154 research outputs found

    A Novel QAM Technique for High Order QAM Signaling

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    The paper proposes a novel spread quadrature amplitude modulation (S-QAM) technique with high SNR improvement for high-order QAM channels. Simulated and experimental bit error rate (BER) performance analyses of the proposed technique in blind and non-blind equalizers are obtained by using single carrier (SC) WiMAX (IEEE 802.16-2004) radio. Instead of using any one particular type of channel profile, this study concentrates on true frequency selective Rayleigh fading channels in the real-time WiMAX radio environment around 3.5 GHz. The Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) blind equalizer has been compared with the popular non-blind equalizers, Recursive Least Squares (RLS) and Least Mean Squares (LMS) algorithm, as benchmarks. It has been proven in experimental and simulated channels that CMA blind equalizer, using the proposed technique, can be considered as a low complexity, spectrum efficient and high performance time domain equalizations to be embedded in a transceiver for the next generation communications. Furthermore the proposed technique has also reduced approximately till 5 dB and 7.5 dB performance differences between non-blind and blind equalizers for 16-QAM and 64-QAM, respectively. The simulation results have demonstrated that the simulated and experimental studies of the proposed technique are compatible with each other and extremely satisfying

    Técnicas de equalização iterativas no espaço-frequência para o LTE

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesMobile communications had a huge leap on its evolution in the last decade due to the constant increase of the user requirements. The Long Term Evolution is the new technology developed to give proper answer to the needs of a growing mobile communications community, offering much higher data rates, better spectral efficiency and lower latency when compared to previous technologies, along with scalable bandwidth, interoperability and easy roaming. All these advantages are possible due to the implementation of new network architectures like the E-UTRAN access network and the EPC core network, the use of MIMO systems, and new multiple access schemes: OFDMA for downlink and SC-FDMA for uplink. This thesis focuses on the uplink communication of this technology with SC-FDMA, specifically on the use of Iterative Block Decision Feedback Equalizers (IB-DFE) where both the feedback and the feedforward equalizer matrices are applied on the frequency domain. Two IB-DFE schemes were implemented using both Parallel Interference Cancellation (PIC) and Serial Interference Cancellation (SIC) based processing. We considered the uplink scenario where some users share the same physical channel to transmit its own information to the Base Station (BS). Also, we consider that the BS is equipped with multiple antennas and the user terminals (UT) with a single antenna. The aim of the studied iterative schemes is to efficiently remove both the multi-user and inter-carrier interferences, while allowing a close-to-optimum space-diversity gain. The results obtained showed that both PIC and SIC implementations presented better performance than the conventional used linear multi-user sub optimal equalizers ZF and MMSE. Both solutions efficiently eliminate the multi-user interference, although the SIC based scheme slightly outperforms the PIC approach, with a performance close to the one achieved by the Matched Filter Bound (MFB).As comunicações móveis tiveram um grande avanço na sua evolução na última década devido ao constante aumento dos requisitos dos utilizadores. O Long Term Evolution é a nova tecnologia desenvolvida para dar resposta às necessidades de uma crescente comunidade de comunicações móveis, oferecendo taxas de transmissão de dados muito mais elevadas, melhor eficiência espectral e menor latência quando comparado a tecnologias anteriores, incluindo também largura de banda escalável, interoperabilidade e roaming simples. Todas estas vantagens são possíveis devido à implementação de novas arquiteturas de rede, como a rede de acesso E-UTRAN e a rede core EPC, o uso de sistemas MIMO, e novos esquemas de múltiplo acesso: OFDMA para o downlink e SC-FDMA para o uplink. Esta tese centra-se na comunicação no sentido ascendente desta tecnologia onde o esquema utilizado é o SC-FDMA, mais especificamente na aplicação de Iterative Block Decision Feedback Equalizers (IB-DFE) onde tanto a matriz de feedback como a de feedfoward do equalizador são aplicadas no domínio da frequência. Dois esquemas IB-DFE foram implementados utilizando processamento baseado em cancelamento de interferência em paralelo (PIC) e em serie (SIC). Foi considerado um cenário ascendente onde alguns utilizadores (UEs) partilham o mesmo canal físico para transmitir a sua informação para a Estação Base (BS). È também assumido que a BS está equipada com múltiplas antenas, e os terminais dos utilizadores com uma antena apenas. O objetivo dos esquemas iterativos estudados é remover eficientemente a interferência entre utilizadores e entre portadoras, permitindo entretanto um ganho de diversidade no espaço quase ótimo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que tanto a implementação PIC como a SIC apresentam melhor eficiência do que os habituais equalizadores lineares sub ótimos ZF e MMSE. Ambas as soluções eliminam a interferência entre utilizadores, embora o esquema SIC apresente um melhor desempenho que o PIC, aproximando- se do atingido com o Matched Filter Bound (MFB)

