129 research outputs found

    Guest editorial:Sparsity modulation for 6G communications

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    Sparsity modulation is a promising technology for the sixth generation (6G) of communication networks, which satisfies the high requirements in terms of spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE). Currently, many representative sparsity modulation schemes, such as spatial modulation, index modulation, media-based modulation, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-based/reflecting modulation, and subcarrier number modulation, have attracted the attention of the wireless research community. Different from conventional amplitude-phase modulation schemes, sparsity modulation employs one or more modulation dimension(s) in addition to the conventional amplitude-phase constellation, so as to form higher-dimensional modulation schemes, which considerably enhance the SE at a reduced implementation complexity under proper system configurations. It is worth noting that the modulation dimensions in current sparsity modulation schemes are not fully explored due to limited resources. To address these challenges, communication researchers have concentrated on various aspects of their studies, including system model design, optimization of detection methods, performance analysis, practical implementation, and more. Nevertheless, given that this field is still relatively new, there remain numerous unresolved research questions. It is crucial to emphasize that further research efforts are essential to advance sparsity modulation from its current theoretical stage to practical implementation

    Advanced DSP Techniques for High-Capacity and Energy-Efficient Optical Fiber Communications

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    The rapid proliferation of the Internet has been driving communication networks closer and closer to their limits, while available bandwidth is disappearing due to an ever-increasing network load. Over the past decade, optical fiber communication technology has increased per fiber data rate from 10 Tb/s to exceeding 10 Pb/s. The major explosion came after the maturity of coherent detection and advanced digital signal processing (DSP). DSP has played a critical role in accommodating channel impairments mitigation, enabling advanced modulation formats for spectral efficiency transmission and realizing flexible bandwidth. This book aims to explore novel, advanced DSP techniques to enable multi-Tb/s/channel optical transmission to address pressing bandwidth and power-efficiency demands. It provides state-of-the-art advances and future perspectives of DSP as well

    Capacity -based parameter optimization of bandwidth constrained CPM

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    Continuous phase modulation (CPM) is an attractive modulation choice for bandwidth limited systems due to its small side lobes, fast spectral decay and the ability to be noncoherently detected. Furthermore, the constant envelope property of CPM permits highly power efficient amplification. The design of bit-interleaved coded continuous phase modulation is characterized by the code rate, modulation order, modulation index, and pulse shape. This dissertation outlines a methodology for determining the optimal values of these parameters under bandwidth and receiver complexity constraints. The cost function used to drive the optimization is the information-theoretic minimum ratio of energy-per-bit to noise-spectral density found by evaluating the constrained channel capacity. The capacity can be reliably estimated using Monte Carlo integration. A search for optimal parameters is conducted over a range of coded CPM parameters, bandwidth efficiencies, and channels. Results are presented for a system employing a trellis-based coherent detector. To constrain complexity and allow any modulation index to be considered, a soft output differential phase detector has also been developed.;Building upon the capacity results, extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts are used to analyze a system that iterates between demodulation and decoding. Convergence thresholds are determined for the iterative system for different outer convolutional codes, alphabet sizes, modulation indices and constellation mappings. These are used to identify the code and modulation parameters with the best energy efficiency at different spectral efficiencies for the AWGN channel. Finally, bit error rate curves are presented to corroborate the capacity and EXIT chart designs

    Energy-Efficient System Design for Future Wireless Communications

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    The exponential growth of wireless data traffic has caused a significant increase in the power consumption of wireless communications systems due to the higher complexity of the transceiver structures required to establish the communication links. For this reason, in this Thesis we propose and characterize technologies for improving the energy efficiency of multiple-antenna wireless communications. This Thesis firstly focuses on energy-efficient transmission schemes and commences by introducing a scheme for alleviating the power loss experienced by the Tomlinson-Harashima precoder, by aligning the interference of a number of users with the symbols to transmit. Subsequently, a strategy for improving the performance of space shift keying transmission via symbol pre-scaling is presented. This scheme re-formulates complex optimization problems via semidefinite relaxation to yield problem formulations that can be efficiently solved. In a similar line, this Thesis designs a signal detection scheme based on compressive sensing to improve the energy efficiency of spatial modulation systems in multiple access channels. The proposed technique relies on exploiting the particular structure and sparsity that spatial modulation systems inherently possess to enhance performance. This Thesis also presents research carried out with the aim of reducing the hardware complexity and associated power consumption of large scale multiple-antenna base stations. In this context, the employment of incomplete channel state information is proposed to achieve the above-mentioned objective in correlated communication channels. The candidate’s work developed in Bell Labs is also presented, where the feasibility of simplified hardware architectures for massive antenna systems is assessed with real channel measurements. Moreover, a strategy for reducing the hardware complexity of antenna selection schemes by simplifying the design of the switching procedure is also analyzed. Overall, extensive theoretical and simulation results support the improved energy efficiency and complexity of the proposed schemes, towards green wireless communications systems

