46 research outputs found

    Graphite: A Distributed Parallel Simulator for Multicores

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    This paper introduces the open-source Graphite distributed parallel multicore simulator infrastructure. Graphite is designed from the ground up for exploration of future multicore processors containing dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of cores. It provides high performance for fast design space exploration and software development for future processors. Several techniques are used to achieve this performance including: direct execution, multi-machine distribution, analytical modeling, and lax synchronization. Graphite is capable of accelerating simulations by leveraging several machines. It can distribute simulation of an off-the-shelf threaded application across a cluster of commodity Linux machines with no modification to the source code. It does this by providing a single, shared address space and consistent single-process image across machines. Graphite is designed to be a simulation framework, allowing different component models to be easily replaced to either model different architectures or tradeoff accuracy for performance. We evaluate Graphite from a number of perspectives and demonstrate that it can simulate target architectures containing over 1000 cores on ten 8-core servers. Performance scales well as more machines are added with near linear speedup in many cases. Simulation slowdown is as low as 41x versus native execution for some applications. The Graphite infrastructure and existing models will be released as open-source software to allow the community to simulate their own architectures and extend and improve the framework

    An OS-Based Alternative to Full Hardware Coherence on Tiled Chip-Multiprocessors

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    Institute for Computing Systems ArchitectureThe interconnect mechanisms (shared bus or crossbar) used in current chip-multiprocessors (CMPs) are expected to become a bottleneck that prevents these architectures from scaling to a larger number of cores. Tiled CMPs offer better scalability by integrating relatively simple cores with a lightweight point-to-point interconnect. However, such interconnects make snooping impractical and, thus, require alternative solutions to cache coherence. This thesis proposes a novel, cost-effective hardware mechanism to support shared-memory parallel applications that forgoes hardware maintained cache coherence. The proposed mech- anism is based on the key ideas that mapping of lines to physical caches is done at the page level with OS support and that hardware supports remote cache accesses. It allows only some controlled migration and replication of data and provides a sufficient degree of flexibility in the mapping through an extra level of indirection between virtual pages and physical tiles. The proposed tiled CMP architecture is evaluated on the SPLASH-2 scientific benchmarks and ALPBench multimedia benchmarks against one with private caches and a distributed direc- tory cache coherence mechanism. Experimental results show that the performance degradation is as little as 0%, and 16% on average, compared to the cache coherent architecture across all benchmarks for 16 and 32 processors

    Distributed Shared Memory based Live VM Migration

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    Cloud computing is the new trend in computing services and IT industry, this computing paradigm has numerous benefits to utilize IT infrastructure resources and reduce services cost. The key feature of cloud computing depends on mobility and scalability of the computing resources, by managing virtual machines. The virtualization decouples the software from the hardware and manages the software and hardware resources in an easy way without interruption of services. Live virtual machine migration is an essential tool for dynamic resource management in current data centers. Live virtual machine is defined as the process of moving a running virtual machine or application between different physical machines without disconnecting the client or application. Many techniques have been developed to achieve this goal based on several metrics (total migration time, downtime, size of data sent and application performance) that are used to measure the performance of live migration. These metrics measure the quality of the VM services that clients care about, because the main goal of clients is keeping the applications performance with minimum service interruption. The pre-copy live VM migration is done in four phases: preparation, iterative migration, stop and copy, and resume and commitment. During the preparation phase, the source and destination physical servers are selected, the resources in destination physical server are reserved, and the critical VM is selected to be migrated. The cloud manager responsibility is to make all of these decisions. VM state migration takes place and memory state is transferred to the target node during iterative migration phase. Meanwhile, the migrated VM continues to execute and dirties its memory. In the stop and copy phase, VM virtual CPU is stopped and then the processor and network states are transferred to the destination host. Service downtime results from stopping VM execution and moving the VM CPU and network states. Finally in the resume and commitment phase, the migrated VM is resumed running in the destination physical host, the remaining memory pages are pulled by destination machine from the source machine. The source machine resources are released and eliminated. In this thesis, pre-copy live VM migration using Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) computing model is proposed. The setup is built using two identical computation nodes to construct all the proposed environment services architecture namely the virtualization infrastructure (Xenserver6.2 hypervisor), the shared storage server (the network file system), and the DSM and High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. The custom DSM framework is based on a low latency memory update named Grappa. Moreover, HPC cluster is used to parallelize the work load by using CPUs computation nodes. HPC cluster employs OPENMPI and MPI libraries to support parallelization and auto-parallelization. The DSM allows the cluster CPUs to access the same memory space pages resulting in less memory data updates, which reduces the amount of data transferred through the network. The thesis proposed model achieves a good enhancement of the live VM migration metrics. Downtime is reduced by 50 % in the idle workload of Windows VM and 66.6% in case of Ubuntu Linux idle workload. In general, the proposed model not only reduces the downtime and the total amount of data sent, but also does not degrade other metrics like the total migration time and the applications performance

