213 research outputs found

    Passive Stability And Actuation Of Micro Aerial Vehicles

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    Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) have increased in popularity in recent years. The most common platform, the quadrotor, has surpassed other MAVs like traditional helicopters and ornithopters in popularity mainly due to their simplicity. Yet the quadrotor design is a century old and was intended to carry people. We set out to design a MAV that is designed specifically to be a MAV, i.e. a vehicle not intended to carry humans as a payload. With this constraint lifted the vehicle can continuously rotate, which would dizzy a human, can sustain larger forces, which would damage a human, or can take advantage of scaling properties, where it may not work at human scale. Furthermore, we aim for simplicity by removing vehicle controllers and reducing the number of actuators, such that the vehicle can be made cost effective, if not disposable. We begin by studying general equations of motion for hovering MAVs. We search for vehicle configurations that exhibit passive stability, allowing the MAV to operate without a controller or actuators to apply control, ideally a single actuator. The analysis suggests two distinct types of passively stabilized MAVs and we create test vehicles for both. With simple hovering achieved, we concentrate on controlled motion with an emphasis on doing so without adding actuators. We find we can attain three degree of freedom control using separation of time scales with our actuator via low frequency for control in the vertical direction and high frequency for control in the horizontal plane. We explore techniques for achieving high frequency actuator control, which also allow the compensation of motor defects, specifically cogging torque. We combine passive stability with the motion control into two vehicles, UNO and Piccolissimo. UNO, the Underactuated-propeller Naturally-stabilized One-motor vehicle, demonstrates the capabilities of simple vehicles by performing maneuvers like conventional quadrotors. Piccolissimo, Italian for “very little”, demonstrates the merits of passive stability and single actuator control by being the smallest, self-powered, controllable MAV

    Energetics Of Control Moment Gyroscopes In Robotic Joint Actuation

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    Control moment gyros (CMGs) are an energy-efficient means of reactionless actuation currently used for attitude control in some spacecraft. In this work, CMGs are compared to direct-drive actuation for robotic applications. Torque, power, and energy of the gimbal motor are calculated using principles of angular momentum and virtual power. Scissored-pair CMGs produce output torque along the joint axis, facilitating comparison with joint motors. A mechanical coupling enforcing scissored-pair symmetry eliminates undesirable gyroscopic reaction torques and accompanying power costs while simplifying analysis. Strictly controlling CMG rotor speed doubles the CMGs? energy costs, whereas implementing minimal rotor speed control while assuming constant rotor speed reduces the energy costs without compromising the analyses. A single-link robot actuated with scissored-pair CMGs uses the same energy as direct drive for a large range of gimbal inertias and maximum gimbal angles. The transverse rate of the robot base does not affect this result if angular momentum is conserved about the joint axis. The equations of motion for an n-link robot with CMGs are presented in a recursive form. A two-link robot with orthogonal joint axes and axisymmetric bodies reduces to two, independent, single-link robots. In contrast, a two-link robot with parallel joint axes favors CMGs when the joints rotate with opposite sign, e.g. reaching motions. Direct drive is preferred when the joints act in unison, e.g. throwing motions. Conceptually, CMGs and direct drive may be analyzed as idealized body and joint torques, respectively. The mappings from actuator torques and velocities to generalized torques and velocities explain differences in power cost between the two actuation methods. A proposed power-optimal robot includes both types of actuation. The optimal distribution of joint and body torques for two- and three-link planar robots is calculated and applied to a three-link robot tracing a closed triangle. The combined actuation method easily outperforms the others in a Monte Carlo simulation. A planar robot with joint motors and CMGs currently in development illustrates the design of a CMG-actuated robot

