318 research outputs found

    Discontinuity-Aware Base-Mesh Modeling of Depth for Scalable Multiview Image Synthesis and Compression

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    This thesis is concerned with the challenge of deriving disparity from sparsely communicated depth for performing disparity-compensated view synthesis for compression and rendering of multiview images. The modeling of depth is essential for deducing disparity at view locations where depth is not available and is also critical for visibility reasoning and occlusion handling. This thesis first explores disparity derivation methods and disparity-compensated view synthesis approaches. Investigations reveal the merits of adopting a piece-wise continuous mesh description of depth for deriving disparity at target view locations to enable disparity-compensated backward warping of texture. Visibility information can be reasoned due to the correspondence relationship between views that a mesh model provides, while the connectivity of a mesh model assists in resolving depth occlusion. The recent JPEG 2000 Part-17 extension defines tools for scalable coding of discontinuous media using breakpoint-dependent DWT, where breakpoints describe discontinuity boundary geometry. This thesis proposes a method to efficiently reconstruct depth coded using JPEG 2000 Part-17 as a piece-wise continuous mesh, where discontinuities are driven by the encoded breakpoints. Results show that the proposed mesh can accurately represent decoded depth while its complexity scales along with decoded depth quality. The piece-wise continuous mesh model anchored at a single viewpoint or base-view can be augmented to form a multi-layered structure where the underlying layers carry depth information of regions that are occluded at the base-view. Such a consolidated mesh representation is termed a base-mesh model and can be projected to many viewpoints, to deduce complete disparity fields between any pair of views that are inherently consistent. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the base-mesh model in multiview synthesis and compression compared to other state-of-the-art methods, including the JPEG Pleno light field codec. The proposed base-mesh model departs greatly from conventional pixel-wise or block-wise depth models and their forward depth mapping for deriving disparity ingrained in existing multiview processing systems. When performing disparity-compensated view synthesis, there can be regions for which reference texture is unavailable, and inpainting is required. A new depth-guided texture inpainting algorithm is proposed to restore occluded texture in regions where depth information is either available or can be inferred using the base-mesh model

