582 research outputs found

    Exploring Linguistic Constraints in Nlp Applications

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    The key argument of this dissertation is that the success of an Natural Language Processing (NLP) application depends on a proper representation of the corresponding linguistic problem. This theme is raised in the context that the recent progress made in our field is widely credited to the effective use of strong engineering techniques. However, the intriguing power of highly lexicalized models shown in many NLP applications is not only an achievement by the development in machine learning, but also impossible without the extensive hand-annotated data resources made available, which are originally built with very deep linguistic considerations. More specifically, we explore three linguistic aspects in this dissertation: the distinction between closed-class vs. open-class words, long-tail distributions in vocabulary study and determinism in language models. The first two aspects are studied in unsupervised tasks, unsupervised part-of-speech (POS) tagging and morphology learning, and the last one is studied in supervised tasks, English POS tagging and Chinese word segmentation. Each linguistic aspect under study manifests itself in a (different) way to help improve performance or efficiency in some NLP application

    Sentiment Analysis for Troll Activity Detection on Sina Weibo

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    The impact of social media on the modern world is difficult to overstate. Virtually all companies and public figures have social media accounts on popular platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. In China, the micro-blogging service provider Sina Weibo is the most popular such service. To overcome negative publicity, Weibo trolls the so called Water Army can be hired to post deceptive comments. In recent years, troll detection and sentiment analysis have been studied, but we are not aware of any research that considers troll detection based on sentiment analysis. In this research, we focus on troll detection via sentiment analysis with other user activity data gathered on the Sina Weibo platform, where the content is mainly in Chinese. We implement techniques for Chinese sentence segmentation, word embeddings, and sentiment score calculations. We employ the resulting techniques to develop and test a sentiment analysis approach for troll detection, based on a variety of machine learning strategies. Experimental results are generated, analyzed and the troll detection model we proposed achieved 89% accuracy for the dataset presented in this research. A Chrome extension is presented that implements our proposed technique, which enables real-time troll detection and troll comments filtering when a user browses Sina Weibo tweets and comments

