de 15 años (2004 a 2018). De acuerdo con los hallazgos, se pudo identificar que las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), el entorno de trabajo y la seguridad de la información, la implementación de las etapas de la gestión de la información, la confianza, el desarrollo de software, el liderazgo, la selección y capacitación del personal y la comunicación, corresponden a las categorías que tienen mayor incidencia sobre la gestión de la información en los entornos de trabajo virtual de las organizaciones hoy día

    Orchestrating standard web services to produce thematic maps in a geoportal of a spatial data infrastructure

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    Cartography is the science and art of making maps and thematic cartography is a subsection that deals with the production of thematic maps. A thematic map portrays the distribution of features, incidents or classifications related to a specific topic. With the rapidly increasing volumes of data, thematic maps allow users to efficiently analyse data and identify trends quicker. A spatial data infrastructure (SDI) focuses on making data available and ensures data interoperability through a geoportal and associated web services for discovery, display, editing, and analysis. Implementations of web service standards by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), and the ISO/TC211, Geographic information/Geomatics enable the display, query and custom visualisation of spatial data in a geoportal. In the past, sophisticated cartographic methods have been mainly available on desktop applications, but with the advances in web mapping technology these methods have become increasingly popular on the Web. Currently, producing thematic maps using web services is a manual process that requires quite a lot of custom programming. The orchestrations of standard web services automate the process to produce thematic maps in a geoportal. It is preferable to use standard web services as opposed to customised programming; the standards provide flexibility, interoperability, and standard protocols, to name a few benefits. The goal of this research was to determine how standard OGC web services could be orchestrated to produce thematic maps within the geoportal of an SDI. To achieve this goal, an orchestrated thematic web service, named ThematicWS, was constructed from existing implementations of individual standard OGC web services, which are monolithic and interchangeable. The thematic cartographic process for producing choropleth and proportional symbol maps was investigated to model the process and obtain a set of steps. Experiments were performed to determine which existing web service standards could be used in the process. ThematicWS was developed using existing implementations of the following standards: WFS to retrieve the attribute data, WPS for the wrapping of custom functionalities (statistical processing and SLD generation), and a WMS to produce the thematic map image. The 52° North and ZOO project frameworks’ orchestration capabilities were evaluated for to determine the suitability for producing thematic maps. The evaluation showed that orchestration is possible in both frameworks. However, there are limitations in both frameworks for automatic orchestration such as the lack of semantic information and poor usability of the framework. The use of WPS services to wrap custom functionalities and to provide a standard interface has proved to be useful for the orchestration of standard web services. ThematicWS was successfully implemented based on standard web service implementations using both workflow scripting and workflow modelling. The orchestrated ThematicWS can be called and consumed by a geoportal of an SDI to produce thematic maps according to user defined parameters.Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013.Geography, Geoinformatics and MeteorologyUnrestricte

    Cloud Computing: caracterización de los impactos positivos obtenidos por la utilización del modelo Cloud Computing por las pymes, basado en la tipología de modelos de negocio de este tipo de empresas

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    [ES] El Cloud Computing produce importantes beneficios a las empresas usuarias, en especial a las pymes. A través de él estas empresas tienen mejor acceso a las tecnologías de la información que necesitan para su funcionamiento. Según las estadísticas de utilización del cloud computing, estas empresas hacen un uso limitado de este tipo de servicios. El objetivo del presente trabajo es contribuir a potenciar la utilización del cloud por parte de las pymes. Según nuestro diagnóstico, el primer problema es del desconocimiento del cloud por parte de las pymes. Para abordar este problema se realiza una descripción del cloud computing y se analizan los beneficios que les proporciona a las empresas usuarias. Para contribuir a convencer a los empresarios de las ventajas que el uso del cloud les proporciona, se aborda el cloud desde una óptica empresarial y para ello se propone un modelo de negocio tipo para las pymes, para posteriormente relacionar los bloques en que se puede descomponer el citado modelo de negocio con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación adecuadas para el funcionamiento de la empresa, accedidas a través del Cloud.Fons Gómez, FJ. (2014). Cloud Computing: caracterización de los impactos positivos obtenidos por la utilización del modelo Cloud Computing por las pymes, basado en la tipología de Modelos de Negocio de este tipo de empresas. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38864.Archivo delegad