15 research outputs found

    Development of Environmental Performance Model Using Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)

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    Application of six sigma methodology to reduce defects of a grinding process

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    Six Sigma is a data-driven leadership approach using specific tools and methodologies that lead to fact-based decision making. This paper deals with the application of the Six Sigma methodology in reducing defects in a fine grinding process of an automotive company in India. The DMAIC (Define–Measure–Analyse–Improve–Control) approach has been followed here to solve the underlying problem of reducing process variation and improving the process yield. This paper explores how a manufacturing process can use a systematic methodology to move towards world-class quality level. The application of the Six Sigma methodology resulted in reduction of defects in the fine grinding process from 16.6 to 1.19%. The DMAIC methodology has had a significant financial impact on the profitability of the company in terms of reduction in scrap cost, man-hour saving on rework and increased output. A saving of approximately US$2.4 million per annum was reported from this project

    Poboljšanje izvedbe i kvalitete procesa proizvodnje namještaja primjenom metodologije Six Sigma

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    The main aim of this paper is to illustrate the application of selected methods and procedures in the implementation of the Six Sigma Methodology in the furniture manufacturing processes, specifically in the wood veneer pressing, to verify the application and to evaluate the benefits of using selected methods and procedures through a series of step DMAIC process improvement. The application of selected methods and tools within the Six Sigma Methodology, such as DPMO, efficiency and sigma levels, project charter, histogram of mistakes caused by the application of the adhesive, the SIPOC plot mapping process, reaction plans, Ishikawa diagram and control diagrams bring the system and clarity of measurable results into project management for process improvement and process change. The benefits of their use are the cost savings and performance improvement processes.Glavni je cilj ovog rada prikazati provedbu odabranih metoda i postupaka pri primjeni Six Sigma metodologije u proizvodnji namještaja. To se posebice odnosi na provjeru primjene i procjenu prednosti korištenja odabranih metoda i postupaka pri prešanju furnira unutar niz koraka za poboljšanje DMAIC procesa. Primjena odabranih metoda i alata u sklopu metodologije Six Sigma, kao što su DPMO, učinkovitost i sigma razine, projektna povelja, histogram grešaka uzrokovanih primjenom ljepila, proces mapiranja SIPOC, reakcijski planovi, Ishikawa dijagram i kontrolni dijagrami, uvodi sustav i jasnoću mjerljivih rezultata u upravljanje projektima radi poboljšanja i promjene procesa. Prednosti njihove uporabe jesu smanjenje troškova i poboljšanje proizvodnog procesa

    Lean six sigma applied to process performance and improvement model for the development of electric scooter water-cooling green motor assembly

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    In response to the environmental issues triggered by global warming, worldwide companies gradually put the factor of carbon emission into the process of product life cycle, developing green technology or adopting cleaner production aimed at sustainable development. Lean Six Sigma has advantages of cutting waste and facilitating process improvements as well as system analysis, helping enterprises create the overall business benefits in the value chain. Used in the renewable energy industry, it can promote the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), the performance of sustainable production for corporate profit, social responsibility, and environmental responsibility. Therefore, this study took the process performance of the electric scooter water-cooling green motor manufactured in Taiwan with the world’s highest density of scooters as a case study. The developed performance evaluation and improvement model for manufacturing scheduling and process quality achieved the goal of economic benefits of enhancing process quality performance by shortening manufacturing scheduling and reducing process variations with Lean Six Sigma. 2 Besides, they could respond to the policy of energy saving and carbon reduction - replacing the traditional scooters of high carbon emissions with the electric scooters of low emissions. Furthermore, they could bring enterprises into harmony with economic benefits, ecological benefits, and social benefits