    Learning Chinese language structures with multiple views

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    Motivated by the inadequacy of single view approaches in many areas in NLP, we study multi-view Chinese language processing, including word segmentation, part-of-speech (POS) tagging, syntactic parsing and semantic role labeling (SRL), in this thesis. We consider three situations of multiple views in statistical NLP: (1) Heterogeneous computational models have been designed for a given problem; (2) Heterogeneous annotation data is available to train systems; (3) Supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques are applicable. First, we comparatively analyze successful single view approaches for Chinese lexical, syntactic and semantic processing. Our analysis highlights the diversity between heterogenous systems built on different views, and motivates us to improve the state-of-the-art by combining or integrating heterogeneous approaches. Second, we study the annotation ensemble problem, i.e. learning from multiple data sets under different annotation standards. We propose a series of generalized stacking models to effectively utilize heterogeneous labeled data to reduce approximation errors for word segmentation and parsing. Finally, we are concerned with bridging the gap between unsupervised and supervised learning paradigms. We introduce feature induction solutions that harvest useful linguistic knowledge from large-scale unlabeled data and effectively use them as new features to enhance discriminative learning based systems. For word segmentation, we present a comparative study of word-based and character-based approaches. Inspired by the diversity of the two views, we design a novel stacked sub-word tagging model for joint word segmentation and POS tagging, which is robust to integrate different models, even models trained on heterogeneous annotations. To benefit from unsupervised word segmentation, we derive expressive string knowledge from unlabeled data which significantly enhances a strong supervised segmenter. For POS tagging, we introduce two linguistically motivated improvements: (1) combining syntax-free sequential tagging and syntax-based chart parsing results to better capture syntagmatic lexical relations and (2) integrating word clusters acquired from unlabeled data to better capture paradigmatic lexical relations. For syntactic parsing, we present a comparative analysis for generative PCFG-LA constituency parsing and discriminative graph-based dependency parsing. To benefit from the diversity of parsing in different formalisms, we implement a previously introduced stacking method and propose a novel Bagging model to combine complementary strengths of grammar-free and grammar-based models. In addition to the study on the syntactic formalism, we also propose a reranking model to explore heterogenous treebanks that are labeled under different annotation scheme. Finally, we continue our efforts on combining strengths of supervised and unsupervised learning, and evaluate the impact of word clustering on different syntactic processing tasks. Our work on SRL focus on improving the full parsing method with linguistically rich features and a chunking strategy. Furthermore, we developed a partial parsing based semantic chunking method, which has complementary strengths to the full parsing based method. Based on our work, Zhuang and Zong (2010) successfully improve the state-of-the-art by combining full and partial parsing based SRL systems.Motiviert durch die Unzulänglichkeit der Ansätze mit dem einzigen Ansicht in vielen Bereichen in NLP, untersuchen wir Chinesische Sprache Verarbeitung mit mehrfachen Ansichten, einschließlich Wortsegmentierung, Part-of-Speech (POS)-Tagging und syntaktische Parsing und die Kennzeichnung der semantische Rolle (SRL) in dieser Arbeit . Wir betrachten drei Situationen von mehreren Ansichten in der statistischen NLP: (1) Heterogene computergestützte Modelle sind für ein gegebenes Problem entwurft, (2) Heterogene Annotationsdaten sind verfügbar, um die Systeme zu trainieren, (3) überwachten und unüberwachten Methoden des maschinellen Lernens sind zur Verfügung gestellt. Erstens, wir analysieren vergleichsweise erfolgreiche Ansätze mit einzigen Ansicht für chinesische lexikalische, syntaktische und semantische Verarbeitung. Unsere Analyse zeigt die Unterschiede zwischen den heterogenen Systemen, die auf verschiedenen Ansichten gebaut werden, und motiviert uns, die state-of-the-Art durch die Kombination oder Integration heterogener Ansätze zu verbessern. Zweitens, untersuchen wir die Annotation Ensemble Problem, d.h. das Lernen aus mehreren Datensätzen unter verschiedenen Annotation Standards. Wir schlagen eine Reihe allgemeiner Stapeln Modelle, um eine effektive Nutzung heterogener Daten zu beschriften, und um Approximationsfehler für Wort Segmentierung und Analyse zu reduzieren. Schließlich sind wir besorgt mit der Überbrückung der Kluft zwischen unüberwachten und überwachten Lernens Paradigmen. Wir führen Induktion Feature-Lösungen, die nützliche Sprachkenntnisse von großflächigen unmarkierter Daten ernte, und die effektiv nutzen als neue Features, um die unterscheidenden Lernen basierten Systemen zu verbessern. Für die Wortsegmentierung, präsentieren wir eine vergleichende Studie der Wort-basierte und Charakter-basierten Ansätzen. Inspiriert von der Vielfalt der beiden Ansichten, entwerfen wir eine neuartige gestapelt Sub-Wort-Tagging-Modell für gemeinsame Wort-Segmentierung und POS-Tagging, die robust ist, um verschiedene Modelle zu integrieren, auch Modelle auf heterogenen Annotationen geschult. Um den unbeaufsichtigten Wortsegmentierung zu profitieren, leiten wir ausdrucksstarke Zeichenfolge Wissen von unmarkierten Daten. Diese Methode hat eine überwachte Methode erheblich verbessert. Für POS-Tagging, führen wir zwei linguistisch motiviert Verbesserungen: (1) die Kombination von Syntaxfreie sequentielle Tagging und Syntaxbasierten Grafik-Parsing-Ergebnisse, um syntagmatische lexikalische Beziehungen besser zu erfassen (2) die Integration von Wortclusteren von nicht markierte Daten, um die paradigmatische lexikalische Beziehungen besser zu erfassen. Für syntaktische Parsing präsentieren wir eine vergleichenbare Analyse für generative PCFG-LA Wahlkreis Parsing und diskriminierende Graphen-basierte Abhängigkeit Parsing. Um aus der Vielfalt der Parsen in unterschiedlichen Formalismen zu profitieren, setzen wir eine zuvor eingeführte Stacking-Methode und schlagen eine neuartige Schrumpfbeutel-Modell vor, um die ergänzenden Stärken der Grammatik und Grammatik-free-basierte Modelle zu kombinieren. Neben dem syntaktischen Formalismus, wir schlagen auch ein Modell, um heterogene reranking Baumbanken, die unter verschiedenen Annotationsschema beschriftet sind zu erkunden. Schließlich setzen wir unsere Bemühungen auf die Bündelung von Stärken des überwachten und unüberwachten Lernen, und bewerten wir die Auswirkungen der Wort-Clustering auf verschiedene syntaktische Verarbeitung Aufgaben. Unsere Arbeit an SRL ist konzentriert auf die Verbesserung der vollen Parsingsmethode mit linguistischen umfangreichen Funktionen und einer Chunkingstrategie. Weiterhin entwickelten wir eine semantische Chunkingmethode basiert auf dem partiellen Parsing, die die komplementäre Stärken gegen die die Methode basiert auf dem vollen Parsing hat. Basiert auf unserer Arbeit, Zhuang und Zong (2010) hat den aktuelle Stand erfolgreich verbessert durch die Kombination von voll-und partielle-Parsing basierte SRL Systeme

