14 research outputs found

    Improving Performance of Iterative Methods by Lossy Checkponting

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    Iterative methods are commonly used approaches to solve large, sparse linear systems, which are fundamental operations for many modern scientific simulations. When the large-scale iterative methods are running with a large number of ranks in parallel, they have to checkpoint the dynamic variables periodically in case of unavoidable fail-stop errors, requiring fast I/O systems and large storage space. To this end, significantly reducing the checkpointing overhead is critical to improving the overall performance of iterative methods. Our contribution is fourfold. (1) We propose a novel lossy checkpointing scheme that can significantly improve the checkpointing performance of iterative methods by leveraging lossy compressors. (2) We formulate a lossy checkpointing performance model and derive theoretically an upper bound for the extra number of iterations caused by the distortion of data in lossy checkpoints, in order to guarantee the performance improvement under the lossy checkpointing scheme. (3) We analyze the impact of lossy checkpointing (i.e., extra number of iterations caused by lossy checkpointing files) for multiple types of iterative methods. (4)We evaluate the lossy checkpointing scheme with optimal checkpointing intervals on a high-performance computing environment with 2,048 cores, using a well-known scientific computation package PETSc and a state-of-the-art checkpoint/restart toolkit. Experiments show that our optimized lossy checkpointing scheme can significantly reduce the fault tolerance overhead for iterative methods by 23%~70% compared with traditional checkpointing and 20%~58% compared with lossless-compressed checkpointing, in the presence of system failures.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, HPDC'1

    Scalable Resilience Against Node Failures for Communication-Hiding Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient and Conjugate Residual Methods

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    The observed and expected continued growth in the number of nodes in large-scale parallel computers gives rise to two major challenges: global communication operations are becoming major bottlenecks due to their limited scalability, and the likelihood of node failures is increasing. We study an approach for addressing these challenges in the context of solving large sparse linear systems. In particular, we focus on the pipelined preconditioned conjugate gradient (PPCG) method, which has been shown to successfully deal with the first of these challenges. In this paper, we address the second challenge. We present extensions to the PPCG solver and two of its variants which make them resilient against the failure of a compute node while fully preserving their communication-hiding properties and thus their scalability. The basic idea is to efficiently communicate a few redundant copies of local vector elements to neighboring nodes with very little overhead. In case a node fails, these redundant copies are gathered at a replacement node, which can then accurately reconstruct the lost parts of the solver's state. After that, the parallel solver can continue as in the failure-free scenario. Experimental evaluations of our approach illustrate on average very low runtime overheads compared to the standard non-resilient algorithms. This shows that scalable algorithmic resilience can be achieved at low extra cost.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Adaptive control in rollforward recovery for extreme scale multigrid

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    With the increasing number of compute components, failures in future exa-scale computer systems are expected to become more frequent. This motivates the study of novel resilience techniques. Here, we extend a recently proposed algorithm-based recovery method for multigrid iterations by introducing an adaptive control. After a fault, the healthy part of the system continues the iterative solution process, while the solution in the faulty domain is re-constructed by an asynchronous on-line recovery. The computations in both the faulty and healthy subdomains must be coordinated in a sensitive way, in particular, both under and over-solving must be avoided. Both of these waste computational resources and will therefore increase the overall time-to-solution. To control the local recovery and guarantee an optimal re-coupling, we introduce a stopping criterion based on a mathematical error estimator. It involves hierarchical weighted sums of residuals within the context of uniformly refined meshes and is well-suited in the context of parallel high-performance computing. The re-coupling process is steered by local contributions of the error estimator. We propose and compare two criteria which differ in their weights. Failure scenarios when solving up to 6.9â‹…10116.9\cdot10^{11} unknowns on more than 245\,766 parallel processes will be reported on a state-of-the-art peta-scale supercomputer demonstrating the robustness of the method

