8 research outputs found

    Reducing thread divergence in a GPU-accelerated branch-and-bound algorithm

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    International audienceIn this paper, we address the design and implementation of GPU-accelerated Branch-and-Bound algorithms (B&B) for solving Flow-shop scheduling optimization problems (FSP). Such applications are CPU-time consuming and highly irregular. On the other hand, GPUs are massively multi-threaded accelerators using the SIMD model at execution. A major issue which arises when executing on GPU a B&B applied to FSP is thread or branch divergence. Such divergence is caused by the lower bound function of FSP which contains many irregular loops and conditional instructions. Our challenge is therefore to revisit the design and implementation of B&B applied to FSP dealing with thread divergence. Extensive experiments of the proposed approach have been carried out on well-known FSP benchmarks using an Nvidia Tesla C2050 GPU card. Compared to a CPU-based execution, accelerations up to Ă—77.46 are achieved for large problem instances

    Simulating heterogeneous behaviours in complex systems on GPUs

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    Agent Based Modelling (ABM) is an approach for modelling dynamic systems and studying complex and emergent behaviour. ABMs have been widely applied in diverse disciplines including biology, economics, and social sciences. The scalability of ABM simulations is typically limited due to the computationally expensive nature of simulating a large number of individuals. As such, large scale ABM simulations are excellent candidates to apply parallel computing approaches such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). In this paper, we present an extension to the FLAME GPU 1 [1] framework which addresses the divergence problem, i.e. the challenge of executing the behaviour of non-homogeneous individuals on vectorised GPU processors. We do this by describing a modelling methodology which exposes inherent parallelism within the model which is exploited by novel additions to the software permitting higher levels of concurrent simulation execution. Moreover, we demonstrate how this extension can be applied to realistic cellular level tissue model by benchmarking the model to demonstrate a measured speedup of over 4x

    Many-core Branch-and-Bound for GPU accelerators and MIC coprocessors

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    International audienceCoprocessors are increasingly becoming key building blocks of High Performance Computing platforms. These many-core energy-efficient devices boost the performance of traditional processors. On the other hand, Branch-and-Bound (B&B) algorithms are tree-based exact methods for solving to optimality combinatorial optimization problems (COPs). Solving large COPs results in the generation of a very large pool of subproblems and the evaluation of their associated lower bounds. Generating and evaluating those subproblems on coprocessors raises several issues including processor-coprocessor data transfer optimization, vectorization, thread divergence, and so on. In this paper, we investigate the offload-based parallel design and implementation of B&B algorithms for coprocessors addressing these issues. Two major many-core architectures are considered and compared: Nvidia GPU and Intel MIC. The proposed approaches have been experimented using the Flow-Shop scheduling problem and two hardware configurations equivalent in terms of energy consumption: Nvidia Tesla K40 and Intel Xeon Phi 5110P. The reported results show that the GPU-accelerated approach outperforms the MIC offload-based one even in its vectorized version. Moreover, vectorization improves the efficiency of the MIC offload-based approach with a factor of two

    Power-aware caches for GPGPUs

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    In this thesis, we propose two optimization techniques to reduce power consumption in L1 caches (data, texture and constant), shared memory and L2 cache. The first optimization technique targets static power. Evaluation of GPGPU applications shows that once a cache block is accessed by a thread, it takes several hundreds of clock cycles until the same block is accessed again. The long inter-access cycle can be used to put cache cells into drowsy mode and reduce static power. While drowsy cells reduce static power, they increase access time as voltage of a cache cell in drowsy mode should be raised before the block can be accessed. To mitigate performance impact of drowsy cells, we propose a novel technique called coarse grained drowsy mode. In coarse grained drowsy mode, we partition each cache into regions of consecutive cache blocks and wake up a region upon cache access. Due to temporal and spatial locality of cache accesses, this method dramatically reduces performance impact caused by drowsy cells. The second optimization technique relies on branch divergence in GPGPUs. The execution model in GPGPUs is Single Instruction Multiple Thread (SIMT) which means processing cores execute the same instruction with different data for GPGPU threads. The SIMT execution model may result in divergence of threads when a control instruction is executed. GPGPUs execute branch instructions in two phases. In the first phase, threads in the taken path are active and the rest are idle. In the second phase, threads in the not-taken path are executed and the rest are idle. Contemporary GPGPUs access all portions of cache blocks, although some threads are idle due to branch divergence. We propose accessing only portions of cache blocks corresponding to active threads. By disabling unnecessary sections of cache blocks, we are able to reduce dynamic power of caches. Our results show that on average, the two optimization techniques together reduce power of caches by up to 98% and 15% for static and dynamic power, respectively

    Accelerating exact and approximate inference for (distributed) discrete optimization with GPUs

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    Discrete optimization is a central problem in artificial intelligence. The optimization of the aggregated cost of a network of cost functions arises in a variety of problems including Weighted Constraint Programs (WCSPs), Distributed Constraint Optimization (DCOP), as well as optimization in stochastic variants such as the tasks of finding the most probable explanation (MPE) in belief networks. Inference-based algorithms are powerful techniques for solving discrete optimization problems, which can be used independently or in combination with other techniques. However, their applicability is often limited by their compute intensive nature and their space requirements. This paper proposes the design and implementation of a novel inference-based technique, which exploits modern massively parallel architectures, such as those found in Graphical Processing Units (GPUs), to speed up the resolution of exact and approximated inference-based algorithms for discrete optimization. The paper studies the proposed algorithm in both centralized and distributed optimization contexts. The paper demonstrates that the use of GPUs provides significant advantages in terms of runtime and scalability, achieving up to two orders of magnitude in speedups and showing a considerable reduction in execution time (up to 345 times faster) with respect to a sequential version

    Reducing thread divergence in a GPU-accelerated branch-and-bound algorithm

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