4,907 research outputs found

    WARP: Wavelets with adaptive recursive partitioning for multi-dimensional data

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    Effective identification of asymmetric and local features in images and other data observed on multi-dimensional grids plays a critical role in a wide range of applications including biomedical and natural image processing. Moreover, the ever increasing amount of image data, in terms of both the resolution per image and the number of images processed per application, requires algorithms and methods for such applications to be computationally efficient. We develop a new probabilistic framework for multi-dimensional data to overcome these challenges through incorporating data adaptivity into discrete wavelet transforms, thereby allowing them to adapt to the geometric structure of the data while maintaining the linear computational scalability. By exploiting a connection between the local directionality of wavelet transforms and recursive dyadic partitioning on the grid points of the observation, we obtain the desired adaptivity through adding to the traditional Bayesian wavelet regression framework an additional layer of Bayesian modeling on the space of recursive partitions over the grid points. We derive the corresponding inference recipe in the form of a recursive representation of the exact posterior, and develop a class of efficient recursive message passing algorithms for achieving exact Bayesian inference with a computational complexity linear in the resolution and sample size of the images. While our framework is applicable to a range of problems including multi-dimensional signal processing, compression, and structural learning, we illustrate its work and evaluate its performance in the context of 2D and 3D image reconstruction using real images from the ImageNet database. We also apply the framework to analyze a data set from retinal optical coherence tomography

    Cached Sufficient Statistics for Efficient Machine Learning with Large Datasets

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    This paper introduces new algorithms and data structures for quick counting for machine learning datasets. We focus on the counting task of constructing contingency tables, but our approach is also applicable to counting the number of records in a dataset that match conjunctive queries. Subject to certain assumptions, the costs of these operations can be shown to be independent of the number of records in the dataset and loglinear in the number of non-zero entries in the contingency table. We provide a very sparse data structure, the ADtree, to minimize memory use. We provide analytical worst-case bounds for this structure for several models of data distribution. We empirically demonstrate that tractably-sized data structures can be produced for large real-world datasets by (a) using a sparse tree structure that never allocates memory for counts of zero, (b) never allocating memory for counts that can be deduced from other counts, and (c) not bothering to expand the tree fully near its leaves. We show how the ADtree can be used to accelerate Bayes net structure finding algorithms, rule learning algorithms, and feature selection algorithms, and we provide a number of empirical results comparing ADtree methods against traditional direct counting approaches. We also discuss the possible uses of ADtrees in other machine learning methods, and discuss the merits of ADtrees in comparison with alternative representations such as kd-trees, R-trees and Frequent Sets.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Efficient context-dependent model building based on clustering posterior distributions for non-coding sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many recent studies that relax the assumption of independent evolution of sites have done so at the expense of a drastic increase in the number of substitution parameters. While additional parameters cannot be avoided to model context-dependent evolution, a large increase in model dimensionality is only justified when accompanied with careful model-building strategies that guard against overfitting. An increased dimensionality leads to increases in numerical computations of the models, increased convergence times in Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms and even more tedious Bayes Factor calculations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed two model-search algorithms which reduce the number of Bayes Factor calculations by clustering posterior densities to decide on the equality of substitution behavior in different contexts. The selected model's fit is evaluated using a Bayes Factor, which we calculate via model-switch thermodynamic integration. To reduce computation time and to increase the precision of this integration, we propose to split the calculations over different computers and to appropriately calibrate the individual runs. Using the proposed strategies, we find, in a dataset of primate Ancestral Repeats, that careful modeling of context-dependent evolution may increase model fit considerably and that the combination of a context-dependent model with the assumption of varying rates across sites offers even larger improvements in terms of model fit. Using a smaller nuclear SSU rRNA dataset, we show that context-dependence may only become detectable upon applying model-building strategies.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>While context-dependent evolutionary models can increase the model fit over traditional independent evolutionary models, such complex models will often contain too many parameters. Justification for the added parameters is thus required so that only those parameters that model evolutionary processes previously unaccounted for are added to the evolutionary model. To obtain an optimal balance between the number of parameters in a context-dependent model and the performance in terms of model fit, we have designed two parameter-reduction strategies and we have shown that model fit can be greatly improved by reducing the number of parameters in a context-dependent evolutionary model.</p

    Introduction in IND and recursive partitioning

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    This manual describes the IND package for learning tree classifiers from data. The package is an integrated C and C shell re-implementation of tree learning routines such as CART, C4, and various MDL and Bayesian variations. The package includes routines for experiment control, interactive operation, and analysis of tree building. The manual introduces the system and its many options, gives a basic review of tree learning, contains a guide to the literature and a glossary, and lists the manual pages for the routines and instructions on installation

    A Review of Codebook Models in Patch-Based Visual Object Recognition

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    The codebook model-based approach, while ignoring any structural aspect in vision, nonetheless provides state-of-the-art performances on current datasets. The key role of a visual codebook is to provide a way to map the low-level features into a fixed-length vector in histogram space to which standard classifiers can be directly applied. The discriminative power of such a visual codebook determines the quality of the codebook model, whereas the size of the codebook controls the complexity of the model. Thus, the construction of a codebook is an important step which is usually done by cluster analysis. However, clustering is a process that retains regions of high density in a distribution and it follows that the resulting codebook need not have discriminant properties. This is also recognised as a computational bottleneck of such systems. In our recent work, we proposed a resource-allocating codebook, to constructing a discriminant codebook in a one-pass design procedure that slightly outperforms more traditional approaches at drastically reduced computing times. In this review we survey several approaches that have been proposed over the last decade with their use of feature detectors, descriptors, codebook construction schemes, choice of classifiers in recognising objects, and datasets that were used in evaluating the proposed methods

    Approximate MIMO Iterative Processing with Adjustable Complexity Requirements

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    Targeting always the best achievable bit error rate (BER) performance in iterative receivers operating over multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels may result in significant waste of resources, especially when the achievable BER is orders of magnitude better than the target performance (e.g., under good channel conditions and at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)). In contrast to the typical iterative schemes, a practical iterative decoding framework that approximates the soft-information exchange is proposed which allows reduced complexity sphere and channel decoding, adjustable to the transmission conditions and the required bit error rate. With the proposed approximate soft information exchange the performance of the exact soft information can still be reached with significant complexity gains.Comment: The final version of this paper appears in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Hierarchical Label Partitioning for Large Scale Classification

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    International audienceExtreme classification task where the number of classes is very large has received important focus over the last decade. Usual efficient multi-class classification approaches have not been designed to deal with such large number of classes. A particular issue in the context of large scale problems concerns the computational classification complexity : best multi-class approaches have generally a linear complexity with respect to the number of classes which does not allow these approaches to scale up. Recent works have put their focus on using hierarchical classification process in order to speed-up the classification of new instances. A priori information on labels is not always available nor useful to build hierarchical models. Finding a suitable hierarchical organization of the labels is thus a crucial issue as the accuracy of the model depends highly on the label assignment through the label tree. We propose in this work a new algorithm to build iteratively a hierarchical label structure by proposing a partitioning algorithm which optimizes simultaneously the structure in terms of classification complexity and the label partitioning problem in order to achieve high classification performances. Beginning from a flat tree structure, our algorithm selects iteratively a node to expand by adding a new level of nodes between the considered node and its children. This operation increases the speed-up of the classification process. Once the node is selected, best partitioning of the classes has to be computed. We propose to consider a measure based on the maximization of the expected loss of the sub-levels in order to minimize the global error of the structure. This choice enforces hardly separable classes to be group together in same partitions at the first levels of the tree structure and it delays errors at a deep level of the structure where there is no incidence on the accuracy of other classes
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