    Exploiting asynchrony from exact forward recovery for DUE in iterative solvers

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    This paper presents a method to protect iterative solvers from Detected and Uncorrected Errors (DUE) relying on error detection techniques already available in commodity hardware. Detection operates at the memory page level, which enables the use of simple algorithmic redundancies to correct errors. Such redundancies would be inapplicable under coarse grain error detection, but become very powerful when the hardware is able to precisely detect errors. Relations straightforwardly extracted from the solver allow to recover lost data exactly. This method is free of the overheads of backwards recoveries like checkpointing, and does not compromise mathematical convergence properties of the solver as restarting would do. We apply this recovery to three widely used Krylov subspace methods, CG, GMRES and BiCGStab, and their preconditioned versions. We implement our resilience techniques on CG considering scenarios from small (8 cores) to large (1024 cores) scales, and demonstrate very low overheads compared to state-of-the-art solutions. We deploy our recovery techniques either by overlapping them with algorithmic computations or by forcing them to be in the critical path of the application. A trade-off exists between both approaches depending on the error rate the solver is suffering. Under realistic error rates, overlapping decreases overheads from 5.37% down to 3.59% for a non-preconditioned CG on 8 cores.This work has been partially supported by the European Research Council under the European Union's 7th FP, ERC Advanced Grant 321253, and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2012-34557. L. Jaulmes has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports under grant FPU2013/06982. M. Moreto has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship JCI-2012-15047. M. Casas has been partially supported by the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Co-fund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the European Union's 7th FP (contract 2013 BP B 00243).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the resilience of parallel sparse hybrid solvers

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    International audienceAs the computational power of high performance computing (HPC) systems continues to increase by using a huge number of CPU cores or specialized processing units, extreme-scale applications are increasingly prone to faults. Consequently, the HPC community has proposed many contributions to design resilient HPC applications. These contributions may be system-oriented, theoretical or numerical. In this study we consider an actual fully-featured parallel sparse hybrid (direct/iterative) linear solver, MAPHYS, and we propose numerical remedies to design a resilient version of the solver. The solver being hybrid, we focus in this study on the iterative solution step, which is often the dominant step in practice. We furthermore assume that a separate mechanism ensures fault detection and that a system layer provides support for setting back the environment (processes,. . .) in a running state. The present manuscript therefore focuses on (and only on) strategies for recovering lost data after the fault has been detected (a separate concern beyond the scope of this study), once the system is restored (another separate concern not studied here). The numerical remedies we propose are twofold. Whenever possible, we exploit the natural data redundancy between processes from the solver to perform exact recovery through clever copies over processes. Otherwise, data that has been lost and no longer available on any process is recovered through a so-called interpolation-restart mechanism. This mechanism is derived from [1] by carefully taking into account the properties of the target hybrid solver. These numerical remedies have been implemented in the MAPHYS parallel solver so that we can assess their efficiency on a large number of processing units (up to 12, 288 CPU cores) for solving large-scale real-life problems

    Towards resilient parallel linear Krylov solvers: recover-restart strategies

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    The advent of extreme scale machines will require the use of parallel resources at an unprecedented scale, probably leading to a high rate of hardware faults. High Performance Computing (HPC) applications that aim at exploiting all these resources will thus need to be resilient, \emph{i.e.}, be able to compute a correct solution in presence of faults. In this work, we investigate possible remedies in the framework of the solution of large sparse linear systems that is often the inner most numerical kernel in many scientific and engineering applications and also one of the most time consuming part. More precisely, we present recovery followed by restarting strategies in the framework of Krylov subspace solvers where lost entries of the iterate are interpolated to define a new initial guess before restarting. In particular, we consider two interpolation policies that preserve key numerical properties of well-known solvers, namely the monotony decrease of the A-norm of the error of the conjugate gradient (CG) or the residual norm decrease of GMRES. We assess the impact of the recovery method, the fault rate and the number of processors on the robustness of the resulting linear solvers. We consider experiments with CG, GMRES and Bi-CGStab

    Interpolation-restart strategies for resilient eigensolvers

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    The solution of large eigenproblems is involved in many scientific and engineering applications when, for instance stability analysis is a concern. For large simulation in material physics or thermo-acoustics, the calculation can last for many hours on large parallel platforms. On future large-scale systems, the time interval between two consecutive faults is forecast to decrease so that many faults could occur during the solution of large eigenproblems. Consequently it becomes critical to design parallel eigensolvers which can survive faults. In that framework, we mainly investigate the relevance of approaches relying on numerical techniques that might be combined with more classical techniques for real large scale parallel implementations. Because we focus on numerical remedies we do not consider parallel implementations nor parallel experiments but only numerical experiments.We assume that a separate mechanism ensures the fault detection and that a system layerprovides support for setting back the environment (processes, \ldots) in a running state.Once the system is in a running state, after a fault, our main objective is to provide robust resilient schemes so that the eigensolver may keep converging through the fault without restarting the calculation from scratch. For this purpose, we extend the interpolation-restart (IR) strategies introduced in a previous work for linear systems. For a given numerical scheme, the IR strategies consist in extracting relevant spectral information from available data after a fault. After data extraction, a well selected part of the missing data is regenerated through interpolation strategies to constitute meaningful input to restart the numerical algorithm. A main feature of this numerical remedy that it does not require extra resources, e.i., computational unit or computing time, when no fault occurs.In this paper, we revisit a few state-of-the-art methods for solving large sparse eigenvalue problems namely the Arnoldi methods, subspace iteration methods and the Jacobi-Davidson method, in the light of our IR strategies. For each considered eigensolver, we adapt the IR strategies to regenerate as much spectral information as possible.Through intensive numerical experiments, we illustrate the qualitative behavior of the resulting schemes when the number of faults and the amount of lost data are varied