    Modeling the interface between morphology and syntax in data-driven dependency parsing

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    When people formulate sentences in a language, they follow a set of rules specific to that language that defines how words must be put together in order to express the intended meaning. These rules are called the grammar of the language. Languages have essentially two ways of encoding grammatical information: word order or word form. English uses primarily word order to encode different meanings, but many other languages change the form of the words themselves to express their grammatical function in the sentence. These languages are commonly subsumed under the term morphologically rich languages. Parsing is the automatic process for predicting the grammatical structure of a sentence. Since grammatical structure guides the way we understand sentences, parsing is a key component in computer programs that try to automatically understand what people say and write. This dissertation is about parsing and specifically about parsing languages with a rich morphology, which encode grammatical information in the form of words. Today’s parsing models for automatic parsing were developed for English and achieve good results on this language. However, when applied to other languages, a significant drop in performance is usually observed. The standard model for parsing is a pipeline model that separates the parsing process into different steps, in particular it separates the morphological analysis, i.e. the analysis of word forms, from the actual parsing step. This dissertation argues that this separation is one of the reasons for the performance drop of standard parsers when applied to other languages than English. An analysis is presented that exposes the connection between the morphological system of a language and the errors of a standard parsing model. In a second series of experiments, we show that knowledge about the syntactic structure of sentence can support the prediction of morphological information. We then argue for an alternative approach that models morphological analysis and syntactic analysis jointly instead of separating them. We support this argumentation with empirical evidence by implementing two parsers that model the relationship between morphology and syntax in two different but complementary ways

    Modeling Dependencies in Natural Languages with Latent Variables

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    In this thesis, we investigate the use of latent variables to model complex dependencies in natural languages. Traditional models, which have a fixed parameterization, often make strong independence assumptions that lead to poor performance. This problem is often addressed by incorporating additional dependencies into the model (e.g., using higher order N-grams for language modeling). These added dependencies can increase data sparsity and/or require expert knowledge, together with trial and error, in order to identify and incorporate the most important dependencies (as in lexicalized parsing models). Traditional models, when developed for a particular genre, domain, or language, are also often difficult to adapt to another. In contrast, previous work has shown that latent variable models, which automatically learn dependencies in a data-driven way, are able to flexibly adjust the number of parameters based on the type and the amount of training data available. We have created several different types of latent variable models for a diverse set of natural language processing applications, including novel models for part-of-speech tagging, language modeling, and machine translation, and an improved model for parsing. These models perform significantly better than traditional models. We have also created and evaluated three different methods for improving the performance of latent variable models. While these methods can be applied to any of our applications, we focus our experiments on parsing. The first method involves self-training, i.e., we train models using a combination of gold standard training data and a large amount of automatically labeled training data. We conclude from a series of experiments that the latent variable models benefit much more from self-training than conventional models, apparently due to their flexibility to adjust their model parameterization to learn more accurate models from the additional automatically labeled training data. The second method takes advantage of the variability among latent variable models to combine multiple models for enhanced performance. We investigate several different training protocols to combine self-training with model combination. We conclude that these two techniques are complementary to each other and can be effectively combined to train very high quality parsing models. The third method replaces the generative multinomial lexical model of latent variable grammars with a feature-rich log-linear lexical model to provide a principled solution to address data sparsity, handle out-of-vocabulary words, and exploit overlapping features during model induction. We conclude from experiments that the resulting grammars are able to effectively parse three different languages. This work contributes to natural language processing by creating flexible and effective latent variable models for several different languages. Our investigation of self-training, model combination, and log-linear models also provides insights into the effective application of these machine learning techniques to other disciplines