    O Lean seis sigma na sustentabilidade das empresas

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    O conceito de sustentabilidade empresarial está cada vez mais em voga, muito devido ao aumento do interesse público, das pressões regulatórias ou da responsabilidade social corporativa. Assim, atualmente, as organizações conduzem as suas atividades conscientemente de forma a melhorar a sua performance não só economicamente, mas também social e ambientalmente. Por outro lado, com a notória globalização dos mercados, a otimização dos processos nas empresas é altamente recomendada, isto é, com o aumento da exigência dos clientes, da constante variação dos padrões de consumo e da necessidade de inovação, muitas organizações recorrem a metodologias de Problem Solving de forma a melhorar continuamente os seus processos e, assim, aumentar a sua vantagem competitiva. O Lean Seis Sigma é uma metodologia que nos últimos anos tem vindo a ser associada ao conceito de sustentabilidade de uma forma integrada, isto porque é uma das principais estratégias de negócio utilizadas para melhorar o desempenho operacional. Assim sendo, através da implementação de uma metodologia Lean Seis Sigma Sustentável, as organizações procuram otimizar os seus processos de forma a garantir um equilíbrio entre a eficiência económica, a prudência ecológica e a equidade social. No sentido de compreender o impacto do Lean Seis Sigma na sustentabilidade das empresas, o presente caso de estudo foi estruturado num ambiente industrial de desenvolvimento e produção de motociclos na AJP Motos. O ciclo de investigação aplicado foi o DMAIC, de forma a sistematizar e monitorizar de uma forma concreta e prática todas as questões essenciais para a obtenção de resultados. Ao longo das diferentes etapas do ciclo, o processo foi mapeado, analisado e detalhado recorrendo a ferramentas como o Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), PFMEA, Diagrama de Ishikawa, entre outras. A investigação culminou com algumas sugestões de melhoria implementadas na organização, que permitiram a redução do Lead Time do produto em 11 dias e a redução dos tempos de prémontagem de alguns dos componentes. Isto contribuiu para que a empresa passasse a produzir de uma forma mais organizada, célere e com menos desperdício, aumentando assim a eficiência e a produtividade de alguns dos seus processos.The concept of corporate sustainability is increasingly in vogue, largely due to increased public interest, regulatory pressures, or corporate social responsibility. As a result, firms are now conducting operations conscientiously in order to improve their performance not only economically, but also socially and environmentally. On the other hand, with the well-known globalization of markets, it is highly recommended that companies optimize their processes; that is, with the rise in customer demand, the constant variation in consumption patterns, and the need for innovation, many organizations are increasingly turning to problem-solving methodologies in order to continuously improve their processes and thus increase their competitive advantage. Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that in recent years has been associated with the concept of sustainability in an integrated manner, as it is one of the main business strategies used to improve operational performance. Therefore, through the implementation of a Sustainable Lean Six Sigma methodology, organizations seek to optimize their processes to ensure a balance between economic efficiency, ecological prudence and social equity. This case study was developed in an industrial environment of motorcycle development and manufacturing at AJP Motos in order to understand the impact of Lean Six Sigma on the company´s sustainability. The research cycle applied was the DMAIC cycle, in order to systematize and monitor in a concrete and practical way all the essential issues for obtaining results. Through the different stages of the cycle, the process was mapped, analyzed and detailed using tools such as Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), PFMEA, Ishikawa Diagram, among others. The investigation culminated with some improvement suggestions that were implemented in the organization, which allowed the reduction of the product´s Lead Time by 11 days and the reduction of pre-assembly times of some of the components. This contributed to the company´s production in a more organized, faster and less wasteful way, thus increasing the efficiency and productivity of some of its processes

    Leadership and Lean Six Sigma : a systematic literature review

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    The term 'Lean Six Sigma' refers to the integration of 'Lean' and 'Six Sigma' business improvement methodologies, where ‘Lean’ is a process improvement methodology used to deliver products and services better, faster and at a lower cost, while 'Six Sigma' is a data-driven methodology used to achieve stable and predictable processes. The concept of 'Lean Six Sigma' as an integrated strategy is still in development: since its inception in 2000, a number of academics have developed an integrated approach, while others have focused on a framework for the successful integration of Lean and Six Sigma. Despite becoming the most popular business strategy for deploying continuous improvement, many organisations are struggling to turn Lean Six Sigma into a success, citing lack of leadership, changing business focus, internal resistance and availability of resources as the main impeding factors. The focus of this research was to consolidate the existing knowledge on leadership and Lean Six Sigma, providing a starting point for researchers and practitioners seeking to implement Lean Six Sigma in organisations and offering suggestions for future research. This systematic literature review aims to synthesise, organise and structure the stock of knowledge relating to Lean Six Sigma and leadership. The research is based on a systematic literature review of 179 papers that were published on leadership, Lean and Six Sigma in well-known academic databases in the past 20 years. The key findings of the review show that (1) leadership is a requirement for successful Lean Six Sigma deployment in organisations, and critical to sustaining improvement and (2) Lean Six Sigma is an effective leadership development tool. Leadership is a critical factor for Lean Six Sigma success and there is the need to develop a new model of leadership that encompasses the leadership traits needed for Lean Six Sigma

    Aplicação da metodologia DMAIC a uma linha de produção de cartão canelado

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    Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialO presente trabalho resultou da realização de um estágio curricular na empresa Fábrica de Papel e Cartão da Zarrinha, S.A.. O trabalho incide sobre a aplicação da metodologia DMAIC da abordagem Seis-Sigma a uma linha de produção de cartão canelado, mais especificamente a um tipo de não conformidade do mesmo, denominado por cartão com Warp (ou cartão com empeno). Através desta aplicação, foi possível encontrar as principais causas-raíz do problema em questão e delinear possíveis ações de melhoria para solucionar o mesmo. Durante a implementação desta metodologia foram utilizadas várias ferramentas de qualidade que permitiram uma melhor gestão e tratamento da informação de forma a agilizar alguns processos também como a comunicação interna. Sob a forma de resultados, além de se testemunhar a diminuição de placas e embalagens de cartão com warp, conseguiu-se também a sensibilização dos vários departamentos para a problemática em questão e, principalmente, para a utilização e consciencialização da metodologia Seis-Sigma e dos seus benefícios.This paper is the result of the realization of a traineeship in the company Fábrica de Papel e Cartão da Zarrinha S.A.. The paper focuses on the implementation of the DMAIC methodology of the Six Sigma approach to a corrugated cardboard production line, namely to a nonconformity type, called cardboard with Warp. By implementing this methodology, it was possible to find the main root causes of the problem and to sketch possible courses of action of improvement. Several quality tools were used during the implementation of this methodology, thus allowing better management and treatment of information, in order to hasten some processes (such as internal communication). The results of this project were, in a way, the diminishing number of cardboard and cardboard boxes with warp, but mainly the raising of awareness in various departments towards this matter and even more importantly, towards the use of the Six-Sigma methodology and its benefits

