18 research outputs found

    Limited Attention and Discourse Structure

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    This squib examines the role of limited attention in a theory of discourse structure and proposes a model of attentional state that relates current hierarchical theories of discourse structure to empirical evidence about human discourse processing capabilities. First, I present examples that are not predicted by Grosz and Sidner's stack model of attentional state. Then I consider an alternative model of attentional state, the cache model, which accounts for the examples, and which makes particular processing predictions. Finally I suggest a number of ways that future research could distinguish the predictions of the cache model and the stack model.Comment: 9 pages, uses twoside,cl,lingmacro

    Inferring Acceptance and Rejection in Dialogue by Default Rules of Inference

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    This paper discusses the processes by which conversants in a dialogue can infer whether their assertions and proposals have been accepted or rejected by their conversational partners. It expands on previous work by showing that logical consistency is a necessary indicator of acceptance, but that it is not sufficient, and that logical inconsistency is sufficient as an indicator of rejection, but it is not necessary. I show how conversants can use information structure and prosody as well as logical reasoning in distinguishing between acceptances and logically consistent rejections, and relate this work to previous work on implicature and default reasoning by introducing three new classes of rejection: {\sc implicature rejections}, {\sc epistemic rejections} and {\sc deliberation rejections}. I show how these rejections are inferred as a result of default inferences, which, by other analyses, would have been blocked by the context. In order to account for these facts, I propose a model of the common ground that allows these default inferences to go through, and show how the model, originally proposed to account for the various forms of acceptance, can also model all types of rejection.Comment: 37 pages, uses fullpage, lingmacros, name

    Making effective use of healthcare data using data-to-text technology

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    Healthcare organizations are in a continuous effort to improve health outcomes, reduce costs and enhance patient experience of care. Data is essential to measure and help achieving these improvements in healthcare delivery. Consequently, a data influx from various clinical, financial and operational sources is now overtaking healthcare organizations and their patients. The effective use of this data, however, is a major challenge. Clearly, text is an important medium to make data accessible. Financial reports are produced to assess healthcare organizations on some key performance indicators to steer their healthcare delivery. Similarly, at a clinical level, data on patient status is conveyed by means of textual descriptions to facilitate patient review, shift handover and care transitions. Likewise, patients are informed about data on their health status and treatments via text, in the form of reports or via ehealth platforms by their doctors. Unfortunately, such text is the outcome of a highly labour-intensive process if it is done by healthcare professionals. It is also prone to incompleteness, subjectivity and hard to scale up to different domains, wider audiences and varying communication purposes. Data-to-text is a recent breakthrough technology in artificial intelligence which automatically generates natural language in the form of text or speech from data. This chapter provides a survey of data-to-text technology, with a focus on how it can be deployed in a healthcare setting. It will (1) give an up-to-date synthesis of data-to-text approaches, (2) give a categorized overview of use cases in healthcare, (3) seek to make a strong case for evaluating and implementing data-to-text in a healthcare setting, and (4) highlight recent research challenges.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figures, book chapte

    CLiFF Notes: Research In Natural Language Processing at the University of Pennsylvania

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    The Computational Linguistics Feedback Forum (CLIFF) is a group of students and faculty who gather once a week to discuss the members\u27 current research. As the word feedback suggests, the group\u27s purpose is the sharing of ideas. The group also promotes interdisciplinary contacts between researchers who share an interest in Cognitive Science. There is no single theme describing the research in Natural Language Processing at Penn. There is work done in CCG, Tree adjoining grammars, intonation, statistical methods, plan inference, instruction understanding, incremental interpretation, language acquisition, syntactic parsing, causal reasoning, free word order languages, ... and many other areas. With this in mind, rather than trying to summarize the varied work currently underway here at Penn, we suggest reading the following abstracts to see how the students and faculty themselves describe their work. Their abstracts illustrate the diversity of interests among the researchers, explain the areas of common interest, and describe some very interesting work in Cognitive Science. This report is a collection of abstracts from both faculty and graduate students in Computer Science, Psychology and Linguistics. We pride ourselves on the close working relations between these groups, as we believe that the communication among the different departments and the ongoing inter-departmental research not only improves the quality of our work, but makes much of that work possible

    Survey of the State of the Art in Natural Language Generation: Core tasks, applications and evaluation