    A low-complexity equalizer for video broadcasting in cyber-physical social systems through handheld mobile devices

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    In Digital Video Broadcasting-Handheld (DVB-H) devices for cyber-physical social systems, the Discrete Fractional Fourier Transform-Orthogonal Chirp Division Multiplexing (DFrFT-OCDM) has been suggested to enhance the performance over Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems under time and frequency-selective fading channels. In this case, the need for equalizers like the Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) and Zero-Forcing (ZF) arises, though it is excessively complex due to the need for a matrix inversion, especially for DVB-H extensive symbol lengths. In this work, a low complexity equalizer, Least-Squares Minimal Residual (LSMR) algorithm, is used to solve the matrix inversion iteratively. The paper proposes the LSMR algorithm for linear and nonlinear equalizers with the simulation results, which indicate that the proposed equalizer has significant performance and reduced complexity over the classical MMSE equalizer and other low complexity equalizers, in time and frequency-selective fading channels. © 2013 IEEE

    Implementação de um sistema de comunicações móveis para o Uplink

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesÉ evidente que actualmente cada vez mais a internet móvel está presente na vida das sociedades. Hoje em dia é relativamente fácil estar ligado à internet sempre que se quiser, independentemente do lugar onde se encontra (conceito: anytime and anywhere). Desta forma existe um número crescente de utilizadores que acedem a serviços e aplicações interactivas a partir dos seus terminais móveis. Há, portanto, uma necessidade de adaptar o mundo das telecomunicações a esta nova realidade, para isso é necessário implementar novas arquitecturas que sejam capazes de fornecer maior largura de banda e reduzir os atrasos das comunicações, maximizando a utilização dos recursos disponíveis do meio/rede e melhorando assim a experiência do utilizador final. O LTE representa uma das tecnologias mais avançadas e de maior relevância para o acesso sem fios em banda larga de redes celulares. OFDM é a tecnologia base que está por traz da técnica de modulação, bem como as tecnologias adjacentes, OFDMA e SC-FDMA, usadas especificamente no LTE para a comunicação de dados descendente (downlink) ou ascendente (uplink), respectivamente. A implementação de múltiplas antenas em ambos os terminais, potenciam ainda mais o aumento da eficiência espectral do meio rádio permitindo atingir grandes taxas de transmissão de dados. Nesta dissertação é feito o estudo, implementação e avaliação do desempenho da camada física (camada 1 do modelo OSI) do LTE, no entanto o foco será a comunicação de dados ascendente e a respectiva técnica de modelação, SC-FDMA. Foi implementada uma plataforma de simulação baseada nas especificações do LTE UL onde foram considerandos diferentes esquemas de antenas. Particularmente para o esquema MIMO, usou-se a técnica de codificação no espaço-frequência proposta por Alamouti. Foram também implementados vários equalizadores. Os resultados provenientes da simulação demonstram tanto a eficiência dos diversos modos de operação em termos da taxa de erro, como o excelente funcionamento de processos de mapeamento e equalização, que visam melhorar a taxa de recepção de dados.It is clear that mobile Internet is present in the life of societies. Nowadays it is relatively easy to be connected to the internet whenever you want, no matter where you are (concept: anytime and anywhere). Thus, there are a growing number of users accessing interactive services and applications from their handsets. Therefore, there is a need to adapt the world of telecommunications to this new reality, for that it is necessary to implement new architectures that are able to provide higher bandwidth and reduce communication delays, maximizing use of available resources in the medium/network and thereby improving end-user experience. LTE represents one of the most advanced architectures and most relevant to wireless broadband cellular networks. OFDM is the technology that is behind the modulation technique and the underlying technologies, OFDMA and SCFDMA, used specifically in LTE for data communication downward (downlink) or upward (uplink), respectively. The implementation of multiple antennas at both ends further potentiate the increase of spectral efficiency allowing to achieve high rates of data transmission. In this dissertation is done the study, implementation and performance evaluation of the physical layer (OSI Layer 1) of the LTE, but the focus will be communication and its upstream data modeling technique, SC-FDMA. We implemented a simulation platform based on LTE UL specifications where were considered different antenna schemes. Particularly for the MIMO scheme, we used the technique of space-frequency coding proposed by Alamouti. We also implemented several equalizers. The results from the simulation demonstrate both the efficiency of different modes of operation in terms of error rate, as the excellent operation of mapping processes and equalization, designed to improve the rate of receiving data

