1,189 research outputs found

    Blind Adaptive Chromatic Dispersion Compensation and Estimation for DSP-Based Coherent Optical Systems

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    We propose an accurate and low-complexity blind adaptive algorithm for chromatic dispersion (CD) compensation and estimation in coherent optical systems. The method is based on a Frequency Domain Equalizer (FDE), a low complexity Time Domain Equalizer arranged in a butterfly structure (B-TDE) and an Optical Performance Monitoring (OPM) block in a loop configuration. The loop is such that, at each iteration, the CD value compensated by the B-TDE and estimated by the OPM is given to the FDE; according to this estimation, in the subsequent iteration, the FDE compensates also this quantity. The procedure is repeated until the majority of CD is compensated by the FDE and a small residual quantity is compensated by a low complexity B-TDE with a small number of taps. The method is extended to long haul uncompensated links exploiting the information on the mean square error (MSE) provided by the B-TDE. The proposed algorithm is then experimentally validated for a polarization multiplexed quadrature phase shift keying (PM-QPSK) signal at 112 Gbit/s propagating along 1000 km of uncompensated Z PLUS® optical fiber. A statistical analysis of the performance of the proposed solution, in terms of mean value and standard deviation of the CD estimation error, is carried out, running a set of simulations including different impairments, such as noise, polarization dependent loss, polarization mode dispersion and self-phase modulation in a line of 1000 km of uncompensated G.652 optical fiber. Our method could be used to compensate and estimate any CD quantity without increasing the number of taps in the B-TDE and exploiting devices already included in the system (TDE, FDE and OPM) arranged in a loop

    Digital Signal Processing for Optical Coherent Communication Systems

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    Efficient Parallel Carrier Recovery for Ultrahigh Speed Coherent QAM Receivers with Application to Optical Channels

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    This work presents a new efficient parallel carrier recovery architecture suitable for ultrahigh speed intradyne coherent optical receivers (e.g., ≥100 Gb/s) with quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). The proposed scheme combines a novel low-latency parallel digital phase locked loop (DPLL) with a feedforward carrier phase recovery (CPR) algorithm. The new low-latency parallel DPLL is designed to compensate not only carrier frequency offset but also frequency fluctuations such as those induced by mechanical vibrations or power supply noise. Such carrier frequency fluctuations must be compensated since they lead to higher phase error variance in traditional feedforward CPR techniques, significantly degrading the receiver performance. In order to enable a parallel-processing implementation in multigigabit per second receivers, a new approximation to the DPLL computation is introduced. The proposed technique reduces the latency within the feedback loop of the DPLL introduced by parallel processing, while at the same time it provides a bandwidth and capture range close to those achieved by a serial DPLL. Simulation results demonstrate that the effects caused by frequency deviations can be eliminated with the proposed low latency parallel carrier recovery architecture.Fil: Gianni, Pablo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Electrónica. Laboratorio de Comunicaciones Digitales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ferster, Laura. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Electrónica. Laboratorio de Comunicaciones Digitales; ArgentinaFil: Corral Briones, Graciela. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Electrónica. Laboratorio de Comunicaciones Digitales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Hueda, Mario Rafael. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Electrónica. Laboratorio de Comunicaciones Digitales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Implementation of Carrier Phase Recovery Circuits for Optical Communication

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    Fiber-optic links form a vital part of our increasingly connected world, and as the number of Internet users and the network traffic increases, reducing the power dissipation of these links becomes more important. A considerable part of the total link power is dissipated in the digital signal processing (DSP) subsystems, which show a growing complexity as more advanced modulation formats are introduced. Since DSP designers can no longer take reduced power dissipation with each new CMOS process node for granted, the design of more efficient DSPalgorithms in conjunction with circuit implementation strategies focused on power efficiency is required.One part of the DSP for a coherent fiber-optic link is the carrier phase recovery (CPR) unit, which can account for a significant portion of the DSP power dissipation, especially for shorter links. A wide range of CPR algorithms is available, but reliable estimates of their power efficiency is missing, making accurate comparisons impossible. Furthermore, much of the current literature does not account for the limited precision arithmetic of the DSP.In this thesis, we develop circuit implementations based on a range of suggested CPR algorithms, focusing on power efficiency. These circuits allow us to contrast different CPR solutions based not only on power dissipation, but also on the quality of the phase estimation, including fixed-point arithmetic aspects. We also show how different parameter settings affect the power efficiency and the implementation penalty. Additionally, the thesis includes a description of our field-programmable gate-array fiber-emulation environment, which can be used to study rare phenomena in DSP implementations, or to reach very low bit-error rates. We use this environment to evaluate the cycle-slip probability of a CPR implementation