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    This paper surveys the current state of the art in Natural Language Generation (NLG), defined as the task of generating text or speech from non-linguistic input. A survey of NLG is timely in view of the changes that the field has undergone over the past decade or so, especially in relation to new (usually data-driven) methods, as well as new applications of NLG technology. This survey therefore aims to (a) give an up-to-date synthesis of research on the core tasks in NLG and the architectures adopted in which such tasks are organised; (b) highlight a number of relatively recent research topics that have arisen partly as a result of growing synergies between NLG and other areas of artificial intelligence; (c) draw attention to the challenges in NLG evaluation, relating them to similar challenges faced in other areas of Natural Language Processing, with an emphasis on different evaluation methods and the relationships between them.Comment: Published in Journal of AI Research (JAIR), volume 61, pp 75-170. 118 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    CLiFF Notes: Research in the Language, Information and Computation Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania

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    One concern of the Computer Graphics Research Lab is in simulating human task behavior and understanding why the visualization of the appearance, capabilities and performance of humans is so challenging. Our research has produced a system, called Jack, for the definition, manipulation, animation and human factors analysis of simulated human figures. Jack permits the envisionment of human motion by interactive specification and simultaneous execution of multiple constraints, and is sensitive to such issues as body shape and size, linkage, and plausible motions. Enhanced control is provided by natural behaviors such as looking, reaching, balancing, lifting, stepping, walking, grasping, and so on. Although intended for highly interactive applications, Jack is a foundation for other research. The very ubiquitousness of other people in our lives poses a tantalizing challenge to the computational modeler: people are at once the most common object around us, and yet the most structurally complex. Their everyday movements are amazingly fluid, yet demanding to reproduce, with actions driven not just mechanically by muscles and bones but also cognitively by beliefs and intentions. Our motor systems manage to learn how to make us move without leaving us the burden or pleasure of knowing how we did it. Likewise we learn how to describe the actions and behaviors of others without consciously struggling with the processes of perception, recognition, and language. Present technology lets us approach human appearance and motion through computer graphics modeling and three dimensional animation, but there is considerable distance to go before purely synthesized figures trick our senses. We seek to build computational models of human like figures which manifest animacy and convincing behavior. Towards this end, we: Create an interactive computer graphics human model; Endow it with reasonable biomechanical properties; Provide it with human like behaviors; Use this simulated figure as an agent to effect changes in its world; Describe and guide its tasks through natural language instructions. There are presently no perfect solutions to any of these problems; ultimately, however, we should be able to give our surrogate human directions that, in conjunction with suitable symbolic reasoning processes, make it appear to behave in a natural, appropriate, and intelligent fashion. Compromises will be essential, due to limits in computation, throughput of display hardware, and demands of real-time interaction, but our algorithms aim to balance the physical device constraints with carefully crafted models, general solutions, and thoughtful organization. The Jack software is built on Silicon Graphics Iris 4D workstations because those systems have 3-D graphics features that greatly aid the process of interacting with highly articulated figures such as the human body. Of course, graphics capabilities themselves do not make a usable system. Our research has therefore focused on software to make the manipulation of a simulated human figure easy for a rather specific user population: human factors design engineers or ergonomics analysts involved in visualizing and assessing human motor performance, fit, reach, view, and other physical tasks in a workplace environment. The software also happens to be quite usable by others, including graduate students and animators. The point, however, is that program design has tried to take into account a wide variety of physical problem oriented tasks, rather than just offer a computer graphics and animation tool for the already computer sophisticated or skilled animator. As an alternative to interactive specification, a simulation system allows a convenient temporal and spatial parallel programming language for behaviors. The Graphics Lab is working with the Natural Language Group to explore the possibility of using natural language instructions, such as those found in assembly or maintenance manuals, to drive the behavior of our animated human agents. (See the CLiFF note entry for the AnimNL group for details.) Even though Jack is under continual development, it has nonetheless already proved to be a substantial computational tool in analyzing human abilities in physical workplaces. It is being applied to actual problems involving space vehicle inhabitants, helicopter pilots, maintenance technicians, foot soldiers, and tractor drivers. This broad range of applications is precisely the target we intended to reach. The general capabilities embedded in Jack attempt to mirror certain aspects of human performance, rather than the specific requirements of the corresponding workplace. We view the Jack system as the basis of a virtual animated agent that can carry out tasks and instructions in a simulated 3D environment. While we have not yet fooled anyone into believing that the Jack figure is real , its behaviors are becoming more reasonable and its repertoire of actions more extensive. When interactive control becomes more labor intensive than natural language instructional control, we will have reached a significant milestone toward an intelligent agent