    Vibration Isolation Technology (VIT) ATD Project

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    A fundamental advantage for performing material processing and fluid physics experiments in an orbital environment is the reduction in gravity driven phenomena. However, experience with manned spacecraft such as the Space Transportation System (STS) has demonstrated a dynamic acceleration environment far from being characterized as a 'microgravity' platform. Vibrations and transient disturbances from crew motions, thruster firings, rotating machinery etc. can have detrimental effects on many proposed microgravity science experiments. These same disturbances are also to be expected on the future space station. The Microgravity Science and Applications Division (MSAD) of the Office of Life and Microgravity Sciences and Applications (OLMSA), NASA Headquarters recognized the need for addressing this fundamental issue. As a result an Advanced Technology Development (ATD) project was initiated in the area of Vibration Isolation Technology (VIT) to develop methodologies for meeting future microgravity science needs. The objective of the Vibration Isolation Technology ATD project was to provide technology for the isolation of microgravity science experiments by developing methods to maintain a predictable, well defined, well characterized, and reproducible low-gravity environment, consistent with the needs of the microgravity science community. Included implicitly in this objective was the goal of advising the science community and hardware developers of the fundamental need to address the importance of maintaining, and how to maintain, a microgravity environment. This document will summarize the accomplishments of the VIT ATD which is now completed. There were three specific thrusts involved in the ATD effort. An analytical effort was performed at the Marshall Space Flight Center to define the sensitivity of selected experiments to residual and dynamic accelerations. This effort was redirected about half way through the ATD focusing specifically on the sensitivity of protein crystals to a realistic orbital environment. The other two thrusts of the ATD were performed at the Lewis Research Center. The first was to develop technology in the area of reactionless mechanisms and robotics to support the eventual development of robotics for servicing microgravity science experiments. This activity was completed in 1990. The second was to develop vibration isolation and damping technology providing protection for sensitive science experiments. In conjunction with the this activity, two workshops were held. The results of these were summarized and are included in this report

    Vibration, Control and Stability of Dynamical Systems

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    From Preface: This is the fourteenth time when the conference “Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications” gathers a numerous group of outstanding scientists and engineers, who deal with widely understood problems of theoretical and applied dynamics. Organization of the conference would not have been possible without a great effort of the staff of the Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics. The patronage over the conference has been taken by the Committee of Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland. It is a great pleasure that our invitation has been accepted by recording in the history of our conference number of people, including good colleagues and friends as well as a large group of researchers and scientists, who decided to participate in the conference for the first time. With proud and satisfaction we welcomed over 180 persons from 31 countries all over the world. They decided to share the results of their research and many years experiences in a discipline of dynamical systems by submitting many very interesting papers. This year, the DSTA Conference Proceedings were split into three volumes entitled “Dynamical Systems” with respective subtitles: Vibration, Control and Stability of Dynamical Systems; Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Dynamical System Analysis and Engineering Dynamics and Life Sciences. Additionally, there will be also published two volumes of Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics entitled “Dynamical Systems in Theoretical Perspective” and “Dynamical Systems in Applications”

    Some operational aspects of a rotating advanced-technology space station for the year 2025

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    The study of an Advanced Technology Space Station which would utilize the capabilities of subsystems projected for the time frame of the years 2000 to 2025 is discussed. The study includes tradeoffs of nuclear versus solar dynamic power systems that produce power outputs of 2.5 megawatts and analyses of the dynamics of the spacecraft of which portions are rotated for artificial gravity. The design considerations for the support of a manned Mars mission from low Earth orbit are addressed. The studies extend to on-board manufacturing, internal gas composition effects, and locomotion and material transfer under artificial gravity forces. The report concludes with an assessment of technology requirements for the Advanced Technology Space Station

    Super Ball Bot - Structures for Planetary Landing and Exploration

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    Small, light-weight and low-cost missions will become increasingly important to NASA's exploration goals for our solar system. Ideally teams of dozens or even hundreds of small, collapsable robots, weighing only a few kilograms a piece, will be conveniently packed during launch and would reliably separate and unpack at their destination. Such teams will allow rapid, reliable in-situ exploration of hazardous destination such as Titan, where imprecise terrain knowledge and unstable precipitation cycles make single-robot exploration problematic. Unfortunately landing many lightweight conventional robots is difficult with conventional technology. Current robot designs are delicate, requiring combinations of devices such as parachutes, retrorockets and impact balloons to minimize impact forces and to place a robot in a proper orientation. Instead we propose to develop a radically different robot based on a "tensegrity" built purely upon tensile and compression elements. These robots can be light-weight, absorb strong impacts, are redundant against single-point failures, can recover from different landing orientations and are easy to collapse and uncollapse. We believe tensegrity robot technology can play a critical role in future planetary exploration