6 research outputs found

    Removal Of Blocking Artifacts From JPEG-Compressed Images Using An Adaptive Filtering Algorithm

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    The aim of this research was to develop an algorithm that will produce a considerable improvement in the quality of JPEG images, by removing blocking and ringing artifacts, irrespective of the level of compression present in the image. We review multiple published related works, and finally present a computationally efficient algorithm for reducing the blocky and Gibbs oscillation artifacts commonly present in JPEG compressed images. The algorithm alpha-blends a smoothed version of the image with the original image; however, the blending is controlled by a limit factor that considers the amount of compression present and any local edge information derived from the application of a Prewitt filter. In addition, the actual value of the blending coefficient (α) is derived from the local Mean Structural Similarity Index Measure (MSSIM) which is also adjusted by a factor that also considers the amount of compression present. We also present our results as well as the results for a variety of other papers whose authors used other post compression filtering methods

    Removal Of Blocking Artifacts From JPEG-Compressed Images Using Neural Network

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    The goal of this research was to develop a neural network that will produce considerable improvement in the quality of JPEG compressed images, irrespective of compression level present in the images. In order to develop a computationally efficient algorithm for reducing blocky and Gibbs oscillation artifacts from JPEG compressed images, we integrated artificial intelligence to remove blocky and Gibbs oscillation artifacts. In this approach, alpha blend filter [7] was used to post process JPEG compressed images to reduce noise and artifacts without losing image details. Here alpha blending was controlled by a limit factor that considers the amount of compression present, and any local information derived from Prewitt filter application in the input JPEG image. The outcome of modified alpha blend was improved by a trained neural network and compared with various other published works [7][9][11][14][20][23][30][32][33][35][37] where authors used post compression filtering methods

    Suppression of blocking artifact in compressed image

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    Image compression is actually major content for certain perspectives in the area of interactive media communication. Image processing is the mechanism for handling different kinds of images, processed images can be stored routinely and conveyance of such kind of images from one place to another place becomes simple to the user. By using image compression technique we are able to represent the image with lesser number of data bits. image compression execution can cut down the bandwidth and the volume of the data to be transmitted. (BDCT) block-based discrete cosine transform is long establish used transform for the two static and uninterrupted images. While we compress any kind of image by lossy type of image compression technique then there will be loss of data bits, we have to confrontation unwanted artifacts ringing and blocking artifacts and when we want to restore such kind of image then we face problem of blurring of images, which is sometimes called as the annoying artifacts problem near the block of the image. The recovered images from jpeg compression create blocking artifact near block boundaries of the image in high compression. Artifacts take on several forms in images. We are going to focus on blocking artifacts at medium and high level compression. Various types of images can be processed and we can diminish blocking artifacts up to tolerable level. Some standard techniques MPEG and JPEG are used in video and image processing field respectively for the compression. Lossy image compression technique is used in photographic images because loss of bits is tolerable, Since last few decades, image compression in real time applications has been a provocative field for image processing professionals. To recover original image decompression succeed by the different post processing techniques. High quality image communication with low-bit rate

    Edge-enhancing image smoothing.

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    Xu, Yi.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011.Includes bibliographical references (p. 62-69).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Organization --- p.4Chapter 2 --- Background and Motivation --- p.7Chapter 2.1 --- ID Mondrian Smoothing --- p.9Chapter 2.2 --- 2D Formulation --- p.13Chapter 3 --- Solver --- p.16Chapter 3.1 --- More Analysis --- p.20Chapter 4 --- Edge Extraction --- p.26Chapter 4.1 --- Related work --- p.26Chapter 4.2 --- Method and Results --- p.28Chapter 4.3 --- Summary --- p.32Chapter 5 --- Image Abstraction and Pencil Sketching --- p.35Chapter 5.1 --- Related Work --- p.35Chapter 5.2 --- Method and Results --- p.36Chapter 5.3 --- Summary --- p.40Chapter 6 --- Clip-Art Compression Artifact Removal --- p.41Chapter 6.1 --- Related work --- p.41Chapter 6.2 --- Method and Results --- p.43Chapter 6.3 --- Summary --- p.46Chapter 7 --- Layer-Based Contrast Manipulation --- p.49Chapter 7.1 --- Related Work --- p.49Chapter 7.2 --- Method and Results --- p.50Chapter 7.2.1 --- Edge Adjustment --- p.51Chapter 7.2.2 --- Detail Magnification --- p.54Chapter 7.2.3 --- Tone Mapping --- p.55Chapter 7.3 --- Summary --- p.56Chapter 8 --- Conclusion and Discussion --- p.59Bibliography --- p.6

    ICTERI 2020: ІКТ в освіті, дослідженнях та промислових застосуваннях. Інтеграція, гармонізація та передача знань 2020: Матеріали 16-ї Міжнародної конференції. Том II: Семінари. Харків, Україна, 06-10 жовтня 2020 р.