    A Pointillism Approach for Natural Language Processing of Social Media

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    Natural language processing tasks typically start with the basic unit of words, and then from words and their meanings a big picture is constructed about what the meanings of documents or other larger constructs are in terms of the topics discussed. Social media is very challenging for natural language processing because it challenges the notion of a word. Social media users regularly use words that are not in even the most comprehensive lexicons. These new words can be unknown named entities that have suddenly risen in prominence because of a current event, or they might be neologisms newly created to emphasize meaning or evade keyword filtering. Chinese social media is particularly challenging. The Chinese language poses challenges for natural language processing based on the unit of a word even for formal uses of the Chinese language, social media only makes word segmentation in Chinese even more difficult. Thus, even knowing what the boundaries of words are in a social media corpus is a difficult proposition. For these reasons, in this document I propose the Pointillism approach to natural language processing. In the pointillism approach, language is viewed as a time series, or sequence of points that represent the grams\u27 usage over time. Time is an important aspect of the Pointillism approach. Detailed timing information, such as timestamps of when posts were posted, contain correlations based on human patterns and current events. This timing information provides the necessary context to build words and phrases out of trigrams and then group those words and phrases into topical clusters. Rather than words that have individual meanings, the basic unit of the pointillism approach is trigrams of characters. These grams take on meaning in aggregate when they appear together in a way that is correlated over time. I anticipate that the pointillism approach can perform well in a variety of natural language processing tasks for many different languages, but in this document my focus is on trend analysis for Chinese microblogging. Microblog posts have a timestamp of when posts were posted, that is accurate to the minute or second (though, in this dissertation, I bin posts by the hour). To show that trigrams supplemented with frequency information do collect scattered information into meaningful pieces, I first use the pointillism approach to extract phrases. I conducted experiments on 4-character idioms, a set of 500 phrases that are longer than 3 characters taken from the Chinese-language version of Wiktionary, and also on Weibo\u27s hot keywords. My results show that when words and topics do have a meme-like trend, they can be reconstructed from only trigrams. For example, for 4-character idioms that appear at least 99 times in one day in my data, the unconstrained precision (that is, precision that allows for deviation from a lexicon when the result is just as correct as the lexicon version of the word or phrase) is 0.93. For longer words and phrases collected from Wiktionary, including neologisms, the unconstrained precision is 0.87. I consider these results to be very promising, because they suggest that it is feasible for a machine to reconstruct complex idioms, phrases, and neologisms with good precision without any notion of words. Next, I examine the potential of the pointillism approach for extracting topical trends from microblog posts that are related to environmental issues. Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is utilized to find the trigrams which have the same independent signal source, i.e., topics. Contrast this with probabilistic topic models, which leverage co-occurrence to classify the documents into the topics they have learned, so it is hard for it to extract topics in real-time. However, pointillism approach can extract trends in real-time, whether those trends have been discussed before or not. This is more challenging because in phrase extraction, order information is used to narrow down the candidates, whereas for trend extraction only the frequency of the trigrams are considered. The proposed approach is compared against a state of the art topic extraction technique, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), on 9,147 labelled posts with timestamps. The experimental results show that the highest F1 score of the pointillism approach with ICA is 4% better than that of LDA. Thus, using the pointillism approach, the colorful and baroque uses of language that typify social media in challenging languages such as Chinese may in fact be accessible to machines. The thesis that my dissertation tests is this: For topic extraction for scenarios where no adequate lexicon is available, such as social media, the Pointillism approach uses timing information to out-perform traditional techniques that are based on co-occurrence