    Contributions in image and video coding

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    Orientador: Max Henrique Machado CostaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: A comunidade de codificação de imagens e vídeo vem também trabalhando em inovações que vão além das tradicionais técnicas de codificação de imagens e vídeo. Este trabalho é um conjunto de contribuições a vários tópicos que têm recebido crescente interesse de pesquisadores na comunidade, nominalmente, codificação escalável, codificação de baixa complexidade para dispositivos móveis, codificação de vídeo de múltiplas vistas e codificação adaptativa em tempo real. A primeira contribuição estuda o desempenho de três transformadas 3-D rápidas por blocos em um codificador de vídeo de baixa complexidade. O codificador recebeu o nome de Fast Embedded Video Codec (FEVC). Novos métodos de implementação e ordens de varredura são propostos para as transformadas. Os coeficiente 3-D são codificados por planos de bits pelos codificadores de entropia, produzindo um fluxo de bits (bitstream) de saída totalmente embutida. Todas as implementações são feitas usando arquitetura com aritmética inteira de 16 bits. Somente adições e deslocamentos de bits são necessários, o que reduz a complexidade computacional. Mesmo com essas restrições, um bom desempenho em termos de taxa de bits versus distorção pôde ser obtido e os tempos de codificação são significativamente menores (em torno de 160 vezes) quando comparados ao padrão H.264/AVC. A segunda contribuição é a otimização de uma recente abordagem proposta para codificação de vídeo de múltiplas vistas em aplicações de video-conferência e outras aplicações do tipo "unicast" similares. O cenário alvo nessa abordagem é fornecer vídeo com percepção real em 3-D e ponto de vista livre a boas taxas de compressão. Para atingir tal objetivo, pesos são atribuídos a cada vista e mapeados em parâmetros de quantização. Neste trabalho, o mapeamento ad-hoc anteriormente proposto entre pesos e parâmetros de quantização é mostrado ser quase-ótimo para uma fonte Gaussiana e um mapeamento ótimo é derivado para fonte típicas de vídeo. A terceira contribuição explora várias estratégias para varredura adaptativa dos coeficientes da transformada no padrão JPEG XR. A ordem de varredura original, global e adaptativa do JPEG XR é comparada com os métodos de varredura localizados e híbridos propostos neste trabalho. Essas novas ordens não requerem mudanças nem nos outros estágios de codificação e decodificação, nem na definição da bitstream A quarta e última contribuição propõe uma transformada por blocos dependente do sinal. As transformadas hierárquicas usualmente exploram a informação residual entre os níveis no estágio da codificação de entropia, mas não no estágio da transformada. A transformada proposta neste trabalho é uma técnica de compactação de energia que também explora as similaridades estruturais entre os níveis de resolução. A idéia central da técnica é incluir na transformada hierárquica um número de funções de base adaptativas derivadas da resolução menor do sinal. Um codificador de imagens completo foi desenvolvido para medir o desempenho da nova transformada e os resultados obtidos são discutidos neste trabalhoAbstract: The image and video coding community has often been working on new advances that go beyond traditional image and video architectures. This work is a set of contributions to various topics that have received increasing attention from researchers in the community, namely, scalable coding, low-complexity coding for portable devices, multiview video coding and run-time adaptive coding. The first contribution studies the performance of three fast block-based 3-D transforms in a low complexity video codec. The codec has received the name Fast Embedded Video Codec (FEVC). New implementation methods and scanning orders are proposed for the transforms. The 3-D coefficients are encoded bit-plane by bit-plane by entropy coders, producing a fully embedded output bitstream. All implementation is performed using 16-bit integer arithmetic. Only additions and bit shifts are necessary, thus lowering computational complexity. Even with these constraints, reasonable rate versus distortion performance can be achieved and the encoding time is significantly smaller (around 160 times) when compared to the H.264/AVC standard. The second contribution is the optimization of a recent approach proposed for multiview video coding in videoconferencing applications or other similar unicast-like applications. The target scenario in this approach is providing realistic 3-D video with free viewpoint video at good compression rates. To achieve such an objective, weights are computed for each view and mapped into quantization parameters. In this work, the previously proposed ad-hoc mapping between weights and quantization parameters is shown to be quasi-optimum for a Gaussian source and an optimum mapping is derived for a typical video source. The third contribution exploits several strategies for adaptive scanning of transform coefficients in the JPEG XR standard. The original global adaptive scanning order applied in JPEG XR is compared with the localized and hybrid scanning methods proposed in this work. These new orders do not require changes in either the other coding and decoding stages or in the bitstream definition. The fourth and last contribution proposes an hierarchical signal dependent block-based transform. Hierarchical transforms usually exploit the residual cross-level information at the entropy coding step, but not at the transform step. The transform proposed in this work is an energy compaction technique that can also exploit these cross-resolution-level structural similarities. The core idea of the technique is to include in the hierarchical transform a number of adaptive basis functions derived from the lower resolution of the signal. A full image codec is developed in order to measure the performance of the new transform and the obtained results are discussed in this workDoutoradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Selected topics on distributed video coding