    VLSI Implementation of Energy Detection Algorithm for WLAN and WiMAX Applications

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    The electromagnetic spectrum is a natural resource. The current spectrum licensing scheme is unable to accommodate rapidly growing demand in wireless communication due the static spectrum allocation policies. This allocation leads to increase in spectrum scarcity problem. Cognitive radio (CR) technology is an advanced wireless radio design which aims to increase spectrum utilization by identifying unused and under-utilized spectrum in dynamically changing environments. Spectrum sensing is a one of the key method of cognitive radio which detects the presence of primary user in licensed frequency band using dynamic spectrum allocation policies to utilize unused spectrum. Energy detection is a simple spectrum sensing technique, which does not require prior information of signal which is present in the frequency band. But in low signal to noise ratio (SNR) conditions, its performance is weak, which can be improved by signal processing algorithm. As energy detection is simple and easily implemented in hardware, so it is preferred in emerging standard like IEEE 802.22, Wireless Region Area Network (WRAN), IEEE 802.11a,Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) and 802.16, World Wide Interoperability Microwave Access(WiMAX). In this thesis energy detection technique is applied for WLAN and WiMAX under BPSK modulation method and Monte-Carlo simulations are performed totest the performance of received signals in WLAN and WiMAX. Following to this work VLSI implementation of spectrum sensing using energy detection have been implemented for pseudo random sequence generated signal and BPSK modulates signal. OFDM is used as modulation standard and it is implemented in VLSI for WLAN and WiMAX


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    The key challenges to high throughput in cellular wireless communication system are interference, mobility and bandwidth limitation. Mobility has never been a problem until recently, bandwidth has been constantly improved upon through the evolutions in cellular wireless communication system but interference has been a constant limitation to any improvement that may have resulted from such evolution. The fundamental challenge to a system designer or a researcher is how to achieve high data rate in motion (high speed) in a cellular system that is intrinsically interference-limited. Multi-antenna is the solution to data on the move and the capacity of multi-antenna system has been demonstrated to increase proportionally with increase in the number of antennas at both transmitter and receiver for point-to-point communications and multi-user environment. However, the capacity gain in both uplink and downlink is limited in a multi-user environment like cellular system by interference, the number of antennas at the base station, complexity and space constraint particularly for a mobile terminal. This challenge in the downlink provided the motivation to investigate successive interference cancellation (SIC) as an interference management tool LTE system and beyond. The Simulation revealed that ordered successive interference (OSIC) out performs non-ordered successive interference cancellation (NSIC) and the additional complexity is justified based on the associated gain in BER performance of OSIC. The major drawback of OSIC is that it is not efficient in network environment employing power control or power allocation. Additional interference management techniques will be required to fully manage the interference.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Técnicas de processamento com múltiplas antenas para o sistema LTE