    Blind phase noise estimation for CO-OFDM transmissions

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    In this paper, we discuss in detail the performance of different blind phase noise estimation schemes for coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing transmissions. We first derive a general model of such systems with phase noise. Based on this model, the phase cycle slip probability in blind phase noise estimation is calculated. For blind phase tracking, we present and discuss the implementation of feedback loop and digital phase tracking. We then analyze in detail the performance of a decision-direct-free blind scheme, in which only three test phases are required for phase noise compensation. We show that the decision-direct-free blind scheme is transparent to QAM formats, and can provide a similar performance to the conventional blind phase search employing 16 test phases. We also propose two novel cost functions to further reduce the complexity of this scheme

    Fast and robust chromatic dispersion estimation based on temporal auto-correlation after digital spectrum superposition

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    We investigate and experimentally demonstrate a fast and robust chromatic dispersion (CD) estimation method based on temporal auto-correlation after digital spectrum superposition. The estimation process is fast, because neither tentative CD scanning based on CD compensation nor specific cost function calculations are used. Meanwhile, the proposed CD estimation method is robust against polarization mode dispersion (PMD), amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise and fiber nonlinearity. Furthermore, the proposed CD estimation method can be used for various modulation formats and digital pulse shaping technique. Only 4096 samples are necessary for CD estimation of single carrier either 112 Gbps DP-QPSK or 224 Gbps DP-16QAM signal with various pulse shapes. 8192 samples are sufficient for the root-raised-cosine pulse with roll-off factor of 0.1. As low as 50 ps/nm standard deviation together with a worst estimation error of about 160 ps/nm is experimentally obtained for 7 x 112 Gbps DP-QPSK WDM signal after the transmission through 480 km to 9120 km single mode fiber (SMF) loop using different launch powers

    Joint estimation of dynamic polarization and carrier phase with pilot-based adaptive equalizer in PDM-64 QAM transmission system

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    A pilot-based adaptive equalizer is investigated for high cardinality polarizationdivision-multiplexing quadrature amplitude modulation transmission systems. Pilot symbols are periodically inserted for joint estimation of the dynamic state of polarization (SOP) and carrier phase, in a least mean square (LMS) sense. Compared to decision-directed least mean square (DDLMS) equalization and radially-directed equalization, the proposed equalizer can achieve robust equalization and phase estimation, especially in low optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) scenarios. In an experiment on 56 GBaud PDM-64 QAM transmission over 400 km standard single-mode fiber, we obtained at least 0.35 bit per symbol generalized mutual information (GMI) improvement compared with other training symbol-based equalization when tracking 600 krad/s dynamic SOP. With the joint estimation scheme, the equalization performance will not be compromised even if the SOP speed reaches 600 krad/s or the laser linewidth approaches 2 MHz. For the first time, it is demonstrated that the pilot-based equalizer can track dynamic SOP rotation and compensate for fiber linear impairments without any cycle slips under extreme conditions

    Performance of momentum-based frequency-domain MIMO equalizer in the presence of feedback delay

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    A frequency-domain multiple-input multiple-output (FD-MIMO) equalizer employing a momentum-based gradient descent update algorithm is proposed for polarization multiplexing coherent receivers. Its performance in operation with dynamically varying optical channels is investigated and the impact of filter update delays, arising from the latency of the fast Fourier transforms (FFTs) and other digital signal processing (DSP) operations in the feedback loop, is assessed. We show that the proposed momentum-based gradient descent algorithm used to control the equalizer response has significantly greater tolerance to feedback delay than the conventional gradient descent algorithm. We considered a 92 Gbaud dual-polarization 64 QAM receiver, with DSP operating at two samples per symbol, and with the equalizer operating on blocks of 512 and 1024 samples (i.e., 512/1024-point FFT). We found that at an optical signal-to-noise power ratio (OSNR) of 35 dB, the momentum-based gradient descent algorithm can successfully track state-of-polarization (SOP) rotation at frequencies of up to 50 kHz and with filter update delays of up to 14 blocks (39 ns). In comparison, using the conventional gradient descent algorithm in an otherwise identical receiver, the equalizer performance starts to deteriorate at SOP rotation frequencies above 20 kHz