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    Distributed Video Coding (DVC) is a new paradigm for video compression based on the information theoretical results of Slepian and Wolf (SW), and Wyner and Ziv (WZ). While conventional coding has a rigid complexity allocation as most of the complex tasks are performed at the encoder side, DVC enables a flexible complexity allocation between the encoder and the decoder. The most novel and interesting case is low complexity encoding and complex decoding, which is the opposite of conventional coding. While the latter is suitable for applications where the cost of the decoder is more critical than the encoder's one, DVC opens the door for a new range of applications where low complexity encoding is required and the decoder's complexity is not critical. This is interesting with the deployment of small and battery-powered multimedia mobile devices all around in our daily life. Further, since DVC operates as a reversed-complexity scheme when compared to conventional coding, DVC also enables the interesting scenario of low complexity encoding and decoding between two ends by transcoding between DVC and conventional coding. More specifically, low complexity encoding is possible by DVC at one end. Then, the resulting stream is decoded and conventionally re-encoded to enable low complexity decoding at the other end. Multiview video is attractive for a wide range of applications such as free viewpoint television, which is a system that allows viewing the scene from a viewpoint chosen by the viewer. Moreover, multiview can be beneficial for monitoring purposes in video surveillance. The increased use of multiview video systems is mainly due to the improvements in video technology and the reduced cost of cameras. While a multiview conventional codec will try to exploit the correlation among the different cameras at the encoder side, DVC allows for separate encoding of correlated video sources. Therefore, DVC requires no communication between the cameras in a multiview scenario. This is an advantage since communication is time consuming (i.e. more delay) and requires complex networking. Another appealing feature of DVC is the fact that it is based on a statistical framework. Moreover, DVC behaves as a natural joint source-channel coding solution. This results in an improved error resilience performance when compared to conventional coding. Further, DVC-based scalable codecs do not require a deterministic knowledge of the lower layers. In other words, the enhancement layers are completely independent from the base layer codec. This is called the codec-independent scalability feature, which offers a high flexibility in the way the various layers are distributed in a network. This thesis addresses the following topics: First, the theoretical foundations of DVC as well as the practical DVC scheme used in this research are presented. The potential applications for DVC are also outlined. DVC-based schemes use conventional coding to compress parts of the data, while the rest is compressed in a distributed fashion. Thus, different conventional codecs are studied in this research as they are compared in terms of compression efficiency for a rich set of sequences. This includes fine tuning the compression parameters such that the best performance is achieved for each codec. Further, DVC tools for improved Side Information (SI) and Error Concealment (EC) are introduced for monoview DVC using a partially decoded frame. The improved SI results in a significant gain in reconstruction quality for video with high activity and motion. This is done by re-estimating the erroneous motion vectors using the partially decoded frame to improve the SI quality. The latter is then used to enhance the reconstruction of the finally decoded frame. Further, the introduced spatio-temporal EC improves the quality of decoded video in the case of erroneously received packets, outperforming both spatial and temporal EC. Moreover, it also outperforms error-concealed conventional coding in different modes. Then, multiview DVC is studied in terms of SI generation, which differentiates it from the monoview case. More specifically, different multiview prediction techniques for SI generation are described and compared in terms of prediction quality, complexity and compression efficiency. Further, a technique for iterative multiview SI is introduced, where the final SI is used in an enhanced reconstruction process. The iterative SI outperforms the other SI generation techniques, especially for high motion video content. Finally, fusion techniques of temporal and inter-view side informations are introduced as well, which improves the performance of multiview DVC over monoview coding. DVC is also used to enable scalability for image and video coding. Since DVC is based on a statistical framework, the base and enhancement layers are completely independent, which is an interesting property called codec-independent scalability. Moreover, the introduced DVC scalable schemes show a good robustness to errors as the quality of decoded video steadily decreases with error rate increase. On the other hand, conventional coding exhibits a cliff effect as the performance drops dramatically after a certain error rate value. Further, the issue of privacy protection is addressed for DVC by transform domain scrambling, which is used to alter regions of interest in video such that the scene is still understood and privacy is preserved as well. The proposed scrambling techniques are shown to provide a good level of security without impairing the performance of the DVC scheme when compared to the one without scrambling. This is particularly attractive for video surveillance scenarios, which is one of the most promising applications for DVC. Finally, a practical DVC demonstrator built during this research is described, where the main requirements as well as the observed limitations are presented. Furthermore, it is defined in a setup being as close as possible to a complete real application scenario. This shows that it is actually possible to implement a complete end-to-end practical DVC system relying only on realistic assumptions. Even though DVC is inferior in terms of compression efficiency to the state of the art conventional coding for the moment, strengths of DVC reside in its good error resilience properties and the codec-independent scalability feature. Therefore, DVC offers promising possibilities for video compression with transmission over error-prone environments requirement as it significantly outperforms conventional coding in this case

    Fehlerkaschierte Bildbasierte Darstellungsverfahren

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    Creating photo-realistic images has been one of the major goals in computer graphics since its early days. Instead of modeling the complexity of nature with standard modeling tools, image-based approaches aim at exploiting real-world footage directly,as they are photo-realistic by definition. A drawback of these approaches has always been that the composition or combination of different sources is a non-trivial task, often resulting in annoying visible artifacts. In this thesis we focus on different techniques to diminish visible artifacts when combining multiple images in a common image domain. The results are either novel images, when dealing with the composition task of multiple images, or novel video sequences rendered in real-time, when dealing with video footage from multiple cameras.Fotorealismus ist seit jeher eines der großen Ziele in der Computergrafik. Anstatt die Komplexität der Natur mit standardisierten Modellierungswerkzeugen nachzubauen, gehen bildbasierte Ansätze den umgekehrten Weg und verwenden reale Bildaufnahmen zur Modellierung, da diese bereits per Definition fotorealistisch sind. Ein Nachteil dieser Variante ist jedoch, dass die Komposition oder Kombination mehrerer Quellbilder eine nichttriviale Aufgabe darstellt und häufig unangenehm auffallende Artefakte im erzeugten Bild nach sich zieht. In dieser Dissertation werden verschiedene Ansätze verfolgt, um Artefakte zu verhindern oder abzuschwächen, welche durch die Komposition oder Kombination mehrerer Bilder in einer gemeinsamen Bilddomäne entstehen. Im Ergebnis liefern die vorgestellten Verfahren neue Bilder oder neue Ansichten einer Bildsammlung oder Videosequenz, je nachdem, ob die jeweilige Aufgabe die Komposition mehrerer Bilder ist oder die Kombination mehrerer Videos verschiedener Kameras darstellt