    Advanced index modulation techniques for future wireless networks

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    In the research study proposed in this Ph.D Thesis, we consider Index Modulation as a novel tool to enhance energy and spectral efficiencies for upcoming 5G networks, including wireless sensor networks and internet of things. In this vein, spatial modulation was proposed to enhance the capacity of wireless systems to partially achieve the capacity of MIMO systems but at lower cost, making it a technique that has attracted significant attention over the past few years. As such, SM schemes have been regarded as possible candidates for spectrum- and energy-efficient next generation MIMO systems. However, the implementation of the SM is also challenging because of its heavy dependence on channel characteristics, channel correlation, corrupted CSI and the need to have adequate spacing between antennas. Moreover, the SM requires multiple antennas at the transmitter which adds cost to the hardware implementation. In addition, the number of mapped bits in SM is limited by the physical size of the wireless device where only small number of antennas can be used. The switching time wasted by RF antenna switches adds to the complexity of the issue. In this Thesis, we study the drawbacks of SM in the articles indicated, namely Performance Comparison of Spatial Modulation Detectors Under Channel Impairments that is placed in the Appendix at the end of Thesis as it is a conference paper, and The Impact of Antenna Switching Time on Spatial Modulation that is put in Chapter 1. In the first article, we have shown that channel impairments have serious impacts on the BER performance and on the capacity of the SM system and that the SM is too sensitive to both imperfect and correlated channels. In the second article, we have demonstrated that the switching time defined as the time needed by the system to turn off an antenna and turn on another one, which is an inherent property of RF industrial switches used in SM systems, is in the order of nanoseconds and naturally influences the transmission rate of SM systems because of introducing systematic transmission gaps or pauses. Given the speed limitation of practical RF switches in performing transitions, antenna transition-based technologies like SM schemes are capped in terms of data rate performance. In fact, the effective data rate of SM will remain hostage to developments in industrial RF switches. This brings restrictions to the implementation and operation issues when extremely high data rates become a necessity. It is shown by the assemblage of our results that the switching time Tsw which is a requirement for transitions between antennas to happen, dictates restrictions on data rate, capacity and spectral efficiency of SM systems. Furthermore, we propose baseband non-hardware-based indexing modulation schemes based on frequency-index modulation, coherent chaotic modulation and non-coherent differential chaotic modulation schemes as potential alternatives to SM, that would also fit wireless sensor networks and internet of things applications. In this regard, we have proposed three articles. The first article which represents frequency index modulation is called Frequency Index Modulation for Low Complexity Low Energy Communication Networks and is placed in Chapter 2 of this Thesis. In this article, we explore a low complexity multi-user communication system based on frequency index modulation that suits Internet of Things (IoT) applications and we show that such a system would constitute an excellent candidate for wireless sensor applications, where it represents a simpler substitution for frequency-hopping (FH) based architectures, in which the hops carry extra bits. The third article which concerns coherent chaotic modulation is called Design of an Initial-Condition Index Chaos Shift Keying Modulation and is located in Chapter 3. In this article, an initial condition index chaos shift keying modulation is proposed. This design aims to increase the spectral and energy efficiencies to unprecedented levels. The proposed scheme exploits the initial conditions to generate different chaotic sequences to convey extra bits per transmission. In comparison to rival modulation schemes, the results obtained in the proposed work show a promising data rate boost and a competitive performance. The last article employs a non-coherent differential chaotic shift-key system named Permutation Index DCSK Modulation Technique for Secure Multi-User High-Data-Rate Communication Systems that is found in the Appendix. In this original design, where each data frame is divided into two time slots in which the reference chaotic signal is sent in the first time slot and a permuted replica of the reference signal multiplied by the modulating bit is sent in the second time slot, we target enhancing data security, energy and spectral efficiencies. Overall, in light of the high demands for bandwidth and energy efficiencies of futuristic systems, the suggested soft indexing mechanisms are successful candidates with promising results

    Compressed sensing improves the performance of subcarrier index-modulation assisted OFDM

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    In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing relying on subcarrier index modulation (OFDM-SIM), the information is conveyed by both the indices of the activated subcarriers and the conventional amplitude-phase modulated (APM) symbols. It has been shown that OFDM-SIM is capable of striking a tradeoff between the attainable spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE). In order to further increase the EE of the OFDM-SIM system, while potentially increasing its SE, we propose a compressed sensing (CS) assisted signalling strategy for the family of OFDM-SIM systems. Correspondingly, we first consider the joint maximum likelihood (JML) detection of the CS assisted index-modulated (CSIM) and of the classic APM symbols, despite its high complexity. Then, we propose a low complexity detection algorithm, which is termed as the iterative residual check (IRC) based detector. This is based on the Greedy Pursuit concept of CS, which makes locally optimal choices at each step. Finally, both analytical and simulation results are provided for characterizing the attainable system performance of our proposed OFDM-CSIM system. We demonstrate that in comparison to the conventional OFDM-SIM system, the proposed OFDM-CSIM arrangement is capable of achieving both a higher SE as well as an increased EE. We also show that the diversity gain provided by the OFDM-CSIM system is much higher than that of the OFDM-SIM system. Furthermore, our investigation of the detection performance shows that the proposed IRC detector is capable of providing an attractive detection performance at a low complexity
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