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    This volume represents the proceedings of the Workshops co-located with the 16th International Conference on ICT in Education, Research, and Industrial Applications, held in Kharkiv, Ukraine, in October 2020. It comprises 101 contributed papers that were carefully peer-reviewed and selected from 233 submissions for the five workshops: RMSEBT, TheRMIT, ITER, 3L-Person, CoSinE, MROL. The volume is structured in six parts, each presenting the contributions for a particular workshop. The topical scope of the volume is aligned with the thematic tracks of ICTERI 2020: (I) Advances in ICT Research; (II) Information Systems: Technology and Applications; (III) Academia/Industry ICT Cooperation; and (IV) ICT in Education.Цей збірник представляє матеріали семінарів, які були проведені в рамках 16-ї Міжнародної конференції з ІКТ в освіті, наукових дослідженнях та промислових застосуваннях, що відбулася в Харкові, Україна, у жовтні 2020 року. Він містить 101 доповідь, які були ретельно рецензовані та відібрані з 233 заявок на участь у п'яти воркшопах: RMSEBT, TheRMIT, ITER, 3L-Person, CoSinE, MROL. Збірник складається з шести частин, кожна з яких представляє матеріали для певного семінару. Тематична спрямованість збірника узгоджена з тематичними напрямками ICTERI 2020: (I) Досягнення в галузі досліджень ІКТ; (II) Інформаційні системи: Технології і застосування; (ІІІ) Співпраця в галузі ІКТ між академічними і промисловими колами; і (IV) ІКТ в освіті

    Anuário Científico – 2009 & 2010 Resumos de Artigos, Comunicações, Teses, Patentes, Livros e Monografias de Mestrado

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    O Conselho Técnico-Científico do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), na senda da consolidação da divulgação do conhecimento e da ciência desenvolvidos pelo nosso corpo docente, propõe-se publicar mais uma edição do Anuário Científico, relativa à produção científica de 2009 e 2010. A investigação, enquanto vertente estratégica do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), tem concorrido para o seu reconhecimento nacional e internacional como instituição de referência e de qualidade na área do ensino das engenharias. É também nesta vertente que o ISEL consubstancia a sua ligação à sociedade portuguesa e internacional através da transferência de tecnologia e de conhecimento, resultantes da sua atividade científica e pedagógica, contribuindo para o seu desenvolvimento e crescimento de forma sustentada. São parte integrante do Anuário Científico todos os conteúdos com afiliação ISEL resultantes de resumos de artigos publicados em livros, revistas e atas de congressos que os docentes do ISEL apresentaram em fóruns e congressos nacionais e internacionais, bem como teses e patentes. Desde 2002, ano da publicação da primeira edição, temos assistido a uma evolução crescente do número de publicações de conteúdos científicos, fruto do trabalho desenvolvido pelos docentes que se têm empenhado com afinco e perseverança. Contudo, nestes dois anos (2009 e 2010) constatou-se um decréscimo no número de publicações, principalmente em 2010. Uma das causas poderá estar diretamente relacionada com a redução do financiamento ao ensino superior uma vez que limita toda a investigação no âmbito da atividade de I&D e da produção científica. Na sequência da implementação do Processo de Bolonha em 2006, o ISEL promoveu a criação de cursos de Mestrado disponibilizando uma oferta educativa mais completa e diversificada aos seus alunos, mas também de outras instituições, dotando-os de competências inovadoras apropriadas ao mercado de trabalho que hoje se carateriza mais competitivo e dinâmico. Terminados os períodos escolar e de execução das monografias dos alunos, os resumos destas são igualmente parte integrante deste Anuário, no que concerne à conclusão dos Mestrados em 2009 e 2010.A fim de permitir uma maior acessibilidade à comunidade científica e à sociedade civil, o Anuário Científico será editado de ora avante em formato eletrónico. Excecionalmente esta edição contempla publicações referentes a dois anos – 2009 e 2010