6 research outputs found

    On the inversion of certain nonlinear systems

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    Journal ArticleAbstract-In this letter, we present some theorems for the exact inversion and the pth-order inversion of a wide class of causal, discrete-time, nonlinear systems. The nonlinear systems we consider are described by the input-output relationship y(n) = g[x(n)]h[x(n - 1); y(n - 1)]+f[x(n - 1); y(n - 1)], where g[•], h[•; •] and f[•; •] are causal, discrete-time and nonlinear operators and the inverse function g-1[•] exists. The exact inverse of such systems is given by z(n) = g-1[{u(n) - f[z(n - 1); u(n -1 )]}/ h[z(n - 1); u(n - 1)]]. Similarly, when h[• ;•] = 1, the pthorder inverse is given by z(n) = gp -1 [u(n)- f[z(n - 1); u(n - 1)]] where gp -1 p [•] is the pth-order inverse of g[•]. Index Terms-Inverse systems, nonlinear filters, nonlinear system

    On the inversion of certain nonlinear systems

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    Journal ArticleIn this letter, we present some theorems for the exact inversion and the pth-order inversion of a wide class of causal, discrete-time, nonlinear systems. The nonlinear systems we consider are described by the input-output relationship y(n) = g[x(n)]h[x(n-1); (n-1)]+f[x(n-1); y(n-1)], here g[], h[; ], and f[; ] are causal, discrete-time and nonlinear operators and the inverse function g-1[.] exists. The exact inverse of such systems is given by z(n) = g-1[fu(n)-f[z(n-1); u(n-1)]g=h[z(n - 1); u(n-1)]]. Similarly, when h[; ] = 1, the pthorder inverse is given by z(n) = g-1 p u(n)-f[z(n-1); u(n-1)]] where g-1 p [.] is the pth-order inverse of g[.]


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    The inherit nonlinearity in analogue front-ends of transmitters and receivers have had primary impact on the overall performance of the wireless communication systems, as it gives arise of substantial distortion when transmitting and processing signals with such circuits. Therefore, the nonlinear compensation (linearization) techniques become essential to suppress the distortion to an acceptable extent in order to ensure sufficient low bit error rate. Furthermore, the increasing demands on higher data rate and ubiquitous interoperability between various multi-coverage protocols are two of the most important features of the contemporary communication system. The former demand pushes the communication system to use wider bandwidth and the latter one brings up severe coexistence problems. Having fully considered the problems raised above, the work in this Ph.D. thesis carries out extensive researches on the nonlinear compensations utilizing advanced digital signal processing techniques. The motivation behind this is to push more processing tasks to the digital domain, as it can potentially cut down the bill of materials (BOM) costs paid for the off-chip devices and reduce practical implementation difficulties. The work here is carried out using three approaches: numerical analysis & computer simulations; experimental tests using commercial instruments; actual implementation with FPGA. The primary contributions for this thesis are summarized as the following three points: 1) An adaptive digital predistortion (DPD) with fast convergence rate and low complexity for multi-carrier GSM system is presented. Albeit a legacy system, the GSM, however, has a very strict requirement on the out-of-band emission, thus it represents a much more difficult hurdle for DPD application. It is successfully implemented in an FPGA without using any other auxiliary processor. A simplified multiplier-free NLMS algorithm, especially suitable for FPGA implementation, for fast adapting the LUT is proposed. Many design methodologies and practical implementation issues are discussed in details. Experimental results have shown that the DPD performed robustly when it is involved in the multichannel transmitter. 2) The next generation system (5G) will unquestionably use wider bandwidth to support higher throughput, which poses stringent needs for using high-speed data converters. Herein the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) tends to be the most expensive single device in the whole transmitter/receiver systems. Therefore, conventional DPD utilizing high-speed ADC becomes unaffordable, especially for small base stations (micro, pico and femto). A digital predistortion technique utilizing spectral extrapolation is proposed in this thesis, wherein with band-limited feedback signal, the requirement on ADC speed can be significantly released. Experimental results have validated the feasibility of the proposed technique for coping with band-limited feedback signal. It has been shown that adequate linearization performance can be achieved even if the acquisition bandwidth is less than the original signal bandwidth. The experimental results obtained by using LTE-Advanced signal of 320 MHz bandwidth are quite satisfactory, and to the authors’ knowledge, this is the first high-performance wideband DPD ever been reported. 3) To address the predicament that mobile operators do not have enough contiguous usable bandwidth, carrier aggregation (CA) technique is developed and imported into 4G LTE-Advanced. This pushes the utilization of concurrent dual-band transmitter/receiver, which reduces the hardware expense by using a single front-end. Compensation techniques for the respective concurrent dual-band transmitter and receiver front-ends are proposed to combat the inter-band modulation distortion, and simultaneously reduce the distortion for the both lower-side band and upper-side band signals.電気通信大学201