    Caso de estudo

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    O foco das organizações deve assentar na constante envolvência do desejo de melhorias permitindo que a satisfação dos seus clientes aumente através de produtos de elevada qualidade, maximizando o seu lucro, através da eliminação dos desperdícios existentes ao longo do fluxo produtivo. Do mesmo modo, a necessidade de combater problemas e expandir negócios é igualmente crucial para a sobrevivência das organizações. Com este projeto pretende-se auxiliar as organizações a resolverem os seus problemas de uma forma mais fácil e eficaz. Para tal, desenvolveu-se uma metodologia que segue as etapas do DMAIC, onde são indicadas quais as Lean Tools a utilizar nas diferentes etapas da resolução dos problemas (iLeanDMAIC), de forma a que o desempenho das organizações melhore, permitindo que estas correspondam às expectativas de mercado, apresentando-se de forma mais inteligente e competitiva em relação às outras organizações. O desenvolvimento desta metodologia exigiu primeiro uma pesquisa abundante e detalhada, que permitisse identificar quais as melhores Lean Tools para cada uma das fases do DMAIC, e de seguida a implementação da mesma para que esta fosse validada a nível empresarial. A implementação consistiu em dois casos de estudo. No primeiro caso de estudo, na Rubete, o problema identificado referia-se à falha na entrega ao cliente de um produto específico devido ao tempo de fluxo não ser otimizado, detendo vários desperdícios ao longo da cadeia de valor. A resolução baseada na implementação da metodologia desenvolvida, na qual as ferramentas praticadas foram Kanbans, permitiu a redução do lote de produção e criação de supermercados. Para uma validação mais relevante da metodologia, recorreu-se ainda a um segundo estudo de caso, designado por Empresa X. No que diz respeito a esta implementação, o problema identificado deveu-se ao elevado tempo de changeover num determinado processo do fluxo de valor de um determinado produto, nomeadamente o processo de montagem. A resolução deste problema caiu na realização da ferramenta SMED. Com esta implementação atingiu-se uma melhoria de 44%, ou seja, o processo de changeover reduziu consideravelmente, fazendo com que o Lead Time fosse mais curto, e consequentemente que o Takt Time correspondesse às necessidades dos clientes. A aplicabilidade desta metodologia nos dois casos de estudo foi efetiva e promissora, no entanto requer pessoal especializado na compreensão e experiência das ferramentas e ainda que a resistência à mudança por parte das organizações seja combatida. A implementação da metodologia Lean tools com DMAIC desenvolvida que envolve a integração das Lean Tools no DMAIC neste projeto poderá ser determinante para o ramo empresarial, prevendo-se que a sua aplicação contribua para o sucesso e melhoria contínua de uma empresa.Organizations focus must reside in their constant desire for improvement in order to satisfy their clients as a result of high-quality products, thus maximizing their profits through waste reduction in the flow production. Additionally, problem-solving needs and business expansion is equally crucial for a company to survive and thrive. The aim of this project is to help organizations to easily and accurately solve their problems. For that, a methodology based on Lean Tools and DMAIC was developed (iLeanDMAIC). This methodology would improve the organization’s performance, allowing them to match the market expectations, thus offering them competitive ways to prevail against other organizations. The development of this methodology required an initial literature review in the subject, in order to identify the most suitable Lean Tools for each DMAIC phase. Then, the methodology was implemented at a business level for validation. It consisted on two case studies. In the first case study, Rubete, the problem identified consisted in failure delivery of a specific product to the clients due to an unoptimized flow time, having several wastes along the value stream. The solution based on the implementation of the methodology here developed, namely using Kanbans tools, allowed the batch production to be reduced and creation of supermarkets. For a more significant validation, a second case of study was analysed, being this entitled as Company X. Regarding this implementation, the problem resided on the large changeover time in a specific process of the value stream of a specific product, namely in the assembly process. The answer consisted in the use of SMED. Using this methodology, we were able to obtain an improvement of 44%, i.e. the changeover process was significantly reduced, leading to a lower Lead Time, and consequently to a Takt Time that would match the clients’ needs. The implementation of this methodology in both case studies exhibited effective and promising results, however it requires specialized and experienced people for its understanding and successful use. Additionally, companies must be less resistant to change and encouraged to evolve their way of thinking. The implementation of the methodology Lean tools with DMAIC developed in this work might be crucial in business, as we predict that its use could contribute for a company’ continuous improvement and success