    Simulation models of shared-memory multiprocessor systems

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    Incremental parallel and distributed systems

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    Incremental computation strives for efficient successive runs of applications by re-executing only those parts of the computation that are affected by a given input change instead of recomputing everything from scratch. To realize the benefits of incremental computation, researchers and practitioners are developing new systems where the application programmer can provide an efficient update mechanism for changing application data. Unfortunately, most of the existing solutions are limiting because they not only depart from existing programming models, but also require programmers to devise an incremental update mechanism (or a dynamic algorithm) on a per-application basis. In this thesis, we present incremental parallel and distributed systems that enable existing real-world applications to automatically benefit from efficient incremental updates. Our approach neither requires departure from current models of programming, nor the design and implementation of dynamic algorithms. To achieve these goals, we have designed and built the following incremental systems: (i) Incoop — a system for incremental MapReduce computation; (ii) Shredder — a GPU-accelerated system for incremental storage; (iii) Slider — a stream processing platform for incremental sliding window analytics; and (iv) iThreads — a threading library for parallel incremental computation. Our experience with these systems shows that significant performance can be achieved for existing applications without requiring any additional effort from programmers.Inkrementelle Berechnungen ermöglichen die effizientere Ausführung aufeinanderfolgender Anwendungsaufrufe, indem nur die Teilbereiche der Anwendung erneut ausgefürt werden, die von den Änderungen der Eingabedaten betroffen sind. Dieses Berechnungsverfahren steht dem konventionellen und vollständig neu berechnenden Verfahren gegenüber. Um den Vorteil inkrementeller Berechnungen auszunutzen, entwickeln sowohl Wissenschaft als auch Industrie neue Systeme, bei denen der Anwendungsprogrammierer den effizienten Aktualisierungsmechanismus für die Änderung der Anwendungsdaten bereitstellt. Bedauerlicherweise lassen sich existierende Lösungen meist nur eingeschränkt anwenden, da sie das konventionelle Programmierungsmodel beibehalten und dadurch die erneute Entwicklung vom Programmierer des inkrementellen Aktualisierungsmechanismus (oder einen dynamischen Algorithmus) für jede Anwendung verlangen. Diese Doktorarbeit stellt inkrementelle Parallele- und Verteiltesysteme vor, die es existierenden Real-World-Anwendungen ermöglichen vom Vorteil der inkre- mentellen Berechnung automatisch zu profitieren. Unser Ansatz erfordert weder eine Abkehr von gegenwärtigen Programmiermodellen, noch Design und Implementierung von anwendungsspezifischen dynamischen Algorithmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die folgenden Systeme zur inkrementellen parallelen und verteilten Berechnung entworfen und implementiert: (i) Incoop — ein System für inkrementelle Map-Reduce-Programme; (ii) Shredder — ein GPU- beschleunigtes System zur inkrementellen Speicherung; (iii) Slider — eine Plat- tform zur Batch-basierten Streamverarbeitung via inkrementeller Sliding-Window- Berechnung; und (iv) iThreads — eine Threading-Bibliothek zur parallelen inkre- mentellen Berechnung. Unsere Erfahrungen mit diesen Systemen zeigen, dass unsere Methoden sehr gute Performanz liefern können, und dies ohne weiteren Aufwand des Programmierers