    NIO: Lightweight neural operator-based architecture for video frame interpolation

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    We present, NIO - Neural Interpolation Operator, a lightweight efficient neural operator-based architecture to perform video frame interpolation. Current deep learning based methods rely on local convolutions for feature learning and require a large amount of training on comprehensive datasets. Furthermore, transformer-based architectures are large and need dedicated GPUs for training. On the other hand, NIO, our neural operator-based approach learns the features in the frames by translating the image matrix into the Fourier space by using Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The model performs global convolution, making it discretization invariant. We show that NIO can produce visually-smooth and accurate results and converges in fewer epochs than state-of-the-art approaches. To evaluate the visual quality of our interpolated frames, we calculate the structural similarity index (SSIM) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) between the generated frame and the ground truth frame. We provide the quantitative performance of our model on Vimeo-90K dataset, DAVIS, UCF101 and DISFA+ dataset

    Stereoscopic high dynamic range imaging

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    Two modern technologies show promise to dramatically increase immersion in virtual environments. Stereoscopic imaging captures two images representing the views of both eyes and allows for better depth perception. High dynamic range (HDR) imaging accurately represents real world lighting as opposed to traditional low dynamic range (LDR) imaging. HDR provides a better contrast and more natural looking scenes. The combination of the two technologies in order to gain advantages of both has been, until now, mostly unexplored due to the current limitations in the imaging pipeline. This thesis reviews both fields, proposes stereoscopic high dynamic range (SHDR) imaging pipeline outlining the challenges that need to be resolved to enable SHDR and focuses on capture and compression aspects of that pipeline. The problems of capturing SHDR images that would potentially require two HDR cameras and introduce ghosting, are mitigated by capturing an HDR and LDR pair and using it to generate SHDR images. A detailed user study compared four different methods of generating SHDR images. Results demonstrated that one of the methods may produce images perceptually indistinguishable from the ground truth. Insights obtained while developing static image operators guided the design of SHDR video techniques. Three methods for generating SHDR video from an HDR-LDR video pair are proposed and compared to the ground truth SHDR videos. Results showed little overall error and identified a method with the least error. Once captured, SHDR content needs to be efficiently compressed. Five SHDR compression methods that are backward compatible are presented. The proposed methods can encode SHDR content to little more than that of a traditional single LDR image (18% larger for one method) and the backward compatibility property encourages early adoption of the format. The work presented in this thesis has introduced and advanced capture and compression methods for the adoption of SHDR imaging. In general, this research paves the way for a novel field of SHDR imaging which should lead to improved and more realistic representation of captured scenes

    Network streaming and compression for mixed reality tele-immersion

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    Bulterman, D.C.A. [Promotor]Cesar, P.S. [Copromotor

    Single View Modeling and View Synthesis

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    This thesis develops new algorithms to produce 3D content from a single camera. Today, amateurs can use hand-held camcorders to capture and display the 3D world in 2D, using mature technologies. However, there is always a strong desire to record and re-explore the 3D world in 3D. To achieve this goal, current approaches usually make use of a camera array, which suffers from tedious setup and calibration processes, as well as lack of portability, limiting its application to lab experiments. In this thesis, I try to produce the 3D contents using a single camera, making it as simple as shooting pictures. It requires a new front end capturing device rather than a regular camcorder, as well as more sophisticated algorithms. First, in order to capture the highly detailed object surfaces, I designed and developed a depth camera based on a novel technique called light fall-off stereo (LFS). The LFS depth camera outputs color+depth image sequences and achieves 30 fps, which is necessary for capturing dynamic scenes. Based on the output color+depth images, I developed a new approach that builds 3D models of dynamic and deformable objects. While the camera can only capture part of a whole object at any instance, partial surfaces are assembled together to form a complete 3D model by a novel warping algorithm. Inspired by the success of single view 3D modeling, I extended my exploration into 2D-3D video conversion that does not utilize a depth camera. I developed a semi-automatic system that converts monocular videos into stereoscopic videos, via view synthesis. It combines motion analysis with user interaction, aiming to transfer as much depth inferring work from the user to the computer. I developed two new methods that analyze the optical flow in order to provide additional qualitative depth constraints. The automatically extracted depth information is presented in the user interface to assist with user labeling work. In this thesis, I developed new algorithms to produce 3D contents from a single camera. Depending on the input data, my algorithm can build high fidelity 3D models for dynamic and deformable objects if depth maps are provided. Otherwise, it can turn the video clips into stereoscopic video

    Cubic-panorama image dataset analysis for storage and transmission

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