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesPerformance, mobilidade e partilha podem ser consideras como as três palavras-chave nas comunicações móveis de hoje em dia. Uma das necessidades fundamentais do ser humano é a partilha de experiencias e informação. Com a evolução ao nível do hardware móvel, a crescente popularidade de smartphones, tablets e outros dispositivos moveis, fez com que a exigência em termos de capacidade e taxa de transferência por parte das redes móveis não parasse de crescer. As limitações das redes 3G fizeram com que não conseguissem corresponder a tais exigências e como tal, a transição para uma tecnologia mais robusta e eficiente passou a ser inevitável. A resposta escolhida como solução a longo prazo é a rede designada por LTE, desenvolvida pela organização 3GPP é assumido que será a rede de telecomunicações predominante no futuro. As vantagens mais sonantes são, naturalmente, elevadas taxas de transmissão, maior eficiência espectral, redução da latência e de custos de operação. As principais tecnologias em que o LTE se baseia, são o OFDM e sua variante para múltiplo acesso, OFDMA, usado para o downlink e o SC-FDMA para o uplink. Além disso, usa sistemas com múltiplas antenas para impulsionar a eficiência espectral. Apesar de já implementado em alguns países por diversas operadoras, constantes pesquisas continuam a ser realizadas com o intuito de melhorar a sua performance. Nesta dissertação é proposto um esquema duplo de codificação na frequência e no espaço (D-SFBC) para um cenário baseado em OFDM com 4 antenas de transmissão e duas antenas de recepção (4 × 2 D-SFBC) para o downlink. No cenário considerado, 4 símbolos de dados são transmitidos utilizando unicamente 2 sub-portadoras, fazendo com que, este sistema seja limitado pela interferência. Para de forma eficiente descodificar os símbolos de dados transmitidos, foi desenvolvido um equalizador iterativo no domínio da frequência. Duas abordagens são consideradas: cancelamento da interferência em paralelo (PIC) e sucessivo cancelamento de interferência (SIC). Uma vez que apenas 2 sub-portadoras são usadas para transmitir quatro símbolos de dados em paralelo, o esquema desenvolvido duplica a taxa de dados quando comparado com o esquema 2 × 2 SFBC, especificado no standard do LTE. Os esquemas desenvolvidos foram avaliados sob as especificações para LTE e usando codificação de canal. Os resultados mostram que os esquemas implementados neste trabalho utilizando um equalizador iterativo supera os convencionais equalizadores lineares na eliminação da interferência adicional introduzida, em apenas 2 ou 3 iterações.Performance, mobility and sharing can be assumed as the three keywords in the mobile communications nowadays. One of the fundamental needs of human beings is to share experiences and information. With the evolution of mobile hardware level, the growing popularity of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, has made that the demand in terms of capacity and throughput by mobile networks did not stop growing. Thus, the limitations of 3G stops it of being the answer of such demand, and a transition to a powerful technology has become unavoidable. The answer chosen is LTE, developed by the 3GPP organization is assumed to be the predominant telecommunications network in the future. The most relevant advantages are high transmission rates, higher spectral efficiency, reducing latency and operating costs. The key technologies in which LTE is based, are OFDM and its variant schemes for multiple access, OFDMA, used for downlink, and SC-FDMA for the uplink. It also uses multiple antennas systems in order to improve spectral efficiency. Although already implemented in some countries by several operators, continuous research is conducted in order to improve their performance. In this dissertation it is proposed a double space-frequency block coding (D-SFBC) scheme for an OFDM based scenario with 4 transmit antennas and 2 receive antennas (4×2 D-SFBC) for the downlink. In the considered scenario, 4 data symbols are transmitted by using only 2 subcarriers and thus the system is interference limited. To efficiently decode the transmitted data symbols an iterative equalizer designed in frequency domain is developed. Two approaches are considered: parallel interference cancellation (PIC) and successive interference cancellation (SIC). Since only 2 subcarriers are used to transmit 4 data symbols in parallel the developed scheme achieve the double data rate when compared with the 2×2 SFBC, specified in the LTE standard. The developed schemes were evaluated under the main LTE specifications and using channel coding. The results have show that the schemes implemented in this work using an interactive equalizer outperforms the conventional linear equalizers in the interference removal, just by using 2 or 3 iterations

    Adaptive relay techniques for OFDM-based cooperative communication systems

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    Cooperative communication has been considered as a cost-effective manner to exploit the spatial diversity, improve the quality-of-service and extend transmission coverage. However, there are many challenges faced by cooperative systems which use relays to forward signals to the destination, such as the accumulation of multipath channels, complex resource allocation with the bidirectional asymmetric traffic and reduction of transmission efficiency caused by additional relay overhead. In this thesis, we aim to address the above challenges of cooperative communications, and design the efficient relay systems. Starting with the channel accumulation problem in the amplify-and-forward relay system, we proposed two adaptive schemes for single/multiple-relay networks respectively. These schemes exploit an adaptive guard interval (GI) technique to cover the accumulated delay spread and enhance the transmission efficiency by limiting the overhead. The proposed GI scheme can be implemented without any extra control signal. Extending the adaptive GI scheme to multiple-relay systems, we propose a relay selection strategy which achieves the trade-off between the transmission reliability and overhead by considering both the channel gain and the accumulated delay spread. We then consider resource allocation problem in the two-way decode-and-forward relay system with asymmetric traffic loads. Two allocation algorithms are respectively investigated for time-division and frequency-division relay systems to maximize the end-to-end capacity of the two-way system under a capacity ratio constraint. For the frequency-division systems, a balanced end-to-end capacity is defined as the objective function which combines the requirements of maximizing the end-to-end capacity and achieving the capacity ratio. A suboptimal algorithm is proposed for the frequency-division systems which separates subcarrier allocation and time/power allocation. It can achieve the similar performance with the optimal one with reduced complexity. In order to further enhance the transmission reliability and maintaining low processing delay, we propose an equalize-and-forward (EF) relay scheme. The EF relay equalizes the channel between source and relay to eliminate the channel accumulation without signal regeneration. To reduce the processing time, an efficient parallel structure is applied in the EF relay. Numerical results show that the EF relay exhibits low outage probability at the same data rate as compared to AF and DF schemes