    Incremental parallel and distributed systems

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    Incremental computation strives for efficient successive runs of applications by re-executing only those parts of the computation that are affected by a given input change instead of recomputing everything from scratch. To realize the benefits of incremental computation, researchers and practitioners are developing new systems where the application programmer can provide an efficient update mechanism for changing application data. Unfortunately, most of the existing solutions are limiting because they not only depart from existing programming models, but also require programmers to devise an incremental update mechanism (or a dynamic algorithm) on a per-application basis. In this thesis, we present incremental parallel and distributed systems that enable existing real-world applications to automatically benefit from efficient incremental updates. Our approach neither requires departure from current models of programming, nor the design and implementation of dynamic algorithms. To achieve these goals, we have designed and built the following incremental systems: (i) Incoop — a system for incremental MapReduce computation; (ii) Shredder — a GPU-accelerated system for incremental storage; (iii) Slider — a stream processing platform for incremental sliding window analytics; and (iv) iThreads — a threading library for parallel incremental computation. Our experience with these systems shows that significant performance can be achieved for existing applications without requiring any additional effort from programmers.Inkrementelle Berechnungen ermöglichen die effizientere Ausführung aufeinanderfolgender Anwendungsaufrufe, indem nur die Teilbereiche der Anwendung erneut ausgefürt werden, die von den Änderungen der Eingabedaten betroffen sind. Dieses Berechnungsverfahren steht dem konventionellen und vollständig neu berechnenden Verfahren gegenüber. Um den Vorteil inkrementeller Berechnungen auszunutzen, entwickeln sowohl Wissenschaft als auch Industrie neue Systeme, bei denen der Anwendungsprogrammierer den effizienten Aktualisierungsmechanismus für die Änderung der Anwendungsdaten bereitstellt. Bedauerlicherweise lassen sich existierende Lösungen meist nur eingeschränkt anwenden, da sie das konventionelle Programmierungsmodel beibehalten und dadurch die erneute Entwicklung vom Programmierer des inkrementellen Aktualisierungsmechanismus (oder einen dynamischen Algorithmus) für jede Anwendung verlangen. Diese Doktorarbeit stellt inkrementelle Parallele- und Verteiltesysteme vor, die es existierenden Real-World-Anwendungen ermöglichen vom Vorteil der inkre- mentellen Berechnung automatisch zu profitieren. Unser Ansatz erfordert weder eine Abkehr von gegenwärtigen Programmiermodellen, noch Design und Implementierung von anwendungsspezifischen dynamischen Algorithmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die folgenden Systeme zur inkrementellen parallelen und verteilten Berechnung entworfen und implementiert: (i) Incoop — ein System für inkrementelle Map-Reduce-Programme; (ii) Shredder — ein GPU- beschleunigtes System zur inkrementellen Speicherung; (iii) Slider — eine Plat- tform zur Batch-basierten Streamverarbeitung via inkrementeller Sliding-Window- Berechnung; und (iv) iThreads — eine Threading-Bibliothek zur parallelen inkre- mentellen Berechnung. Unsere Erfahrungen mit diesen Systemen zeigen, dass unsere Methoden sehr gute Performanz liefern können, und dies ohne weiteren Aufwand des Programmierers

    Visual object-oriented development of parallel applications

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    PhD ThesisDeveloping software for parallel architectures is a notoriously difficult task, compounded further by the range of available parallel architectures. There has been little research effort invested in how to engineer parallel applications for more general problem domains than the traditional numerically intensive domain. This thesis addresses these issues. An object-oriented paradigm for the development of general-purpose parallel applications, with full lifecycle support, is proposed and investigated, and a visual programming language to support that paradigm is developed. This thesis presents experiences and results from experiments with this new model for parallel application development.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council