    Recursive techniques for the synthesis of a pth-order inverse of a Volterra system

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    reserved2A new recursive technique for the synthesis of a pth-order inverse of a Volterra system is presented. In such a method, the condition that the pth-order inverse be exactly of order p, as proposed by Schetzen, is relaxed. The choice of the residuals, that is the operators of the inverse whose order is higher than p, is done with the purpose of reducing the complexity of the synthesis scheme and of deriving a recursive procedure to build-up such an inverse. A comparison between the complexity of Schetzen's synthesis schemes and those obtained with our recursive procedure shows that the structures that we obtain are much less complex and easier to derive, and the increment of complexity related to the increase in order is much slower than in Schetzen's case. As an example of application, we use the proposed method in order to linearize a digital radio link in which the high-power amplifier is operated near saturation.A. SARTI; S. PUPOLINSarti, Augusto; S., Pupoli

    Nonlinear models and algorithms for RF systems digital calibration

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    Focusing on the receiving side of a communication system, the current trend in pushing the digital domain ever more closer to the antenna sets heavy constraints on the accuracy and linearity of the analog front-end and the conversion devices. Moreover, mixed-signal implementations of Systems-on-Chip using nanoscale CMOS processes result in an overall poorer analog performance and a reduced yield. To cope with the impairments of the low performance analog section in this "dirty RF" scenario, two solutions exist: designing more complex analog processing architectures or to identify the errors and correct them in the digital domain using DSP algorithms. In the latter, constraints in the analog circuits' precision can be offloaded to a digital signal processor. This thesis aims at the development of a methodology for the analysis, the modeling and the compensation of the analog impairments arising in different stages of a receiving chain using digital calibration techniques. Both single and multiple channel architectures are addressed exploiting the capability of the calibration algorithm to homogenize all the channels' responses of a multi-channel system in addition to the compensation of nonlinearities in each response. The systems targeted for the application of digital post compensation are a pipeline ADC, a digital-IF sub-sampling receiver and a 4-channel TI-ADC. The research focuses on post distortion methods using nonlinear dynamic models to approximate the post-inverse of the nonlinear system and to correct the distortions arising from static and dynamic errors. Volterra model is used due to its general approximation capabilities for the compensation of nonlinear systems with memory. Digital calibration is applied to a Sample and Hold and to a pipeline ADC simulated in the 45nm process, demonstrating high linearity improvement even with incomplete settling errors enabling the use of faster clock speeds. An extended model based on the baseband Volterra series is proposed and applied to the compensation of a digital-IF sub-sampling receiver. This architecture envisages frequency selectivity carried out at IF by an active band-pass CMOS filter causing in-band and out-of-band nonlinear distortions. The improved performance of the proposed model is demonstrated with circuital simulations of a 10th-order band pass filter, realized using a five-stage Gm-C Biquad cascade, and validated using out-of-sample sinusoidal and QAM signals. The same technique is extended to an array receiver with mismatched channels' responses showing that digital calibration can compensate the loss of directivity and enhance the overall system SFDR. An iterative backward pruning is applied to the Volterra models showing that complexity can be reduced without impacting linearity, obtaining state-of-the-art accuracy/complexity performance. Calibration of Time-Interleaved ADCs, widely used in RF-to-digital wideband receivers, is carried out developing ad hoc models because the steep discontinuities generated by the imperfect canceling of aliasing would require a huge number of terms in a polynomial approximation. A closed-form solution is derived for a 4-channel TI-ADC affected by gain errors and timing skews solving the perfect reconstruction equations. A background calibration technique is presented based on cyclo-stationary filter banks architecture. Convergence speed and accuracy of the recursive algorithm are discussed and complexity reduction techniques are applied