57 research outputs found

    A SVD based scheme for post processing of DCT coded images

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    In block discrete cosine transform (DCT) based image compression the blocking artifacts are the main cause of degradation, especially at higher compression ratio. In proposed scheme, monotone or edge blocks are identified by examining the DCT coefficients of the block itself. In the first algorithm of the proposed scheme, a signal adaptive filter is applied to sub-image constructed by the DC components of DCT coded image to exploit the residual inter-block correlation between adjacent blocks. To further reduce artificial discontinuities due to blocking artifacts, the blocky image is re-divided into blocks in such a way that the corner of the original blocks comes at the center of new blocks. These discontinuities cause the high frequency components in the new blocks. In this paper, these high frequency components due to blocking artifacts in monotone area are eliminated using singular value decomposition (SVD) based filtering algorithm. It is well known that random noise is hard to compress whereas it is easy to compress the ordered information. Thus, lossy compression of noisy signal provides the required filtering of the signal

    Алгоритм нелокальних значень при обробці зображень та напрямки його покращення

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    Проведений аналіз алгоритмів зменшення спотворень у відтворених нерухомих та рухомих зображеннях та наведена класифікація їх спотворень. Запропоновано нову пришвидшену ієрархічно-пошукову схему для алгоритму нелокальних засобів, яка має більшу швидкодію.Проведен анализ алгоритмов уменьшения искажений в воспроизведенных неподвижных и подвижных изображениях и приведена классификация их искажений. Предложена новая ускоренная иерархично-поисковая схема для алгоритма нелокальных средств, которая имеет большее быстродействие.Analyzing of algorithms for reducing image and video artifacts has been done and artifacts classification was shown. New hierarchical-based scheme for Non Local Means algorithm has been proposed

    Transform Domain-Based Perceptual Detection and Reduction of Blocking Artifacts

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    In this paper, provide a simple and effective method for measuring blocking artefacts with an ideal 2-D step function in this study. First, a basic edge detection technique for measuring blocking artefacts is proposed. The ideal 2-D step function is chosen based on the presence of blocking artefacts in the edge image. The blocking artefact reduction algorithm in frequency domain is designed to extract all of the parameters required to detect the presence of blocking artefacts and replace the optimal step function with a ramp function by replacing the coefficient of the first row of horizontal blocks with the coefficient of the shifted block. The proposed strategy was tested on various standard benchmark photos and found to increase the perceptual quality of JPEG compressed images after blocking artefact removal with the proposed method

    Estimated spectrum adaptive postfilter and the iterative prepost filtering algirighms

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    The invention presents The Estimated Spectrum Adaptive Postfilter (ESAP) and the Iterative Prepost Filter (IPF) algorithms. These algorithms model a number of image-adaptive post-filtering and pre-post filtering methods. They are designed to minimize Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) blocking distortion caused when images are highly compressed with the Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG) standard. The ESAP and the IPF techniques of the present invention minimize the mean square error (MSE) to improve the objective and subjective quality of low-bit-rate JPEG gray-scale images while simultaneously enhancing perceptual visual quality with respect to baseline JPEG images