    Interpolation-restart strategies for resilient eigensolvers

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    International audienceThe solution of large eigenproblems is involved in many scientific and engineering applications when for instance, stability analysis is a concern. For large simulation in material physics or thermo-acoustics, the calculation can last for many hours on large parallel platforms. On future large-scale systems, the mean time between failures (MTBF) of the system is expected to decrease so that many faults could occur during the solution of large eigenproblems. Consequently, it becomes critical to design parallel eigensolvers that can survive faults. In that framework, we investigate the relevance of approaches relying on numerical techniques, which might be combined with more classical techniques for real large-scale parallel implementations. Because we focus on numerical remedies we do not consider parallel implementations nor parallel experiments but only numerical experiments. We assume that a separate mechanism ensures the fault detection and that a system layer provides support for setting back the environment (processes,. . .) in a running state. Once the system is in a running state, after a fault, our main objective is to provide robust resilient schemes so that the eigensolver may keep converging in the presence of the fault without restarting the calculation from scratch. For this purpose, we extend the interpolation-restart (IR) strategies initially introduced for the solution of linear systems in a previous work to the solution of eigenproblems in this paper. For a given numerical scheme, the IR strategies consist of extracting relevant spectral information from available data after a fault. After data extraction, a well-selected part of the missing data is regenerated through interpolation strategies to constitute a meaningful input to restart the numerical algorithm. One of the main features of this numerical remedy is that it does not require extra resources, i.e., computational unit or computing time, when no fault occurs. In this paper, we revisit a few state-of-the-art methods for solving large sparse eigenvalue problems namely the Arnoldi methods, subspace iteration methods and the Jacobi-Davidson method, in the light of our IR strategies. For each considered eigensolver, we adapt the IR strategies to regenerate as much spectral information as possible. Through extensive numerical experiments, we study the respective robustness of the resulting resilient schemes with respect to the MTBF and to the amount of data loss via qualitative and quantitative illustrations. 1. Introduction. The computation of eigenpairs (eigenvalues and eigenvectors) of large sparse matrices is involved in many scientific and engineering applications such as when stability analysis is a concern. To name a few, it appears in structural dynamics, thermodynamics, thermo-acoustics, quantum chemistry. With the permanent increase of the computational power of high performance computing (HPC) systems by using a larger and larger number of CPU cores or specialized processing units, HPC applications are increasingly prone to faults. To guarantee fault tolerance, two classes of strategies are required. One for the fault detection and the other for fault correction. Faults such as computational node crashes are obvious to detect while silent faults may be challenging to detect. To cope with silent faults, a duplication strategy is commonly used for fault detection [18, 39] by comparing the outputs, while triple modular redundancy (TMR) is used for fault detection and correction [34, 37]. However, the additional computational resources required by such replication strategies may represent a severe penalty. Instead of replicating computational resources, studies [7, 36] propose a time redundancy model for fault detection. It consists in repeating computation twice on the same resource. The advantage of time redundancy models is the flexibility at application level; software developers can indeed select only a set of critical instructions to protect. Recomputing only some instructions instead of the whole application lowers the time redundancy overhead [25]. In some numerical simulations, data naturally satisfy well defined mathematical properties. These properties can be efficiently exploited for fault detection through a periodical check of the numerical properties during computation [10]. Checkpoint/restart is the most studied fault recovery strategy in the context of HPC systems. The common checkpoint/restart scheme consists in periodically saving data onto a reliable storage device such as a remote disk. When a fault occurs, a rollback is performed to the point of the most recent and consistent checkpoint. According to the implemented checkpoint strategy, all processe